Snapshots 2004: A Yearbook for DO-IT Participants

Photo portrait of DO-IT director Sheryl Burgstahler

Welcome to DO-IT Snapshots 2004!

This publication facilitates communication between DO-IT participants and was developed in August, 2004. DO-IT Scholars are high school students with disabilities who are preparing for college. They have interests in challenging fields that include science, engineering, technology, and business. They attend Summer Study programs at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in Seattle and communicate via the Internet year-round. Additional high school students with disabilities, the DO-IT Pals, join this electronic community. When Scholars move on to college or employment, they become DO-IT Ambassadors, sharing their experiences with the younger Pals and Scholars. This electronic community is also supported by DO-IT Mentors. Most Mentors have disabilities themselves and are pursuing challenging postsecondary studies and careers.

Along with the challenges and triumphs of DO-IT participants, in this edition of Snapshots, I have some sad news to report. Three of our DO-IT Ambassadors, Shawnna, Chris, and Anna passed away. They will be missed by everyone who knew them and their contributions to DO-IT will forever be felt.

Primary funding for DO-IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the State of ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, and the U.S. Department of Education. These and other investors, listed in the DO-IT Funding section of this publication, sponsor the many activities that DO-IT undertakes. We appreciate their generous support. Those who wish to help fund continued efforts can refer to the Support DO-IT! section.

DO-IT has received many awards, including the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring. We also received the National Information Infrastructure Award in 1995, the Golden Apple Award in 1999, and the AHEAD (Association for Higher Education and Disability) Exceptional Program Award in 2001. These awards document the achievements of the DO-IT participants. Together, they are changing the world, making it a more accessible place for all of us.

, Ph.D.
Director, DO-IT
College of Engineering/Computing & Communications/College of Education

Phase I Scholars

Group photo of 2004 DO-IT Scholars

Twenty-two Phase I Scholars attended their first DO-IT Summer Study session at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in August of 2004. They learned about college life and prepared for college and careers. Throughout the year, they communicate with each other as well as DO-IT participants and DO-IT Mentors. They use the Internet to support their academic studies, and they complete projects in exciting fields that include science, engineering, mathematics, technology, and business.

Image of Andrew
Andrew '04 Scholar

Hey guys. My name is Andrew and I'm going to be a senior at Skyline High School. I'm energetic and easy to talk to. During the school year I'm busy with Choir and performances that I do with my voice teacher. All year I am in training for the track season where I throw the javelin. This year I was seventh in King County for javelin and alternate to State Solo and Ensemble Competition. This summer I attended the Ironwood Throwers Camp. I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a learning disability in reading and writing. Accommodations, like extra time on tests, have been very helpful. My favorite subjects are math, science, and choir. I hope to major in vocal music or engineering and throw Javelin in college.

Image of Laura
Laura '04 Scholar

My name is Laura. I am 17 and will be a senior at Mercer Island High School this fall. My favorite sports are swimming and tennis. I am active in several youth groups. I enjoy volunteering for a variety of groups and hanging out with my friends; I am a very social person. I was injured in a car accident when I was in 7th grade and as a result of that, I am legally blind in one eye and I suffered a traumatic brain injury. Though I have learned to deal with a lot of the issues surrounding my injuries, I still face challenges both in and out of school. I am looking forward to being a part of the DO-IT program so that I can learn about technology that will assist me with my disabilities and meet new people. My long term goal is to become a teacher.

Image of Lukas
Lukas '04 Scholar

My name is Lukas. I am a junior at the best high school—Mead Senior High School. The full name of my disability is Amyoplasia Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita. My favorite classes currently are math, science, marching band, jazz band, and concert band. Outside of school, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing chess, playing on the computer, going to the movies, playing my instrument, and doing family things. I want to study engineering, music/music theory, and international business when I go to college. I am looking to go to the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ or Whitworth. My biggest accomplishment this year was making it into the highest concert band at my school.

Image of Kathleen
Kathleen '04 Scholar

Hi, my name is Kathleen. I am going to be a junior at Columbia River High School in Vancouver, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I enjoy math and science classes most. I would like to pursue a career in biology—maybe marine or microbiology—but I am also interested in genetics. I am considering going to college in Golden, Colorado. I participate in the Science Olympiad, play E-flat Alto Saxophone in marching band and take voice lessons. I got a gold cup this year for earning 15 competition points in music festivals. I also marched in the rose parade. I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

Image of Carrie
Carrie '04 Scholar

Hello. My name is Carrie. I was born with Cerebral Palsy. I am 17 years old and I attend Snohomish High School, and will be a senior this fall. I enjoy hanging out with friends, being outdoors, going to baseball games, swimming, and talking on the phone. My favorite subject in school is my computer web programming class. In Summer Study I saw what college life is really like, and met people who are going through similar situations to mine. My career goal is to attend community college to study criminal justice then become a Crime Intelligence Analyst.

Image of Tracy
Tracy '04 Scholar

Hi. My name is Tracy. I attend Lake Quinalt High School, and I will be a senior. I have lived on my own for five months, it is an interesting experience. I plan to go to a four year college and major in physical therapy. One of my hobbies is to play pool. I have a learning disability that makes reading and spelling difficult.

Image of Amanda
Amanda '04 Scholar

My name is Amanda. I was born in Kennewick, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ where I have lived all of my life. I'm an only child who in my younger years was lonely, but now I enjoy the quiet time. In 4th grade I had my first of two leg operations. Afterwards I was able to walk without falling quite as often. In middle school since I was not very mobile I did the next best thing; I managed the school's dance and soccer teams which was a lot of fun because I got to play with the school's stereo system. When I started high school, a friend got me into the art club which I have been in ever since. I've been publicity manager and vice president. This year I got two Pride Inside awards and was accepted into the National Honor Society.

Image of Daniel
Daniel '04 Scholar

Hi. My name is Daniel. I am 16 and a junior at Shorewood High School. This year electronics was a fun and interesting class. I am looking forward to taking CAD design next year. Outside of school, I run cross-country, downhill ski, play ultimate frisbee, play golf, backpack (as a Boy Scout) and build things. I hope to become a mechanical engineer in the future. I have a reading disability and am diabetic. I hope through DO-IT I can learn to use new technology that can reduce the time I spend on homework.

Image of Julie
Julie '04 Scholar

Hello to all!!! My name is Julie. I am 17 and a senior at Cascade High in Everett. I like choir, math and art. I am a member of the National Honor Society. I have three brothers and a sister; I am the oldest. My disability is spina bifida. I enjoy hanging out with friends, listening to music, playing on the computer, and reading. I went to my first concert to see Sugar Ray and Matchbox 20. I was in the front row and Mark McGrath, the lead singer of Sugar Ray, came down and kissed me twice. They also sent me a little package for my birthday about a month later. Sugar Ray rocks!!! I haven't decided what I want to do after I graduate but I know DO-IT will steer me in the right direction.

Image of Meg
Meg '04 Scholar

My name is Meg; I was born in India. In my spare time I enjoy helping others. I'm currently volunteering at a nursing home. Some of the residents are hard of hearing and others can't see very well, so they need assistance while playing Bingo. I've noticed, as people grow older their personalities are more vibrant. When I go to college I either want to major in psychology or languages. Next year I plan on completing a senior project on criminal psychology.

Maryann '04 Scholar

My name is Maryann. I am 18 years old. I live in Lynnwood, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I go to school at Edmonds Woodway High School and am going into the 11th grade. I have Cerebral Palsy. Two major accomplishments for this year are getting inducted into the National Honor Society at my school and going downhill skiing for the first time. After high school I would like to go to college to study law. I will go to a 2-year college and then to a 4-year.

Image of Alex
Alex '04 Scholar

I am Alex. I attend Woodinville High School. I am involved in a church youth group and Boy Scouts. At church group we play games, watch movies, or go into the community for activities. This year I earned the Personal Fitness Merit Badge for Boy Scouts, a hard merit badge requiring that I do exercises for 12 weeks and show that I improved during those 12 weeks. When I graduate I am thinking of attending Cascadia Community College. DO-IT will help me see what living on a college campus is like for a person with Cerebral Palsy. I hope to determine whether I want to live on campus or continue living at home while going to school.

Image of Makenna
Makenna '04 Scholar

Hi. My name is Makenna. I attend Bellingham High School in Bellingham, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I am 17 years old and will be a senior in the fall. My favorite class is Spanish, but I also enjoy geometry, history, and English. Outside of school I like to hang out with my friends, listen to music, read, and annoy my tutors (just kidding). I also love to travel. I just went to Disneyland for my 17th birthday. I really want to go to Hawaii someday. Eventually I would like to do something in the music industry. To accomplish this goal I plan on attending Whatcom Community College and then a 4-year university. I have Cerebral Palsy and a learning disability, but thanks to the patience of my parents, teachers, and tutors I have been able to overcome both of them. During this last semester I earned all As except for one A-.

Image of Katie
Katie '04 Scholar

Hi! My name is Katie. I am going into the 11th grade at Eastside Catholic High School. I have two parents, a little sister, great friends, 5 cats, and tons of support. I have ADD and Dyslexia so it often takes me a little longer to do things and I usually ask a lot of questions. My favorite subjects include English, studying the Renaissance, science, and art (ceramics!). I'm really excited to take physics senior year and anxious to start ASL this summer. This school year I joined the National Honor Society, and participated in my school's Earth Corp club and stage crew for the school play. I'm a Girl Scout and a leader for our local Girls Club. I also collect stamps and hang out with friends. I have a deep love for art, music, writing, nature, kids, reading, faith, and sleep. I hope to attend a four-year Catholic college. I really want to work with young kids, especially those with mental/developmental disabilities. Someday I would also like to go paragliding!

