
Snapshots 2001: A Yearbook for DO-IT Participants

Photo portrait of DO-IT director Sheryl Burgstahler

Welcome to DO-IT Snapshots 2001!

Congratulations DO-IT Scholars, Pals, Ambassadors, and Mentors! Your efforts in supporting one another resulted in DO-IT winning The Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring. In fall of 1997, I accepted the award on your behalf at the White House. We also received the National Information Infrastructure Award in 1995, the Golden Apple Award in 1999, and the AHEAD (Association for Higher Education And Disability) Exceptional Program Award in 2001.

Scholars are high school students with disabilities who are preparing for college. They have interests in challenging fields that include science, engineering, mathematics, technology, and business. They attend Summer Study programs at the 糖心原创 in Seattle and communicate via the Internet year-round. More high school students with disabilities, the DO-IT Pals, join this electronic community. DO-IT Scholars who graduate from high school and move on to college or work become DO-IT Ambassadors, sharing their experiences with younger Pals and Scholars. This electronic community is also supported by DO-IT Mentors. Most DO-IT Mentors have disabilities themselves and are pursuing postsecondary studies or are employed.

Primary funding for DO-IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the State of 糖心原创, and the U.S. Department of Education. Additional grants and gifts have been received from the AOL Foundation, the Boeing Company, the Braitmayer Foundation, Dynamac Corporation, the Jeld-Wen Foundation, Microsoft, Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation, NASA, NEC Foundation of America, the Samuel S. Johnson Foundation, the Seattle Foundation, the Telecommunications Funding Partnership, and Qwest. The 糖心原创 also contributes substantial resources to this project.

This publication facilitates communication between DO-IT participants. The Phase I Scholars included in this album began the program in 2001; Phase II Scholars started in 2000; and Ambassadors joined DO-IT in earlier years. Participants submitted their autobiographies via electronic mail and the publication was created using computers during Summer Study 2001.

, Ph.D.
Director, DO-IT
College of Engineering/Computing & Communications/College of Education

Phase I Scholars

Group photo of 2001 DO-IT Scholars

Twenty Phase I Scholars attended their first DO-IT Summer Study session at the 糖心原创 in August of 2001. They learned about college life and participated in college and work preparation activities. Throughout the year, they communicate with each other and other DO-IT participants. They use the Internet to support their academic studies, and they complete projects in exciting fields that include science, engineering, mathematics, technology, and business.

Image of Brandon
Brandon, '01 Scholar

My name is Brandon. I have lived in Seattle since I was six. I'll be 16 on August 25th. I'll be in 10th grade next year, and I want to do Running Start. I want my first job to be one that I like and that pays well. It would probably be a computing job. I have quadriplegia, but I will move again. The most important thing about me is that I will be your friend and support you when you need it.

Image of Brad
Brad, '01 Scholar

Hi, my name is Brad. I will be a senior in high school. I hope to one day have a profession that has something to do with math or science and also allows me to be in nature and use a computer. I think this will probably lead to something like studying the plant life or animals in a rainforest or something with a laptop. I like to play computer games and read in my free time. Look, up in the sky; it's a bird; it's a plane; NO, it's super Quog.

Image of Chris
Chris, '01 Scholar

Hello. My name is Chris and I am a junior at Kelso High School. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which causes the gradual wasting away of the muscles. Math and history are my favorite subjects in school. My goals in life are to attend the 糖心原创 and become an aeronautical engineer for Boeing. It is my hope that DO-IT will give me every chance to accomplish my goals.

Image of Elizabeth
Elizabeth, '01 Scholar

My name is Elizabeth. I am sixteen years old. I will be starting my junior year at Shelton High School in the fall. I have Cerebral Palsy, which came as a result of a lack of oxygen at birth. Recently I joined the Service Club. My favorite subjects in school are English and science. I want to go to college to become an author or a journalist. At DO-IT, I want to have the chance to learn what college life is like, to meet people with similar disabilities as me, and to make new friends. I enjoy writing, reading, listening to music, watching Mariners baseball, and hanging out with friends. Most importantly, I want everyone to know that after living with CP for sixteen years, I know that being disabled is ok, and that I will always have strengths and weaknesses. No matter what happens, I am still me, and will always be me. Having a positive attitude is a way for anyone to meet challenges, no matter who they are, or what the challenge.

