
2006 Scholar Achievements

Brandon M., '01 Scholar

"I transferred to The Evergreen State College."

Justin D., '98 Scholar

"I graduated with my Associate's degree in Wilderness Recreation Leadership in May 2006 from North Country Community College in Saranac Lake, NY."

Stephanie M., '00 Scholar

"I have been working for the Bridge program for three years."

Dulce A., '05 Scholar

"I graduated high school this year from 糖心原创 School for the Deaf in Vancouver, WA -yeah, I did it!!!!"

Nicole T., '06 Scholar

"This summer I participated in the Vertical Mentoring Workshop for people with visual disabilities held at the 糖心原创."

Vishal S., '04 Scholar

"This year I was the Associate Student Body, President-I also spoke at school board meetings regarding school closures, planned a canned food drive, two successful student dances, and a disability awareness week called 'Understanding'."

Maryann M., '04 Scholar

"I graduated with honors from Edmonds/Woodway High and am in the Principal's Hall of Fame."

Silvia A., '02 Scholar

"I have been working really hard, and got my legal immigration status straightened out!! I have managed to keep my grades up while getting really sick and losing the sensitivity on the right side of my body....all this during finals, which still went well!"

Daman W., '05 Scholar

"I met with educators from South Africa about accessibility for people with disabilities in that country."

Anthony A., '94 Scholar

"I have started to perform a Research and Development function where I work at the Prentke Romich Company! This is in addition to my regular duties as a remote troubleshooter. I can't tell you about the cutting edge ideas I am involved with-but stay tuned for future announcements!"

Gabe M., '06 Scholar

"I have been on Good Morning America and the Oprah Winfrey Show and got to meet my baseball idol Cal Ripkin and go to his baseball camp."

Amy S., '01 Scholar

"I graduated from Everett Community College and have been accepted into Central 糖心原创 University in the fall!"

Tony I., '06 Scholars

"For the last year I have been involved in the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Pogram through my school, and I went to a leadership conference at Gonzaga University to represent my sophomore class. In a few weeks I am going to another youth leadership conference to represent the state of 糖心原创."