Image of Ashley
Ashley '04 Scholar

My name is Ashley. I go to Nova High School in Davie, Florida and will be entering the 12th grade in the fall. The classes I really enjoy are history, drama and science. In drama I help with the school shows and musicals. After being in the Drama Club the last three years, I was inducted as a Thespian, and I hope this year I will get a Thespian cord for graduation. My hobbies consist of reading, surfing the web, talking on the phone, shopping, listening to music, and dancing. I am interested in technical theater and American history. Recently I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. I hope DO-IT can help with my reasoning and nonverbal learning disorder, as well as study skills. My goal is to earn 250 service hours by next year so I can graduate with a silver cord. I work hard on all my school work and I never give up.

Image of Vishal
Vishal '04 Scholar

I am Vishal. I attend Summit K-12 in Seattle. Classes that interest me are American government, U.S. History, and science. Things I like to do outside of school are play video games, watch TV and movies, and hang out with friends. I also love to attend Mariners, Sonics, Husky men's, Seahawks, and Storm games. In my school leadership class I planned a staff versus student basketball game, a dance, and a middle and high school talent show. My career goals are to do something with computers as a DJ or in sports. I would like to become a manager of a baseball team or to coach my hometown Seattle Sonics. The colleges that interest me are UW, North Seattle Community College, Seattle University, and Gonzaga. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. This means my muscles are weak.

Image of Garrett
"Bud" '04 Scholar

Hi. My name is Garrett and I go by Bud. I am going to be a senior at Monroe High School next year. I like math and science classes and participate in DECA and Chess Club. This year I qualified to go to the DECA International Career Development Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. I like to go sailing and watch the Mariners on the weekends. I would like to study business in college. I have been visually impaired since I was in 4th grade.

Image of Russell
Russell '04 Scholar

My name is Russell. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and use a wheelchair. I will be a senior at Puyallup High School this fall. My favorite subjects are art and Spanish. I earned a 4.0 grade point average for second semester. My family consists of my mom, dad, two brothers and one sister. I enjoy watching baseball, drawing, swimming and playing video games. After I graduate I plan to attend a university in Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I hope DO-IT will help me learn how to get the accommodations I need to help me reach my goals.

Image of Michael
Michael '04 Scholar

My name is Michael. I am a senior at Henry M. Jackson High School in Mill Creek, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. My favorite classes are science, math, computer tech, and band. At school, I'm involved in Pep Band and Honor Society. This year I participated at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Solo/Ensemble Contest as a member of our percussion ensemble. I played the timpani and our ensemble earned a rating of excellent! Outside of school I am a computer/console nerd, I love video games. I also like to go fishing, to Mariners games, swimming, to water parks, and camping. I really enjoy being with my family and I love playing golf. My career goal is to be an engineer and involved in the use of nuclear fusion as an energy source. I would like to go to the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ and get a Ph.D. in engineering. I have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which means I have trouble sitting still and focusing on the current task at hand. I also have small motor and large motor disabilities, so I have difficult time writing. I hope that DO-IT can help me be more independent and find creative ways to type out homework such as math and physics problems. I am also looking forward to becoming friends with the other DO-IT Scholars.

Image of Blanca
Blanca '04 Scholar

My name is Blanca. I am 16 years old and go to Connell High School. I will be a junior this coming fall. I live with my parents, two brothers, and a sister. I am thinking of being a psychologist, but I am not sure at the moment. I "love" to read, watch TV, and play on the computer. I was in an accident where I suffered a spinal cord injury. I've used a wheelchair for three years.

Image of Jessica
Jessica '04 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jessica. I will be a junior at Bainbridge High School. In my spare time I volunteer at Children's hospital and regional medical center and I have been doing that for the past four years. I enjoy being with my family, playing with my animals and baby-sitting. I hope to have a career in education, possibly as a kindergarten teacher.

Phase II Scholars


Phase II Scholars began participation in DO-IT in 2003 and attended their second Summer Study at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in August of 2004. During that session, they worked closely with University faculty; in small groups, they studied the Game of Life (computer image processing), time zones and map making, accessible design of Web pages, and virtual reality. Throughout the year, they communicate via the Internet and participate in DO-IT activities, projects, and internships.

Image of Patrick
Patrick, '03 Scholar

My name is Patrick. I will be in the 12th grade. My hobbies include using the computer, going to church, and hanging out with my friends. I have two brothers and a sister. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which weakens my muscles over time. Useful accommodations are a lift, a wheelchair, and a shower chair. I enjoy taking classes in the business field, like accounting which I took during my Junior year. I also enjoy studying computer-aided drafting and computer game design.

Image of Crystal
Crystal, '03 Scholar

Howdy y'all. My name is Crystal. I graduated from Columbia Junior/Senior High School. For my senior project I job-shadowed at WALMART. I thought it was cool, but I do not see myself at WALMART for the rest of my life. I like to play on the computer and watch good old movies and Country Music Television. I use a wheelchair to get around, but I work hard at therapy so I can walk again.

Image of Justin
Justin, '03 Scholar

Hi. My name is Justin. This year I will be a senior at Lake ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ High School. I am captain of my swim team and also enjoy wheelchair basketball. I qualified for a spot on the men's paralympic swim team and will compete at the 2004 Summer Games in Athens, Greece in September. I am an above-the-knee amputee and am missing a finger on my left hand. I really enjoy chemistry and math and would like to pursue a career in one or both of these subjects. The Internet has given me the opportunity to study online and access educational information.

Image of Zach
Zachary, '03 Scholar

I am originally from Korea. My American parents David and Karen adopted me. I like playing computer games. I will be a senior this coming fall at Stanwood High School. Math is my favorite subject. I participated on the track team. My disability is short term memory loss and some fine motor skill loss in my hands due to an anoxic brain injury in 2002. I am very patient with any situation and am a good friend.

Image of Jamie
Jamie, '03 Scholar

Hi my name is Jamie. I am an only child, however I do have five stepsisters. My extra curricular activities are tennis, and community service. I have a learning disability in the areas of math, reading, and writing. The accommodations that have been most helpful are extra time on tests and being able to take them in another room. I can type faster than I can write; a computer helps me get my thoughts written down. The Internet has helped because everything is a finger tip away. DO-IT has helped me get a better understanding of what college will be like and how to succeed in that environment. I will be attending my freshman year in college at Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. I am excited to get closer to my major in Special Education.

Image of Shaun
Shaun, '03 Scholar

My name is Shaun. I'm from Spokane Valley, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I just graduated from West Valley High School. I will be a freshman at Spokane Community College. I like to lift weights, wrestle, play video games, go to drag races and hang with friends. Some of my interests are conservation and wildlife, hotrods, tattoos, and body piercings.

Image of Skylor
Skylor, '03 Scholar

My name is Skylor. I recently graduated from Henry Foss High School in Tacoma, WA. I plan on going to community college in the fall. My intended major is broadcasting or social work.

Image of Vanessa
Vanessa, '03 Scholar

My name is Vanessa. I have Cerebral Palsy. I will be a senior in high school next fall at Goldendale High School. I am a twin. In my spare time I like to stamp. I am also a member of the FCCLA and TATU clubs at my school. Outside of school I'm very active with my church youth group. I hope to be a social worker. DO-IT rocks!!!!!!!!!!

Image of Joshua
Joshua, '03 Scholar

My name is Joshua. I will be a senior at Woodinville High School. My family consists of my mom, dad, brother Kevin, and sister Melissa. The class I am most excited to be taking next year is a 2-period career- oriented class called The Teaching Academy. I enjoy baseball, swimming, wheelchair basketball, and track. I was born with Spina Bifida and use a wheelchair but I can walk with forearm crutches. I plan to attend a community college and then transfer to a 4-year college. I would like to study for a career in communications or social services/education.

Image of Matt
Matt, '03 Scholar

My name is Matt. I hope to go to Shoreline Community College to study business. I am interested in the stock market and real estate land developing. Some of the career fields I would like to be involved in are engineering and video editing.

Image of Joshua
Joshua, '03 Scholar

My name is Joshua. I come from LaPush, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I am interested in video game programming. This year at school I joined my school track team and achieved a personal record in the three events that I participated in. I am going into my senior year of high school and as far as my college plans go, I am still undecided. I have had a ton of fun in DO-IT the last two years.

Image of Annemarie
Annemarie, '03 Scholar

My name is Annemarie and I am 17 years old. I will be a senior next year at John F. Kennedy Memorial High School in Burien, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I have Cerebral Palsy, which limits my mobility and impairs my small motor skills. I enjoy math, English, and science in school. I am captain of the debate team. After college I am interested in pursuing a career in public relations or the medical field.

Image of Tressa
Tressa, '03 Scholar

My name is Tressa and I'm interested in dolphin communication. My older sister, Lacey, was a '99 DO-IT Scholar. DO-IT has created a support system that makes the real world successful for me and my disability. I have specific language disabilities which affect my comprehension and processing abilities, and I have chronic headaches. For the future, my plan is to major/minor in psychology and biology at the UW and eventually study and interact with dolphins for the rest of my career.

Image of Conrad
Conrad, '03 Scholar

My name is Conrad. I am going into the 12th grade. I have a service dog named Yahtzee. My favorite subjects in school are biology, Spanish, and history. Some of my career interests include employment as a political analyst, genetic scientist, or architect. I am a member of the National Honor Society. In my spare time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, going to movies, playing video and computer games, and reading.

Image of Andrew
Andrew, '03 Scholar

My name is Andrew and next year I will be entering the 12th grade. My family is great and they give me all the support I could ever want. My favorite school subject is agriculture or business. I love having a computer. Typing is much easier and faster than writing, plus the final product looks much better. When I grow up I want to do something involving animals.

Image of Jesse
Jesse, '03 Scholar

My name is Jesse. I live in West Seattle and attend Chief Seattle High School, where I will be a senior this fall. I have several computer interests including Linux, C, and computer security. I also enjoy technical theater, especially audio design. At school I manage the school's sound system and help maintain the computers. This summer I interned at Microsoft with a group that beta tests networking features in international versions of Windows. It is a lot of fun.

Image of Senait
Senait, '03 Scholar

Hi! My name is Senait. I will be attending my second year at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ this fall. In my free time I love to listen to music and travel. I am planning to major in Health Administration and Pharmacy.