Image of Jeff
Jeff, '01 Scholar

My name is Jeff, and I am going into my junior year at high school. I have Attention Deficit Disorder, which is a mental disability; it is hard for me to stay focused when I need to focus and it breaks my concentration when I need to pay attention to something else. I also have an auditory processing disorder, which makes it hard for me to figure out the meaning behind things I hear. I like most things involving engineering, math, and technology. I like using math and computers to make art, and I like figuring out how stuff works. My favorite subjects in school are art and math. I want a career working with computers and electronics. I have learned almost everything I know over the Internet, and I think DO-IT will help me a lot.

Image of Caleb
Caleb, '01 Scholar

My name is Caleb, and I will be in 11th grade this fall at Burlington-Edison High School. There are 6 in my family. Besides my mom and dad, I have 1 sister and 2 brothers. I am legally blind, and I use a wheelchair. My favorite school subject is science.

Image of Raechell
Raechell, '01 Scholar

Hi. My name is Raechell, and I will be in 12th grade. I have four sisters and two brothers, all younger than me. This past year, I did Special Olympics track and field. I plan on bowling, participating in Spanish club, and doing track this coming school year. I am a C7 quad, profoundly deaf, and respiratory fragile. I speak English as well as American Sign Language. I love math and science. It's all logical and there's always an answer. My favorite school subjects include math, science, and jewelry. I love art! And the teacher says that I'm good, considering I only have the use of my right arm. I'd like to be either an elementary school teacher or a math teacher. I love kids. I used to help out in Sunday school. I communicate with my boyfriend via e-mail, and I'm online, like, 40-45 hours a week if there's school, more than that if not.

Image of Lauren
Lauren, '01 Scholar

I'm Lauren and will be a junior at Liberty High School this fall. I am 16 years old. At a young age I suffered a stroke that left me with limited use of my right hand. At age 7, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and at age 10, I had a shunt put in to drain fluids down to my stomach to stop my headaches. Right now my health is excellent. After I graduate from high school I plan to go to Bellevue Community College. From there I would like to transfer to the 糖心原创, where I plan to go into the health field. When I am not worrying about grades and school, I like hanging out with a good friend. We spend hours during the summer talking on the phone. I also enjoy e-mailing friends and shopping at the mall with my best friend.

Image of Matt
Matt, '01 Scholar

Hi. My name is Matt. I'm 16 years old, and I live in Goldendale, WA. I'm going to be a junior at Goldendale High School in the fall. My hobbies include snow mobiling, running, working, and participating in the FFA (Future Farmers of America). I show sheep throughout 糖心原创 fairs. I work for Bishop Sanitation applying class B septage in our wheat fields. My goal is to go to college and study business management and culinary cooking. My disabilities are Dyslexia and short term memory defect.

Image of Brandon
Brandon, '01 Scholar

Hi, my name is Brandon. I'm an 11th grader at Kent Lake High School. My favorite school subject is English, and my career goal is to become an English teacher. I would like to go to a four-year college in the future. My disability is left side hemiplegia. I enjoy reading, playing sports, and playing on my computer.

Image of Alex
Alex, '01 Scholar

My name is Alex, and I'm going to be a super senior next year. I love to snowboard, wakeboard, hang out with friends, and play waterpolo. I'm deaf, and therefore find that interpreters are most helpful. Having a computer allows me to talk to my friends over e-mail, which has been of great value to me. DO-IT will help me see what it's like to live in a dorm and go to college. The truth about me is that I'm just a normal teenager who loves to go out all day and not get home 'till midnight, which is my curfew. I love to have fun and dance. I love to be wild and be with my friends.

Image of Jacob
Jacob, '01 Scholar

Hello, my name is Jacob. I am going into the 11th grade at Gulf Breeze High School in Florida. I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Deficiency and also have bilateral clubfeet. I was in a band for two years, but now I plan to join the drama class. I am also a member of a church youth group and have been involved in several service projects this summer. I am interested in most sciences; I will be taking chemistry this year and took zoology last year. I would like a job in the field of science. I'm also interested in learning all I can about computers. Computers and the Internet have opened opportunities to learn about new and exciting happenings around the world. They have also helped me to learn of opportunities that I can take advantage of; for instance, I learned of DO-IT from the Internet. I hope DO-IT will help me decide what my career should be and give me an idea of what college will be like. DO-IT will make it easier for me to adjust to college.

Image of Amy
Amy, '01 Scholar

Hi, my name is Amy. I go to Snohomish High School. I am going into 11th grade. I have Cerebral Palsy, but it doesn't affect me that much. I can do things that other people can do. I am very independent. I couldn't read until I was in the fourth grade. I've had a lot of operations in my life. I had a major hip operation when I was in the sixth grade. I had to be in a body cast for two and one half months. I have a 15-year-old brother named Nick. I have four dogs, one cat, two sheep, two goats, and two cows. One of my dogs is going to be my service dog. Her name is Soffie, and she is two years old. She is a red merle Australian Shepherd. She is very smart. Sometimes I help out in the nursery at my church. I do PowerPoint at Youth Group. I love to swim. I can do all of my school work on my computer. I can also talk to different people on-line. My favorite subjects are math and English. After high school I plan to go to a university and get my teaching degree so that I can teach at an elementary school.