Image of Jamie
Jamie, '03 Scholar

My name is Jamie. I am a recent graduate of Quincy High School. In September, I will begin at Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I will be pursuing an Associate Degree in computer science. I would like to become a website designer, or a computer-networking technician. After completing two years in Moses Lake, I will transfer to a four-year college.

Image of Natasha
Natasha, '03 Scholar

Hi! My name is Natasha. I have 80% hearing loss in both ears and a learning disability. I enjoy school. My favorite subject is biology. My goals are to graduate from high school and go to college somewhere near home to be with my family and friends who I adore. I am interested in becoming a teacher of the deaf.

Image of Scott
Scott, '03 Scholar

My name is Scott. I live on Orcas Island, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I am a graduate of Orcas Island High School. I have ADD, but I have not let this disability prevent me from becoming an Eagle Scout in Troop 91 and getting accepted to Henry Cogswell Engineering in Everett.

Phase III Scholars

Group photo of 2002 DO-IT Scholars

Phase III Scholars are completing high school or transitioning to college. Throughout the year, they communicate with other Scholars, Ambassadors, and Mentors, and participate in DO-IT activities. Some become Interns in DO-IT Summer Study and participate in other work experiences.

Image of Ian
Ian, '02 Scholar

My name is Ian. I recently graduated from Coupeville High School on Whidbey Island. This year I will be a college frosh at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I'm interested in software engineering image processing, and other computer-related occupations. I hope to learn several programming languages including C++ and Java at the College of Engineering. The DO-IT program will assist me in world domination or in getting a steady job working at Microsoft, where I had an internship this summer.

Image of Saroj
Saroj, '02 Scholar

Hello! My name is Saroj. I will be a freshman at Bellevue Community College this fall. I have a learning disability. I am interested in becoming a social worker. I am thankful to have my mom (Fransing) in my life. She helps me be successful. I like working out, listening to music, dancing, hanging out with friends, and snowboarding. I was an Intern in Summer Study 2004. DO-IT has been a really good experience for me.

Image of Leon
Leon, '02 Scholar

Hi. I am Leon. I go to Bellingham High School in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I will be in the 12th grade this fall. I like to play on the computer, hang out with friends, read, and watch TV. My favorite subject in school is English. I'm interested in criminal psychology and working for the federal government.

Image of Mackenzie
Alexandra, '02 Scholar

Hi. My name is Alexandra and I have a visual impairment. I enjoy swimming, working with computers, knitting, scrap booking, and other crafts. I will be a freshman at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ this fall. I plan to major in biology. My career interests lie in medical laboratory work and, if I'm still feeling ambitious after four long years, medical research.

Image of Rima
Rima, '02 Scholar

My name is Rima. I will be a freshman at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ this fall. I have Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegia. I love reading, watching movies, and playing on the computer, especially on the Internet. I was an Intern in Summer Study 2004.

Image of Chris
Chris, '02 Scholar

My name is Chris and I live in Carnation. I will be a freshman at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ this fall. I plan on studying engineering and aeronautics and living on campus. This summer I worked as an intern at Microsoft on the Redmond campus.

Image of Carson
Carson, '02 Scholar

Hi. I'm Carson. I have a reading disability and use assistive technology to compensate. I am looking forward to attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ this fall. I will be taking pre-engineering and honors classes. I'm also planning to take lessons and play in musical groups at the University on my french horn. My major accomplishments this year are playing solo concertos with my school band and youth symphony and graduating as the top male in my high school class. I was an Intern in Summer Study 2004. If any Scholars have questions about college life in general or specifically relating to disability issues please feel free to email me.

Image of Dale
Dale, '02 Scholar

I'm Dale. I have Cerebral Palsy. I have just graduated from Kiona-Benton High School in Benton City, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I was a football manager for four years and also enjoyed choir. My favorite subject in school is law, and I hope to be a lawyer someday. I will be attending ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State University in the fall and seeking a degree in Political Science.

Image of Angela
Angela, '02 Scholar

Hi! My name is Angela. I will be a freshman at Edmonds Community College. I plan to study psychology and music. I am interested in being a high school counselor and attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I was an Intern in Summer Study 2004. DO-IT has been a great experience.

Image of Amy
Amy, '02 Scholar

My name is Amy. I graduated from Burlington-Edison High School and attend a school for dental assistants. I love to go out with my friends and see everything there is to see in life. I have a learning disability that interferes with my reading and writing. I also have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), which interferes with many things at school and home. I love to help other people.

Image of Silvia
Silvia, '02 Scholar

My name is Silvia. I was born in Mexico and I have lived in Royal City, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ for 13 years. I was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone or glass bones), which means that my bones break easily. I'm currently attending Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University and pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in business. I have two older sisters and two younger brothers. I enjoy traveling, watching sports, playing on the computer, and talking to friends.

Image of Rebecca
Rebecca, '02 Scholar

Hello, my name is Rebecca. I live on Camano Island with my mom, dad, and little sister, Lisa. It is a really pretty place. I have a dog named Buck. He is a Golden Retriever—Blue Healer mix. I have a learning disability. I really like Anime/manga (Japanese cartoons and comics). My two favorite subjects are Japanese and Culinary Arts. This fall I will be going to Skagit Valley in Mount Vernon, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ to pursue a degree in Culinary Arts. Other interests I have are reading, writing, music, and playing on the computer.

Image of GImmie
Gimmie, '02 Scholar

Hi. My name is Gimmie and I have a learning disability. I live in Vancouver, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ and just finished my first year of college at Clark College in Vancouver. I'm working on getting my Associates degree in business administration. I want to be in business, but I also love animals and I'm thinking of becoming a vet. I was an Intern in Summer Study 2004.

Image of Scott
Scott, '02 Scholar

Hello my name is Scott. I am attending my second year of Cascadia Community College this year. The campus is shared with the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´â€”Bothell campus in Bothell, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I am interested in computer science and politics. I enjoy attending Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments in my spare time. I was an Intern in Summer Study 2004.

Image of James
James, '02 Scholar

Hi. My name is James. It will be my second year at Evergreen State College in the fall. I'm going to focus on law classes next year.

Image of Jared
Jared, '02 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jared. This past year has been exciting. I was operated on twice and got a new lead for my heart. The doctors placed it right inside the center of my heart. It has increased my oxygen levels from 67% to 81%. I use my DO-IT laptop in all my classes at Columbia Basin College. I'm interested in science the most.

Image of Andrew
Andrew, '02 Scholar

Hi. My name is Andrew and I attended Cornish College of the Arts last year. I found that I am more interested in fine arts than graphic art. I have painted quit a bit this year. I enjoy being with friends and watching wrestling on TV. This summer I swam, went boating, floated the Yakima River, and visited the Oregon Coast.

Portrait of Ryan
Ryan, '02 Scholar

Hi, my name is Ryan. I participate in the Youth Leadership Forum. I completed my first year at Bellevue Community College. I am working on my communications degree. I hope to someday be in human resources. I am looking forward to some good job shadowing experiences. I was an Intern in Summer Study 2004.

Scholar Achievements

Kathleen '04 Scholar
"Major accomplishments: Marching in the Rose Parade. Getting gold cup for getting competition points in music festivals."

Justin '03 Scholar
Justin was selected for the 2004 Paralympic Swimming Team and will compete in Athens.

Michael '04 Scholar
"I participated at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Solo/ Ensemble Contest as a member of our percussion ensemble. I played the timpani and the ensemble earned a rating of excellent."

Ashley '04 Scholar
"I am very proud of the service hours I have. I have so many more hours than most of the other students. My goal is to earn 250 hours by next year so I can graduate with a silver cord. Another thing I am proud of is is I work hard on all my subjects. I never give up even when I get poor test scores. I have trouble on tests, but I keep working hard with all of my schoolwork."

Russell '04 Scholar
"A 4.0 grade point average for second semester."

Alex '04 Scholar
"[I earned a] personal fitness merit badge for scouts—a hard merit badge requiring that I do exercises for 12 weeks and show that I improve during those 12 weeks."

Makenna '04 Scholar
"During this last semester I earned all As and one A-."

Michael '97 Scholar
"I was recently selected as a delegate from Colorado to the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston."

Garrett "Bud" '04 Scholar
"This year I qualified to go to the DECA International Career Development Conference in Nashville, TN by passing through the area and state competitions."

Tracy '04 Scholar
"Moving out of resource classes at school and still getting good grades."

Maryann '04 Scholar
"I just got inducted into the National Honor Society at my school. I went downhill skiing for the first time this winter."

Andrew '04 Scholar
"My accomplishment for the year was getting 7th in King County for javelin and alternate to State Solo and Ensemble Competition."

Amanda '04 Scholar
"This year I got two pride inside awards and got into the National Honor Society."

Lukas '04 Scholar
"My biggest accomplishment was making it into the highest concert band at my school."

Julie '04 Scholar
"I went to my first concert (Sugar Ray and Matchbox 20). I was in the front row and Mark McGrath, the lead singer of Sugar Ray, came down and kissed me twice. Then they sent me a little package for my birthday about a month later. Sugar Ray rocks!"

Vishal '04 Scholar
"Event planning: in my school leadership class I planned staff versus student basketball game, a dance, and a middle and high school talent show."

'01 Ambassadors

Group photo of 2001 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Image of Brandon
Brandon, '01 Scholar

On April 3, 2003 Brandon died from a respiratory infection. A high-energy kid, many of us will remember him racing around campus in his power wheelchair. Brandon's favorite school subject was mathematics. He looked forward to earning a college degree and becoming a software engineer.

Image of Brad
Brad, '01 Scholar

Hello, my name is Brad. I will be a sophomore at Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University in Ellensburg next year. I am hoping to major in video game design somewhere someday, but for now I am working on general requirements. When I'm not at school, I like to read, hang out, and dink around with computers. I was an Intern in Summer Study '03.

Image of Chris
Chris, '01 Scholar

Chris graduated from Kelso High School. He reached his childhood dream of attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Chris, who had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, died in his dorm room on February 18, 2004.

Image of Elizabeth
Elizabeth, '01 Scholar

My name is Elizabeth. I have Cerebral Palsy. I hope to attend Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University as a sophomore in the fall but for medical reasons I need a break. I plan to major in family studies and minor in creative writing with hopes of becoming a social worker or counselor while pursuing a love for writing. I enjoy writing short stories and poetry, reading, listening to music, watching the Mariners, and hanging out with friends. GO WILDCATS!

Image of Jeff
Jeff, '01 Scholar

My name is Jeff. I attend college in Portland, Oregon. I have ADD. I also have an auditory processing disorder, which makes it hard for me to figure out the meaning behind things I hear. I like engineering, math, and technology. I like using math and computers to make art, and I like figuring out how stuff works. I want a career working with computers and electronics. DO-IT helps me a lot.

Image of Caleb
Caleb, '01 Scholar

Hi. My name is Caleb. I just finished my first year at Skagit Valley Community College in Mt. Vernon, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I use adaptive technology because I am visually impaired and physically disabled. I feel that a career in this area would be an interesting career field for me. I have two brothers, one sister, and one sister-in-law. I enjoy reading email messages from DO-IT participants. I was an Intern in Summer Study '03.

Image of Raechell
Raechell, '01 Scholar

I'm Raechell. I have four sisters and two brothers, all younger than me. I am a C7 quad, profoundly deaf, and respiratory fragile. I speak English as well as American Sign Language. I love math and science; it's all logical and there's always an answer. I love art! I'd like to be either an elementary school teacher or a math teacher. I love kids. I used to help out in Sunday school. I'm online 40-45 hours a week if there's school, more than that if not. I was an Intern in Summer Study '03.

Image of Lauren
Lauren, '01 Scholar

Hey there, my name is Lauren. I will be attending my first year at Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University in Ellensburg. I may major in business. I spend my free time going to the movies, hanging out with friends and volunteering at a hospital. I was an Intern at Summer Study '03.

Image of Matt
Matt, '01 Scholar

Hi. My name is Matt. I am currently attending Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University majoring in administration management. My hobbies include snowmobiling, running, working, and participating in the Future Farmers of America. I work for Bishop Sanitation applying class B sewage in wheat fields. I also work in a mobile kitchen feeding firefighters on the line. My disabilities are Dyslexia and short term memory defect.

Image of Brandon
Brandon, '01 Scholar

Hi, my name is Brandon and I will be a sophomore at Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University in Ellensburg, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I will major in elementary education because I want to be an elementary school teacher. I enjoy reading, playing sports, doing social activities, and being on my computer. I was an Intern in Summer Study '03.

Image of Alex
Alex, '01 Scholar

My name is Alexandra. I'm going to be attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ this year. I love to snowboard. I am deaf and use interpreters in class. A computer allows me to talk to my friends over email. DO-IT has helped me prepare for college. I love to have fun, dance, and be with my friends.

Image of Jacob
Jacob, '01 Scholar

Hello, my name is Jacob. I have ADHD and bilateral clubfeet. I was in a band for two years. I am also a member of a church youth group and have been involved in several service projects. I would like a job in the field of science. Computers and the Internet have opened opportunities to learn about new and exciting happenings around the world. They have also helped me learn of opportunities that I can take advantage of. For instance, I learned of DO-IT from the Internet. DO-IT is helping me decide what my career should be and giving me an idea of what college will be like. I was an Intern in Summer Study '03.

Image of Amy
Amy, '01 Scholar

Hi. My name is Amy and I have Cerebral Palsy. I will be a sophomore at Everett Community College, WA. I have a GPA of 3.88 and I am an honor student of Phi Theta Kappa. After EVCC, I plan to transfer to Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University to get a teaching degree. I want to teach at an elementary school. My favorite things to do are volunteering and going to the movies. I was an Intern in Summer Study '03.

Image of Mike
Mike, '01 Scholar

Hi. My name is Mike, and I will be in my 2nd year at Shoreline Community College. My family name is Irish. I enjoy reading, golf, and playing games (even though I am trying to study as much as possible). I am also interested in computer programming, which I learned more about at Shoreline this summer. My favorite subjects are math and Japanese. My goal is to work in the computer gaming industry.

Image of Sarah
Sarah, '01 Scholar

My name is Sarah. I will be a sophomore this fall at Seattle Pacific University. I am interested in Spanish. My disease, Fibro Ossificans Progressiva (FOP), causes bone to form in my muscles. I can't walk because my hips and knees are locked. My arms are also locked, almost in front of my face. I use an electric wheelchair. I use an ipaq to write essays and for various other work. I also have a computer with a special mouse and mini wireless keyboard. I use the computer to print assignments from my ipaq. I get on the Internet for research and email. I also like to play games. After college, I would like to be a Spanish/English interpreter or translator. I was an Intern in Summer Study '03.

Image of Brandi
Brandi, '01 Scholar

Hi. My name is Brandi and I am nineteen. I just moved to Chicago from California in April. I am looking for a job, finding scholarships and financial aid so I can go to college soon. When I do go to college, I probably will have a hard time deciding on a major because I like animals, computers, photography and digital photography art.

Image of Trisha
Trisha, '01 Scholar

My name is Trisha. I have three brothers and one sister. My disability is a learning disability. I'm interested in science, engineering, math, history, and technology. I would like to become a history or science teacher. DO-IT helped me understand how I can use computers in college.

Image of Steven
Steven, '01 Scholar

My name is Steven. I will be a freshman at the University of Arizona where I will be on the wheelchair track and basketball teams. I am hoping to major in architecture and start my own company that advises architecture companies in making accessible buildings. I owe a lot of my successes to my family—my dad (Kenny), my mom (Susie), my 23 year-old sister (Lisa), and my 25 year-old brother (Kurt). I was an Intern in Summer Study '03.

Image of Matt
Matt, '01 Scholar

My name is Matt and I go to Clark College in Vancouver, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and use a wheelchair. In my free time I like to play computer games, watch movies, surf the net, and make 3-D art on the computer. I am a huge Star Trek fan. I also collect die cast 1:18 scale cars with my uncle. I currently have 35 cars in my collection; my favorite car being a 1948 Woody Wagon. I would like a career in computer graphics.

Image of Alicia
Alicia, '01 Scholar

My name is Alicia. I enjoy long-distance running in track. In the summer, I swim on the Toppenish Tarpons Swim Team. I have a learning disability in math. I like science and computers, but my favorite subject in school is English. I am considering a major in literature. I might want to become a counselor. Having a computer and Internet access is really great. DO-IT helped me transition to college. I learned what is expected and how to face the real world. I made friends and had a good time!

'00 Ambassadors

Group photo of 2000 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Image of Tasha
Tasha, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Tasha. I graduated from Cleveland High School in Seattle. My favorite hobbies are playing games, shopping, talking on the phone, boys, animals, and collecting cards. I have Cerebral Palsy.

Image of Jeff
Jeffrey, '00 Scholar

My name is Jeffrey. I graduated from Tyee High School in SeaTac, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I attend the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). My favorite sports are bowling, baseball, and skiing.

Image of Ryan
Ryan, '00 Scholar

Hello. I am Ryan. I am from Bonney Lake, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I will be a junior at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I have Cerebral Palsy and use a walker and an electric wheelchair for school. I love computers and math. My hobbies include surfing the Internet, fixing/working on computers, playing video games, swimming, and launching rockets. I was an Intern in Summer Study '02, and this summer I was an intern for the Defense Management Contract Agency in South King County.

Image of Raleigh
Raleigh, '00 Scholar

My name is Raleigh. I graduated from Rogers High School in Spokane, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I attend Whitworth College, where I play football. My hobbies are singing in the school choir, at church, and in the community. I draw, build, mold, and dance. My goal is to become a professional singer. I have a learning disability. I thought that my disability couldn't be helped, but DO-IT showed me the light and opened doors for me.

Image of Nora
Nora, '00 Scholar

My name is Nora and I finished my third year at Eastern Oregon University. I am an education major and plan to teach an E.S.L. or E.S.O.L. classroom at middle level. Some of my other interests are computer and video games, horses, and the Magic the Gatheringâ„¢ and Pokemonâ„¢ trading card games. I enjoy talking to others who share my interests, so write to me. I was an Intern in Summer Study '03.

Image of Israel
Israel, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Israel. I moved from Mexico to America seven and a half years ago. I graduated from Eastmont High School in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I am blind. I like to use computers, ride bikes, play guitar, hang out with friends, and listen to music. My favorite music is soft rock. My favorite subject is English. I like navigating the Internet with my computer. I also like to chat on MSN Messengerâ„¢. JAWSâ„¢, a screen reader program I use, helps me access other computer programs. I attend Wenatchee Valley College. I plan to transfer to the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ and major in computer programming. I was an Intern in Summer Study '03.

Image of Brian
Brian, '00 Scholar

My name is Brian. This fall I will be attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ as a junior. I am considering majoring in communications or ethnomusicology. I had an internship at KISW FM Radio. My future career goals revolve around becoming a professional DJ and running my own nightclub.

Image of Ben
Ben, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Ben. I am entering my 3rd year at the University of Oklahoma pursuing a dual degree in political science and economics. I am interested in law. I am involved with student advisory boards and student government.

Image of Jamie
Jamie, '00 Scholar

My name is Jamie and I graduated from Lind High School in Lind, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I attend Spokane Falls Community College, where I am studying to become an x-ray technician. I like to play softball, watch baseball, and hang out with my friends.

Image of Andrea
Andrea, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Andrea. In the fall, I will be a junior at a university. I take Honors classes and study architecture. I was an Intern in Summer Study 2004.

Image of Corinna
Corinna, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Corinna. I work as People First coordinator at the ARC of Snohmish County. I have Cerebral Palsy. I was an Intern at Summer Study '02.