Image of Mike
Mike, '01 Scholar

Hi. My name is Mike, and I will be in the 10th grade at Shorewood High School. My family name is Irish. I enjoy reading, golf, and playing card games. I'm also interested in computer programming, which I am going to learn more about at school this coming year. My favorite subjects are math and Japanese, and even though it can be hard for me to comprehend some of the simpler ideas, I do understand many of the complicated concepts. My goal is to work for Nintendo. I hope DO-IT will help me prepare for college and campus life.

Image of Sarah
Sarah, '01 Scholar

My name is Sarah, and I will be a junior in high school this fall. I am in the chancel choir at church and will be in a school choir in the fall. I use an electric wheelchair. My disease (FOP) causes bone to form in muscle. I can't walk because my hips and knees are locked. My arms are also locked, almost in front of my face. I have a service dog that comes with me everywhere. For high school the school district provided me with some assistive technology. I use a palm pilot to write essays and for various other work. I have a computer in my room with a special mouse and onscreen keyboard. I use the computer to print the assignments from the palm pilot. I can also get on the Internet for research, as well as use e-mail and play games. After college, I would like to be a Spanish/English interpreter or translator.

Image of Brandi
Brandi, '01 Scholar

Hello, my name is Brandi, and I am sixteen years old. I'm a junior at Tyee High School in SeaTac, 糖心原创. I was born completely deaf in my right ear and I can hear slightly in my left ear. I think perhaps deafness is part of heredity in my family; my uncle on my dad's side is deaf, my father is hard-of-hearing, and my father's grandparents are both hard-of-hearing as well. I was a co-editor of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing newsletter at Tyee my sophomore year. I participated in Deaf Youth Drama Program for approximately three or four years, on and off. Language arts is my favorite school subject for one reason: I absolutely love to read and write. Biology is my other favorite subject, because it involves animals and I'm fond of animals, well... not all animals... I detest spiders! For my career, I've been thinking about becoming a veterinarian since I was in 4th or 5th grade! Having access to the Internet helps me keep in touch with my friends who live far away, and don't have enough time to sit down and write a real letter, you know? I hope the DO-IT program will assist me to learn how to use the Internet better, how to understand technology better, and how to use them suitably. I also hope DO-IT will help me figure out which colleges are best for me. I want to learn what accommodations can help me in college.

Image of Trisha
Trisha, '01 Scholar

Hi. My name is Trisha, and I will be in 12th grade at White Swan High School. I have three brothers and one sister. I am a cheerleader for football and basketball, and I also play tennis. My disability is a learning disability. I'm interested in science, engineering, math, history, and technology. In the future I would like to be a history or science teacher. I hope DO-IT will help me understand computers better, so that I can use them when I go to college.

Image of Steven
Steven, '01 Scholar

My name is Steven. I am going into the tenth grade at Redmond High School. I was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis when I was eight months old. Despite my disability, I enjoy golfing, swimming, wheelchair basketball, baseball, and football. I have a 21-year-old sister (Lisa), a 23-year-old brother (Kurt), and a dog (Hoagy). My favorite subjects in school are math and science. I would like to be an architect because I enjoy drawing and using my imagination. The DO-IT Scholars program is a good opportunity for me to get familiar with college surroundings and be better prepared for college.

Image of Matt
Matt, '01 Scholar

My name is Matt, and I am a senior at Mountain View High School. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and I use a wheelchair. In my free time I like to play computer games, watch movies, surf the net, and make 3D art on the computer. I am a huge fan of Star Trek. I also collect diecast 1:18 scale cars with my uncle. I currently have 28 cars in my collection; my favorite car being a 1948 Woody Wagon. My favorite subject at school is art. I would like a career in the computer graphics field.

Image of Alicia
Alicia, '01 Scholar

My name is Alicia, and I just finished my sophomore year. I enjoy long-distance running in track. In the summer, I swim on the Toppenish Tarpons Swim Team. I have a SLD (Single Learning Disability) in math. I have found science to be interesting. I like computers. My favorite subject in school is English. I think I would like to go into philosophy, and I am considering a major in literature. I might want to be a counselor. Having a computer and Internet access is really great. I hope the DO-IT program will help me transition to college. I will learn what is expected and how things will work when I get to college myself. I hope by the time the program is over I will have enough knowledge to face the real world. I hope to make new friends and have a good time!