Image of Kasey
Kasey, '00 Scholar

Hi. I am Kasey. My favorite classes are history and science. My hobbies are playing football and basketball, running, and participating in the ASB club. I plan to attend a university, major in psychology and early childhood development, and get a medical degree in psychiatry.

Image of Susanna
Susanna, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Susanna. I have Cerebral Palsy and use a power wheelchair. I will be in my third year at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in the fall. My hobbies are reading, swimming, and playing on my computer. I was an Intern at Summer Study 2002. Feel free to email me any time!!!

Image of Deke
Deke, '00 Scholar

Hi, my name is Deke. I will be a junior at Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. I went snowboarding at Whistler over break. It was great. During the summers I have been working at Hungry Belly but this summer I completed an internship in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ DC. I worked in the Department of Transportation and Security with the IT Department.

Image of Stephanie
Stephanie, '00 Scholar

My name is Stephanie. I am visually impaired. I will be attending Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University for my third year in the fall. I am interested in a career in Vocational Rehabilitation. I have been working for the Bridge program for two summers. This is a program for future blind college students to experience a class and dorm life the summer before entering college.

Image of Nick
Nick, '00 Scholar

My name is Nick. I attend North Seattle Community College, which has been terrific. I am in the culinary arts school where I am now working on my business plan after earning my certificate. I have Cerebral Palsy and use a power chair. I am an avid Mariners fan and a Spencer mystery book fan. I am also an N64 addict.

Image of Nathan
Nathan, '00 Scholar

Hello. I am Nathan. I live in Edmonds, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I am a Boy Scout. My favorite academic subjects are science, history, and technology. I graduated from Edmonds Cyber-school and attended Landmark College in Putney, Vermont last year. I enjoy bike riding. I have Dyslexia.

Image of Nohemi
Nohemi, '00 Scholar

My name is Nohemi and I am Hispanic. I live in Grandview, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ and attend Heritage College. My hobbies are shopping, listening to music, going out with friends, surfing the Internet, and chatting with friends. After college I would like to get a job at Microsoft as a computer programmer, go to Mexico to visit the rest of my family and meet the famous Mexican wrestler, El Santo.

Image of Crystal
Crystal, '00 Scholar

This is Crystal and I'm hard of hearing. I live in Spokane, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I'm a sophomore at Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. My major is social work. My career goal is to be a social worker and help others. I love music, drumming, sports, and horseback riding. Take care and God bless!

Image of Gretchen
Gretchen, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Gretchen. My hobbies include mountain biking, volunteering at the YMCA, and rock climbing. I am outdoorsy with a knack for laughing and having fun with friends. I attend Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. I am interested in science, specifically, medical biology, and athletic health. I work part-time and enjoy school. I am a volunteer firefighter with a career aspiration of completing college with a doctorate in medicine and education. I am concentrating on becoming a paramedic or a rescue technician. I have a bilateral profound hearing loss.

'99 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1999 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.

Image of Roy
Roy, '99 Scholar

My name is Roy. My disability is Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. I am a senior at Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. My major is Computer Science and my minor is Math. I will graduate in June of '05 and plan to develop accessibility software. My hobbies include programming, learning languages, and watching anime.

Crystal, '99 Scholar

Hi. My name is Crystal. I live in Yakima, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. My disability affects my speech and learning. I attend Yakima Valley College, where I am studying criminal justice. I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Kathy
Kathy, '99 Scholar

Hey! My name is Kathy. I attend Tacoma Community College, where I am majoring in accounting and working in the Admissions office. My career will hopefully involve accounting and some aspect of law. My hobbies are computer games such as Solitaire and Minesweeper.

Image of Danielle
Danielle, '99 Scholar

Hi, I'm Danielle. I graduated from Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. Now my plans revolve around writing, focusing on the young adult fiction genre. I had cancer when I was a baby, and my disabilities today are the results of a viral infection that damaged my brain stem when I was two and a half years old. For the most part, you could say I have Cerebral Palsy, although it isn't true because I wasn't born with it. Personally, I am thankful for DO-IT because the program broadens my horizons and helped me find alternative ways to communicate with others.

Image of David
David, '99 Scholar

My name is David. I attend Seattle Central Community College. I enjoy math, navigating maps, refereeing, and keeping records of activities. I developed several versions of dominoes, along with a "Games of Chance" series, created with my associates, Barney and Courtney. DO-IT has taught me independent living and computer skills.

Image of Oscar
Oscar, '99 Scholar

My name is Oscar. I attend Yakima Community College in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. My disability is Quadriplegia. I use a power wheelchair and voice recognition software to operate my computer.

Image of JW
J.W., '99 Scholar

My name is J.W. I have Muscular Dystrophy. I'm attending Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake, WA. I'll be finished after two more quarters. Then I plan to transfer to a four-year school. I'm not sure what I want to major in yet.

Image of Buffy
Buffy, '99 Scholar

Hello! My name is Buffy and I have been deaf since birth. Computers and math are my favorite subjects. I'm entering my senior year at Western Oregon University, majoring in physical education. My career interests include coaching, teaching, and administration. This summer I tried out for the basketball team for the deaf Olympics 2005 in Melbourne, Australia! Wish me luck :) All of my life, I have been using interpreters. Without them, I wouldn't be here. I made life-long friends in DO-IT and gained a great deal. The computer was introduced to me and my life became much easier because now I can communicate electronically with others, quickly and easily. DO-IT helped me with planning for college life and a career. DO-IT folks, it's okay to fail, but it's not okay to give up. Go after your dreams!

Image of Pat
Pat, '99 Scholar

Hi. My name is Pat. I have a learning disability. I earned a PC specialist A.A.S. degree from Spokane Falls Community College in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I am an assistant manager at a video game store in Northtown Mall called Software, Etc. My hobbies are talking on the phone, playing football, and playing on computers. I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Ryan
Ryan, '99 Scholar

Hi. My name is Ryan. My hobbies are mountain biking, playing with my five Labrador Retrievers, and hanging out with friends. I'm part of the leadership groups for 4H Klassy K9s and the Indian Education Program at our school. I'm a member of Quinalt Nation and work part-time for Industrial Electric in the motor repair shop. I attend Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. My career goal is to become a science teacher. The three things I learned at DO-IT that helped me with my learning disability are organization, goal-setting, and self-advocacy. P.S. Smile; it may only last a moment, but the memory will last a lifetime.

Image of Zach
Zachary, '99 Scholar

Hey bub! Wolverine here. I'm Zachary, and I'm from Vashon Island. I attend Seattle Central Community College, majoring in photo journalism. My goal is to get my A.A. degree, then transfer to a four-year college. Reading comic books is my favorite hobby. I love the X-Men, especially my favorites, Wolverine and Phoenix. I was an Intern in Summer Study '02.

Image of Stuart
Stuart, '99 Scholar

My name is Stuart. I will be attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ this fall as a junior; I am planning to study business. After I receive my degree I would like to go back to Bulgaria and find a job that is centered around my degree and gives me the opportunity to travel around the world. My disability is Larsen Syndrome, which affects my mobility, and I am a double amputee. My academic interests are computers, business, and science. Computers give me the ability to communicate, play games, and learn. I work at the Access Technology Lab at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I was part of a Japan cultural exchange program this summer.

Image of Lacey
Lacey, '99 Scholar

My name is Lacey. I live in Seattle, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I have Cerebral Palsy and some specific learning disabilities. I attend Shoreline Community College and plan to transfer to the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. My friend Veronica and I started our own business making and selling soap. Our business name is Spinning Wheels & Co. We have sold our soap at the Fremont Market and other places. Besides earning money, our goal is to help the community interact with disabled people in business. My hobbies are riding horses, riding my bicycle, collecting rocks, and doing art. I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Nate
Nate, '99 Scholar

Hello. My name is Nate and I am visually impaired. I will be a sophomore at the University of Portland. I am a political science major, but I am considering history as a second major. After I complete my undergraduate degree, I plan to attend law school. I hope to one day be a public servant. I enjoyed my two years as a DO-IT Scholar and my experience as a DO-IT Intern in Summer Study 2001. DO-IT is an extraordinary program that I am proud to be a part of.

Image of Wolfgang
Wolfgang, '99 Scholar

My name is Wolfgang. I study physics and writing at Skagit Valley College. I like to snowboard, bike, play hacky-sack, and READ! I have a learning disability. DO-IT has taught me to understand and respect people with other disabilities and has been amazingly encouraging about my plans in college! I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Kelci
Kelci, '99 Scholar

My name is Kelci. I am currently living in Cheney, where I am entering my final year at Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. I am majoring in early childhood education and minoring in special education. I enjoy working with children and look forward to doing so in the future as an elementary teacher.

Image of Tynesha
Tynesha, '99 Scholar

My name is Tynesha (Ty). I attend Evergreen College in Tacoma and I am interested in child development. I did an internship at Children's Hospital and would like to become a certified Child Life Specialist. My hobbies are reading, shopping, talking and hanging out with friends, and writing poetry. I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Ali
Ali, '99 Scholar

My name is Ali, and I am from Iraqi Kurdistan. I came with my family to the U.S. in 1997. I speak four languages: Kurdish, Arabic, Turkish, and English. I have a disability called Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which affects my bones. I am a sophomore at Edmonds Community College. I would like to transfer to the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ to study computer engineering. I like math, science, and computers. I completed an internship at Boeing.

'98 National Ambassadors

Group photo of 1998 National DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT in 1998. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger Scholars and Ambassadors.

Blair, '98 Scholar

On a two-year mission for his church; will return to the University of Idaho for a degree in physics.

Emily, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attends Valencia Community College.

Kimberlee, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Working part-time. Interests include biology, education, science, math, and animals.

Justin, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Pursuing an Associates degree in Wilderness Recreation Leadership at North Country Community College. Wants work in a company that specializes in getting people with disabilities into the wilderness.

Amy, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Graduated from secretarial school through Courage Center in Golden Valley. Writing a novel in spare time.

Maggie, '98 Scholar

Learning disability
Attends the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT), studying chemical engineering.

Brian, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attends the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, hoping to major in a technical field and minor in business.

Landon, '98 Scholar

Attends South Puget Sound Community College, majoring in accounting.

Jessica, '98 Scholar

Attends Santa Fe Community College.

Nick, '98 Scholar

Vision impairment
Attended the Indiana School for the Blind and the University of Notre Dame with majors in economics and computer applications.

David, '98 Scholar

Congenital stationary night blindness and some motor deficiencies
Graduated from Grinnell College with a Bachelor's Degree.

Jeffrey, '98 Scholar

Ataxia Telangiectasia
Graduated from Middlesex Community College and from Northeastern University with a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Geology.

Buddy, '98 Scholar

Attending the University of Alaska. Has strong interests in computers and science.

Wesley, '98 Scholar

Attends the University of Nebraska, majoring in Management and Information Systems, minoring in Computer Science.

John Paul, '98 Scholar

Attending the University of Montana, majoring in psychology. Would like to be a neuropsychologist.

Jessie, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science Magna Cum Laude. Pursuing a law degree in San Francisco, CA.

Ivan, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy and a learning disability
A senior as part of the Nitze Scholars Program at St. Mary's College of Maryland. Has interests in biology, chemistry, and physics.

Ronald "Hank", '98 Scholar

Graduated from Shadle Park High School. Hopes to attend computer or radio broadcasting college.

Dustin, '98 Scholar

A senior at Ball State University, majoring in Physical Education with an emphasis in elementary education.

Isaiah, '98 Scholar

Spinocerebellar Degeneration
A senior at Pacific University, majoring in teaching.

'98 ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Ambassadors

Group photo of 1998 ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT in 1998. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger Scholars and Ambassadors.

Katrina, '98 Scholar

Attends Cascadia Community College in Bothell, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, working toward an Associates Degree in Integrated Studies, combining political science, world history and cultural anthropology.

Eddie, '98 Scholar

Graduated from Spokane Falls Community College in mechanical engineering.

Shavonne, '98 Scholar

Attending the University of New Orleans, earning a degree in psychology.

Matt, '98 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Plans to either attend an institute of higher learning or seek gainful employment before continuing education.

Chris, '98 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Dyslexia, and Dysgraphia
Attending Muskingum College in Ohio.

Chanon, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Lives in Neenah, WI.

Marissa, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attends Highline Community College, pursuing an administrative assistant degree with a business emphasis.

Crystal, '98 Scholar

Visually impaired
Planing to attend a community college in the Portland area.

Khrystal, '98 Scholar

Full-time mother and wife. Will soon be moving overseas with her husband, who is in the military.

Michael, '98 Scholar

Multiple learning disabilities and ADHD
Attends the University of Alberta, specializing in physics. Plans to study medicine.

Silas, '98 Scholar

Visual impairment
Graduated from LaConnor High School in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ state. Would like to program or design video games.

Jessie, '98 Scholar

Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Attends the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, pursuing a degree in engineering.

Todd, '98 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Attends Edmonds Community College, studying music.

Arnell, '98 Scholar

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a communication disorder
Planning to attend Olympic College to study integrated Multimedia. Likes to play guitar.

Nichole, '98 Scholar

Scoliosis and Kyphosis with Metatrophic dwarfism, Dysplasia, and Condrodystrophy
Graduated from The Evergreen State College with a Bachelor's Degree in Theatre and English Literature. Seeking a teaching position in Milano, Italia.

Corey, '98 Scholar

Tourette's, ADD, and panic disorder
Currently working as a carpenter but planning to attend college. Intern at Summer Study 2004.

Abe, '98 Scholar

Visual impairment
Lives in Edmonds with his parents, sister, and brother. Hopes to major in music.

'97 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1997 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT in 1997. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger Scholars and Ambassadors.

Jennifer, '97 Scholar

Graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in General Studies from the University of North Dakota. Pursuing a possible career in blindness skills education.

Andrew, '97 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Majoring in physics at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Amanda, '97 Scholar

Attends the University of Great Falls, majoring in communications with an emphasis in writing; minoring in computer systems integration. Plans to be a writer for a newspaper or magazine.

Minh, '97 Scholar

Graduated from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ with a Bachelor of Science in Economics. Looking for a job in retail or banking.

Trent, '97 Scholar

Attending Bellevue Community College and working at Target as a customer service helper.

Brad, '97 Scholar

Attends the University of Arizona, majoring in mechanical engineering.

Ben, '97 Scholar

A.A.S. in design drafting and a mechanical design certificate from Green River Community College; working towards an architectural and civil drafting degree.

Justin, '97 Scholar

Attending St. Pete Junior College.

Michael, '97 Scholar

Spina Bifida with Upper Motor Neuron Dysfunction
In first year of an MA-Ph. D. program at the University of Denver's Graduate School of International Studies in Political Theory and International Politics.

Alexi, '97 Scholar

Profoundly deaf
Graduated from the University of Connecticut with English and Publishing degrees. Plan to pursue a career in editing after spending the summer in Greece as a camp counselor for Ionian Village.

Karyn, '97 Scholar

Studying to be a registered nurse at Bellevue Community College.

Shakethia, '97 Scholar

Attends Mississippi State University, majoring in accounting. Plans to attend graduate school.

Steven, '97 Scholar

Severe hearing loss
Economics major from the University of Connecticut. Pursuing an M.B.A. at the University of New Haven.

Chris, '97 Scholar

Attends Virginia Tech University, majoring in engineering.

Keaton, '97 Scholar

Attended University of Utah pursuing a career in Engineering. Passed away in 2001 after a battle with cancer.

Laura, '97 Scholar

Ischemic spinal cord injury
B.A. in physics and philosophy, Hendrix College. Pursuing graduate studies in physics at the University of Arkansas.

Veronica, '97 Scholar

Attends Harvard, majoring in social studies. Hopes to become a political strategist.

Sharon, '97 Scholar

Retinitis Pigmentosa, low vision
Attends Portland State University, majoring in social sciences. Plans to become a teacher for the visually impaired.

'96 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1996 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT in 1996. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger Scholars and Ambassadors.

David, '96 Scholar

Graduated from Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Microbiology and minors in Computer Science and Chemistry. Working for Midwest Research Institute as an assistant scientist.

Cheri, '96 Scholar

Majoring in molecular and cellular biology at the University of Arizona, with a goal to be a physician who works with disabled children.

Daniel, '96 Scholar

Brain tumor
Senior at Eastern Connecticut State University, majoring in computer science. Plans to pursue a career in computer programming.

David, '96 Scholar

Albinism and low vision
Attends Eastern Oregon State College.

Chris, '96 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Majoring in graphic communications with an emphasis in Multimedia Design and planning to graduate from Minnesota State University Moorhead in December '04. Co-author of several books and articles.

Lucas, '96 Scholar

Majoring in public policy and administration at Western Oregon University. Working for the Oregon Department of Justice and Benton County Sheriff's Office. Interested in the Peace Corps.

Maria, '96 Scholar

Attending the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Aspires to be a veterinarian, doctor, or marine biologist.

Mike, '96 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder
Attends Pacific Lutheran University.

Rebecca, '96 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Junior at San Diego State University, majoring in political science and minoring in interior design. Hopes to design accessible homes.

Katrina, '96 Scholar

B.A. in English and Art, Augustana College. Danced with the Dance Company at Augustana for three years.

Jodi, '96 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
B.S. in Biology and Microbiology from Idaho State College. Pursuing doctorate at Iowa State University with focus in genetics and molecular biology.

Anh, '96 Scholar

Larsen Syndrome
Starting first year in graduate school at the University of California at Berkeley, working towards a Master's in City and Regional Planning. Intends to attend law school.

Travis, '96 Scholar

Graduated from the University of Nebraska Lincoln in 2003 with a B. S in Computer Science. Works as a software engineer and entrepreneur.

James, '96 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Graduated from Poquoson High School. May attend the University of Pittsburgh. Hopes to open a restaurant or other business.

Dana, '96 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder and learning disability
A.A., Landmark College. Will transfer to the University of Massachusetts-Lowell or Northeastern to pursue a B.S. in computer technology.

Joshua, '96 Scholar

Muscular Dystrophy
A.A.S. in Horticulture Science, Hawkeye Community College. Owns nursery and garden shop, specializing in water gardens and hostas; does landscape design.

'95 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1995 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT in 1995. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger Scholars and Ambassadors.

Jesse, '95 Scholar

Graduated with a B.S. in Information Technology and a minor in Scientific and Technical Communications from the University of Minnesota - Crookston. Pursuing a career in the assistive technology field.

Bror, '95 Scholar

Learning disability
Helps build steel and Toyota pick-ups.

CJ, '95 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder, learning disability
Working as technical support at Diamond Multimedia.

Andrew, '95 Scholar

Muscular Dystrophy
Died of complications from pneumonia in 1996. Had a strong desire to go to college and open his own computer drafting business.

Jeffrey, '95 Scholar

Psoriatic Arthritis
Plans to attend Shoreline Community College.

Wes, '95 Scholar

Finishing up a degree at Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University.

Michael, '95 Scholar

Pursuing architecture, carpentry, and fish and wildlife at Highline Community College.

Jorja, '95 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
B.S., Recreational Therapy, Southern Illinois University of Carbondale. Working at a youth camp.

Aimee, '95 Scholar

Learning disability
Attending Boise State University.

Shawn, '95 Scholar

Social service degree, Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. Works at Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Disability Resources as an independent living advisor and technician coordinator.

Matt, '95 Scholar

Working at ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Energy. Plans to attend a community college to pursue a degree in manufacturing.

Jeremy, '95 Scholar

Brain injury
Attending Spokane Falls Community College.

Bridget, '95 Scholar

Hearing impairment
B.A. in Biology, Whitman College. B.S. in Speech and Hearing Sciences and M.S. in Audiology, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Works in an infant auditory research lab. Hopes to become a pediatric audiologist.

Matthew, '95 Scholar

Epidermolysis Bullosa
Attends the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, pursing a degree in technical communication.

Jannette, '95 Scholar

Mobility impairment
B.A., Public Relations, and minor in Political Science, Arizona State University. Working for State Farm Insurance.

Bill, '95 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attends Southern Oregon University.

Rachel, '95 Scholar

Renal failure and hearing loss
Attending Columbia Basin Community College.

Priscilla, '95 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Multimedia Web Designer and Web Administrator, Motivational Speaker and Disability Advocate.

'94 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1994 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT in 1994. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger Scholars and Ambassadors.

Anthony, '94 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Working as technical support specialist for computer-based communications devices.

Ben, '94 Scholar

Spinal Muscular Dystrophy
B.A. in English, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Attends law school at Pepperdine School of Law. Plans to do community litigation work.

Jen, '94 Scholar

Undiagnosed severe neuropathy
Attending Cabrillo Community College studying bioinformatics. Plans to transfer to the University of California.

Maria, '94 Scholar

B.S. in Speech and Hearing Sciences, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Studying computer networking at Clark College.

Daniel, '94 Scholar

Learning disability
A.A. in Arts and Science, Pierce Community College. Works for Pacific Office Automation as a shop supervisor.

Travis, '94 Scholar

Health and orthopedic impairments, dwarfism
Majoring in computer science at Utah State University.

Takuya, '94 Scholar

Health impairment, nervous system Dysmorphia, and Congenital Scoliosis
Attended the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, studying physics, biology, mathematics, and computers. Currently living in Japan pursuing a career in technology.

Sherri, '94 Scholar

Visually impaired
Attending Southern Oregon University, with a major in psychology and a minor in hotel, restaurant, and resort management.

Shawnna, '94 Scholar

Muscular Dystrophy
Worked at Columbia Industries in Kennewick, WA. Passed away in 2004.

Nguyen, '94 Scholar

Paralysis from brain injury
Attending South Seattle Community College.

Sara, '94 Scholar

Works at ConAgra Foods.

Carolyn, '94 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy and low vision
Pursuing science at Shoreline Community College.

Kris, '94 Scholar

Visual impairment
B.S. in Psychology and Chemistry, Oregon State University; MBA in Information Technology Management, University of Phoenix. Vice President of Operations, Entuition Inc., Atlanta, GA.

Megan, '94 Scholar

Chronic Lyme disease
B.A., Biology, Pacific Lutheran University. Works at INTRACEL (biotechnology company) in quality assurance microbiology. Hopes to attend graduate school.

'93 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1993 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT in 1993. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger Scholars and Ambassadors.

Rachel, '93 Scholar

Stroke resulting in partial paralysis of right half of body
B.A., Social Work and minor in Applied Psychology, Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. Working for ShelterCare with the mentally ill homeless adults and at The Child Center with mentally ill and emotionally disturbed children.

Mark, '93 Scholar

Attended Big Bend Community College and Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University and was busy developing plans for an Internet-based business when he passed away peacefully in his sleep in 2001.

Katie, '93 Scholar

B.S., Biology, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State University. Master's degree in physical therapy from Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University. Physical therapist at a Evergreen Hillsboro nursing facility.

Nhi, '93 Scholar

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
A.A.S., Business, Highline Community College.

Ryan, '93 Scholar

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and learning disability
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and learning disability B.A., Marketing, Seattle University. Working at Nordstrom.

Lloyd, '93 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Graduated from two-year program in engineering at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Electronic Institute.

Randy, '93 Scholar

B.S., Evergreen State College. Working as an Engineer III, User Support Lead at Verisign, Inc.

Nadira, '93 Scholar

Health and mobility impairment
Graduated with a degree in computer information systems.

Rodney, '93 Scholar

Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita
Pursuing A.A. at Seattle Central Community College. Sole proprietor of a fleet of Web sites.

Eric, '93 Scholar

Visual impairment
Completed intership at the Department of Environmental Quality as a Network Administrator. Works at Stream International as a Technical Support Representative in DSL.

Anna, '93 Scholar

B.S., Cell and Molecular Biology, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Artist, AmeriCorps employee, and consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics. Earned a black belt in Aikido. Anna passed away from cancer in June, 2004.

Hollis, '93 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Developing a cooperative group home.

Matt, '93 Scholar

M.S. Math and Computer Science, minor in Physics, University of Puget Sound. Working as a computer programmer. Got married in August 2003.

Mitch, '93 Scholar

Spina Bifida, Homer's Syndrome, and Thalamic Pain Syndrome
A.A., Wenatchee Valley College. Works as professional recording artist.

In Memory

Portrait photo of 2001 DO-IT Scholar Chris

Chris, '01 Scholar. Chris passed away in his dorm room at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ on February 18, 2004. His heart simply gave out. This was his second quarter at the UW. DO-IT staff, Scholars, Ambassadors, Pals, and Mentors were all part of making his childhood dream of attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ a reality. As Chris said in one DO-IT Snapshots publication, "My goals in life are to attend the School of Engineering at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ and become an aeronautical engineer for Boeing." He was well on his way. Besides being an enthusiastic Husky fan, Chris was always looking for ways to get involved in engineering. He took classes in CAD and designed an accessible Habitat for Humanity home.


Photo portrait of 1994 DO-IT Scholar Shawnna

Shawnna, '94 Scholar. She worked at Columbia Industries in Kennewick, WA. She makes a powerful case for technology access in an early DO-IT video designed for science teachers. She says, "I have Muscular Dystrophy and I use large print books to see the print better. I can't write at all with my hands, so I use a computer to write my papers and communicate with other people." These contributions are included in the video Working Together: Science Teachers and Students with Disabilities at www.washington.edu/doit/videos/index.php?vid=34. Through this presentation, her advice will continue to help science teachers for many years to come.


Portrait photo of 1993 DO-IT Scholar Anna

Anna, '93 Scholar. An active ambassador, panelist and speaker at DO-IT events, NASA scholarship recipient, UW graduate, artist, volunteer, businesswomen, daughter, sister, and friend, Anna lost her battle with cancer on June 29, 2004. Some of us were privileged to know Anna and will cherish memories of her academic accomplishments, business sense, artistic ability, sense of color, determination, creativity, strong opinions about almost everything, and unique sense of humor. She will be missed by all who knew her. Featured in many DO-IT videos (www.washington.edu/doit/videos/), she will continue to share advice for college and career success with students, parents, teachers, employees, and advocates.

DO-IT Pals

DO-IT Pals are high school students with disabilities who form an electronic community on the Internet. They communicate year-round with each other and with DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, Mentors, and staff members. They are supported in their efforts to explore and pursue postsecondary programs and career interests. The World Wide Web is their door to the information and resources they need for success.

Group photo of Courage Campers

DO-IT Campers learn to use the Internet at Camp Courage, MN. DO-IT Pals have been recruited from summer camps where DO-IT offers Internet and college preparation instruction.

DO-IT Volunteer Career Mentors

Mentors encourage DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, and Pals as they pursue academic programs and careers. Some Mentors are still in college; others are pursuing careers in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. Most have disabilities themselves. They share valuable experiences, insights, and resources with younger participants.

Sue Yasuko Abe
Cerebral Palsy
Youth Services Coordinator
Center for Independent Living

John Armstrong
Post-Polio quadriplegic
Director of Admissions
School of Social Work

Sean Barrett
Mobility impairment
Everett Independent Living Center Manager
ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities

Kevin Berg
Cerebral Palsy
Motivational Speaker

Arthur Blaser
Hemiplegia, brain injury, impaired speech from stroke
Professor of Political Science
Chapman University

Karen L. Braitmayer, AIA
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Architect, Business Owner
Studio Pacifica, Ltd.

Roger Bruland
Emergency Medical Technician
Hood Canal School District

Ben Brynildsen
Learning Disability
Career Advisor at Boeing

Len Burns
Computer Consultant
Sasquatch Computer Services

Wendy Chisholm
Web Accessibility Engineer
World Wide Web Consortium

Kristina Courtwright
Cerebral Palsy, learning disability
Occupational Therapist

Frank Cuta
Electrical Engineer
Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs

Don Daughtry
Visual impairment
Assistant Professor

Thomas Dreschel
Biologist/Science Education Coordinator
Kennedy Space Center

Dr. Imke Durre
Physical Scientist
NOAA National Climatic Data Center

John Gardner
President and CEO, ViewPlus Technologies

Marni Goldman
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Education Director for Science Research
Stanford University

Julie Grant
Paraplegic, Spinal Cord Injury (level L4)

Roger Harris
Stroke, kidney failure
Associate Professor of Neuroanatomy
ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ School of Medicine

Ted Henter
President, Henter Math, LLC

Dr. Todd Heywood
Hearing impairment
Computer Specialist
IBM Power Parallel Systems

Sungeeta Jain
Law Clerk
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

Ed Keller
Diabetes, mobility impairment
Professor, Biology Environmental Science
West Virginia University

Mark Koontz
TBI, asthma
Writer, Artist

Douglas Lefever
Cerebral Palsy
Life Instructor

Marciano Lopez
Retired Electrical Engineer

Dean Martineau
Math Tutor, Internet Resources Assistant

Cindy McAuliffe
Assistive Technology Specialist, Special Educator
Puyallup School District

Robert F. McKellar
Spina Bifida
Author: An Accident of Birth;
Educator; and Counselor

Jennifer Mundl
C1-Ventilator dependent quadriplegia
Assistive Technology Specialist
Courage Center Rehabilitation Facility

James O'Connor
Juanita High School, Kirkland, WA

Bruce Parks
Hearing impairment
School Improvement Coordinator
Vermont Department of Education

Dr. Gay Lloyd Pinder
Program Director and Speech Language Pathologist
Children's Therapy Center of Kent, WA

Ed Pottharst
Neighborhood District Coordinator
City of Seattle, Department of Neighborhoods

Tracy Rackensperger
Cerebral Palsy
Prentke Romich Company

Michael Richardson
Hearing impairment
ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Human Resources

Andrew Riggle
Cerebral Palsy
Graduate Student

James Ryan

Will Schell
Low Vision
Disabled Student Services Support Staff

Terri Scott
Spokane MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement)

Greg Smith
C-5 quadriplegia
Software Design Engineer

Carole Snyder
Cerebral Palsy
Software Developer Engineer

Virginia Stern
American Association for the Advancement of Science

Bill Taylor
Retired Software Engineer

Aimee Verrall
Research Coordinator
Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center

Dr. Paul Zaveruha

Dr. William Zoller
Brain injury
Professor, Chemistry

DO-IT Volunteer Postsecondary Student Mentors

Mentors encourage DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, and Pals as they pursue academic programs and careers. Some Mentors are still in college; others are pursuing careers. Most have disabilities themselves. They share valuable experiences, insights, and resources with younger participants.

Bapin Axbhatta
Supervisor of Technology Department
Helen Keller National Center
Sands Point, NY

Jenna Clark
Mobility impairment
Psychology Major

Rebecca Cory
Disability Studies Ph.D. Candidate
Syracuse University

Steve Harper
Cerebral Palsy
Student and Web Developer

Charity Ranger
Friedreich's Ataxia
Communication and Minority Studies with a focus on Disability

Tracy Schramm
Mobility impairment
Computer Science, Spanish Major
Southwest State University

DO-IT Staff Mentors


Mentors encourage DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, and Pals as they pursue academic programs and careers. Some Mentors are still in college; others are pursuing careers in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. Most have disabilities themselves. They share valuable experiences, insights, and resources with younger participants.


Photo portrait of DO-IT director Sheryl Burgstahler

My name is and I am the Director of DO-IT. I have a husband, Dave, and a son, Travis, who are both dedicated DO-IT volunteers (especially Travis, who considers himself a "Phase XII Scholar"). I have a master's degree in mathematics, with a strength in computer science and a Ph.D. in higher education. I am an Assistant Director within Computing & Communications and an Affiliate Associate Professor at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. My personal and professional experiences with young people and adults with disabilities have taught me that low expectations and negative attitudes of others are the greatest barrier to success for people with disabilities and that facing the challenges imposed by a disability can be an isolating experience. DO-IT Mentors and peers support each other on the road to success. sherylb@u.washington.edu


Photo portrait of Dan Comden of the Access Technology Lab at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´

I'm Dan Comden. When not serving as a technical nerd for DO-IT, I manage the Access Technology Lab at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. At the ATL we work directly with students, faculty and staff with disabilities who need to access computing resources. I have a wife, who is a pediatric intensive care nurse, and two sons. Apart from work and family, my spare time is spent working on cars and listening to music, usually at the same time. danc@u.washington.edu





Photo portrait of DO-IT staffer Marvin Crippen

My name is Marvin Crippen. I help with technical support, work on the DO-IT World Wide Web home page, and support the UW Adaptive Technology Lab. mcrip@u.washington.edu







Photo portrait of DO-IT technology specialist Doug Hayman

My name is Doug Hayman. I'm the technology specialist for the DO-IT Scholars, Pals, and Campers in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ state. When not at work, I play guitar, hike, and hang out with friends. dhayman@u.washington.edu






Photo portrait of DO-IT counselor/coordinator Lyla Crawford

My name is Lyla Crawford. I am a Counselor/Coordinator for DO-IT. I help students transition from two-year to four-year colleges with DO-IT 2-4. I work in the Spokane office supporting DO-IT efforts in Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I have a master's degree in Developmental Psychology. I have a husband, Shawn, and a son, Joshua. lylac@u.washington.edu





Photo portrait of 2004 DO-IT visiting scholar Mamoru Iwabuchi

My name is Mamoru Iwabuchi. I am a visiting scholar from Japan working in the DO-IT program. I teach computing and assistive technology at Hiroshima University. Before working at Hiroshima University, I was in Scotland for three years and developed symbol-based multilingual communication software. I have been dreaming of working for DO-IT since I met Sheryl in Japan three years ago. I have a wife, Yoko, and a son, Hikaru.





Photo portrait of DO-IT Program Manager Sara Lopez

My name is Sara Lopez, and I am the Program Manager for DO-IT. I attended Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ and studied Education - specifically Special Education and Physical Education. Last year I completed my master's degree in Education at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. This summer marks my fifth DO-IT Summer Study, my busiest but most rewarding time of the year! Outside of work my time revolves around boats and water. I rowed competitively in college and now coach a competitive team. My favorite vacations involve going to the San Juan Islands or Lake Powell in the Southwest where we keep busy boating, waterskiing, kayaking, and fishing. lopezsl@u.washington.edu





Photo portrait of DO-IT Program Coordinator and counselor Scott Bellman

I'm Scott Bellman. I work as a Program coordinator and Counselor for DO-IT. I help students find challenging internships and jobs throughout the year. My career path has been in psychology. I completed an MA degree in 1996. I am currently a licensed mental health counselor in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ state. My discipline is cognitive behavioral psychology. I enjoy my work at DO-IT, which includes career counseling, writing, planning events, coordinating projects, supervising interns, mentoring, and of course Summer Study! My interests include performance art, camping and hiking, carpentry, and travel. I have been to many wonderful places including Peru, Thailand, India, Jamaica, Holland, Mexico, and the Cayman Islands. swb3@u.washington.edu



Photo portrait of DO-IT counselor/coordinator Tracy Jirikowic

Hi. My name is Tracy Jirikowic. I started working for DO-IT in 2000 as a Counselor/Coordinator. I grew up in Wisconsin along the shores of Lake Michigan. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Occupational Therapy. This year, I completed my doctorate in Special Education from the College of Education at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. In my spare time I enjoy the outdoors, photography, traveling anywhere I can, and reading fiction. I live in Seattle with my husband, Michel. tracyj@u.washington.edu





Photo portrait of DO-IT counselor/coordinator Lisa Stewart

Hi. My name is Lisa Stewart and I am a Counselor/Coordinator for the DO-IT program. I moved to Seattle several years ago from the Midwest where I grew up. I went to college at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point where I got my degree in Psychology. I have spent the past fourteen years working in the human service field, and it has been, and continues to be, an honor and a privilege to meet and learn from all the amazing youth and young adults that I have been lucky enough to cross paths with along the way. I always enjoy a good conversation, going to see live music, traveling, and spending quality time with friends and family. lstew2@u.washington.edu




Photo portrait of DO-IT staffer Val Sundby

My name is Val Sundby. I've worked for DO-IT for the last few years on a variety of projects. I graduated from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in 2002 with a degree in Cell and Molecular Biology. Outside of work, I enjoy horseback riding and spending time with family, friends, and my dog, Cairo. vsundby@u.washington.edu






Photo portrait of DO-IT program counselor/coordinator Tami Tidwell

Hi! My name is Tami Tidwell. I work as Program Coordinator/Counselor for DO-IT. My main role is to help students find and employers create quality work-based learning experiences. I am looking forward to working with the Scholars during Summer Study. I was born and raised in Cowtown (aka Ft. Worth, Texas). I have my B.S. in Psychology from Texas Christian University. Outside of work, I enjoy hanging out with friends taking in live music, shopping, reading, gardening, spending time with family and generally relaxing. tamitha@u.washington.edu




Photo portrait of DO-IT technology specialist Terry Thompson

My name is Terry Thompson. I am a Technology Specialist for DO-IT. Prior to my work with DO-IT, I served as Coordinator of Assistive and Information Technology at North Carolina State University; and as Coordinator of the Computer Learning Center at Independence, Inc., the independent living center in Lawrence, Kansas. When I am not working, you can usually find me hiking in the mountains, playing my guitar, or spending quality time with my family. tft@u.washington.edu




Photo portrait of Debra Zawada

My name is Debra Zawada. I started working at DO-IT in January 2004 so this year I participated in my first Summer Study. My background is as a high school teacher and transition counselor. Outside of work, when not spending time with friends and family, I love to garden, create things and take my dog, Lena for walks. dzawada@u.washington.edu

Key Electronic Resources

  • To contact staff, request electronic copies of DO-IT NEWS, request publications, or ask questions about the program, send electronic mail to: doit@u.washington.edu
  • Parents of DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, and Pals can join a special discussion list for parents by sending a request to doit@u.washington.edu.
  • Anyone who wishes to discuss issues pertaining to individuals with disabilities and their pursuit of science, engineering, and mathematics (SEM) and other high tech academic programs and careers can subscribe to the doitsem discussion list at
  • For information resources related to DO-IT, disabilities, adaptive technology, science, engineering, mathematics, and postsecondary education, access the DO-IT Web site at http://www.washington.edu/doit/


DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) serves to increase the successful participation of individuals with disabilities in challenging academic programs such as those in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. Primary funding for DO-IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the State of ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, and the U.S. Department of Education. DO-IT is a collaboration of and the Colleges of and at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´.

To order free publications or newsletters use the DO-IT Publications Order Form; to order videos and training materials use the Videos, Books and Comprehensive Training Materials Order Form.

For further information, to be placed on the DO-IT mailing list, request materials in an alternate format, or to make comments or suggestions about DO-IT publications or web pages contact:

Box 354842
Seattle, WA 98195-4842
206-685-DOIT (3648) (voice/TTY)
888-972-DOIT (3648) (voice/TTY)
206-221-4171 (fax)
509-328-9331 (voice/TTY) Spokane

Founder and Director: , Ph.D.

DO-IT Funding and Partners

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___ VISA ___ MasterCard

Date _____________

Card Number __________________________ Expiration Date _____________

Card Holder Name ___________________________________________________

Signature _____________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________

City __________________________ State _____________ Zip ____________

Phone: Home __________________________ Business ____________________

E-mail: ____________________________________________________________

Your gift is tax-deductible as specified in IRS regulations. Pursuant to RCW 19.09, the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ is registered as a charitable organization with the Secretary of State, State of ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. For more information, call the , 1-800-322-4483.

Mail to:
Box 354842
Seattle, WA 98195-4842