Phase II Scholars

Group photo of 2000 DO-IT Scholars

Phase II Scholars attended their second Summer Study at the 糖心原创 in August of 2001. During that session they worked closely with University faculty; in small groups they studied the Game of Life (computer image processing), Microsoft XP Usability Testing, and Human Interface Technology Lab (HIT Lab-virtual reality). Throughout the year they continue to communicate via the Internet and participate in DO-IT activities, projects, and internships.

Image of Tasha
Tasha, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Tasha . I recently graduated from Cleveland High School in Seattle, WA. My favorite hobbies are playing games, shopping, talking on the phone, boys, animals, and collecting cards. My disability is Cerebral Palsy.

Image of Jeff
Jeffrey, '00 Scholar

My name is Jeffrey. I graduated in June of 2001 from Tyee High School in SeaTac, WA. I will attend the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) this fall. I will probably study computer engineering or computer-aided drafting. I received three scholarships so far. My favorite sports are bowling, baseball, and skiing.

Image of Ryan
Ryan, '00 Scholar

I am Ryan, 17 years old. I live in Bonney Lake, WA (by Auburn). I attend Sumner High School. I will be a senior. I have Cerebral Palsy, and use a walker and an electric wheelchair for school. I love computers and math. In college, I plan to study either computer science or computer engineering. My hobbies include surfing the Internet, fixing/working on computers, playing video games, swimming, and launching rockets.

Image of Raleigh
Raleigh, '00 Scholar

My name is Raleigh. I recently graduated from Rogers High School in Spokane, WA. This fall, I will be attending Whitworth College, where I will play football. I would like to major in voice or vocal performance and music literature. My hobbies are singing in the school choir, at church, and in the community. I draw, build, mold, and dance. My goal is to become a professional singer. I have a learning disability. I thought that my disability couldn't be helped, but DO-IT showed me the light and opened the doors for me.

Image of Nora
Nora, '00 Scholar

My name is Nora and I recently graduated from Elgin High School in Oregon. I am going to Eastern Oregon University in the fall, where I plan to major in education. I have been using a computer most of my life. I have Cerebal Palsy. It affects my lower body and to some extent my hands. I enjoy swimming, playing guitar, and learning new things.

Image of Israel
Israel, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Israel. I live in 糖心原创 State. I will be attending 12th grade. I was recently selected for a Microsoft Job Shadow. I am blind. I like to use computers, ride bikes, play guitar, hang out with friends, and listen to music. My favorite music is Softrock. I used to live in Mexico, but I moved to America five years ago. I really enjoy surfing the Web.

Image of Brian
Brian, '00 Scholar

Hello. My name is Brian. I will be attending Eastern 糖心原创 University in the fall. My disabilities include static incepalopathy, patella, and femoral syndrome. My hobbies are movies, video games, and kite boarding.

Image of Ben
Ben, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Ben. I am a senior at Aberdeen High School in 糖心原创 state. My favorite classes are woodshop and history. I plan to attend college and become a lawyer. I enjoy sports and have participated in football, golf, and basketball. I served as a senator in my school's student leadership program. I participate in Young Life and my church youth group. I have a language learning disability and have really benefited from using a computer for my school assignments.

Image of Jamie
Jamie, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jamie. I am going to be a senior at Lind High School. I plan to go to Eastern 糖心原创 University and study to become a physical therapist. My hobbies include playing softball, hanging out with friends, and riding horses.

Image of Corinna
Corinna, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Corinna. I am a senior at Lake Stevens High School. In the fall I will also be attending real estate school as well as high school. Currently I am working as an advocate at Arc of Snohomish County. I have Cerebral Palsy.

Image of Kasey
Kasey, '00 Scholar

Hi. I am Kasey. I will be in the 12th grade at Aberdeen High School in 糖心原创 State. My favorite classes are history and science. My hobbies are playing football and basketball, running, and participating in the ASB club. I plan to attend a university and major in psychology and early childhood development, and get a medical degree in psychiatry. I spend much of my time working and doing odd jobs for my neighbors in my neighborhood.

Image of Susanna
Susanna, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Susanna. I will be in 12th grade at Ferris High School in Spokane, 糖心原创. My favorite classes are woodshop, science, and Spanish. My hobbies are reading, swimming, and playing on my computer. I have five dogs and love them all. I ref soccer games and work at Easter Seals. I hope to go to the 糖心原创.

Image of Deke
Deke, '00 Scholar

Hi, my name is Deke. I'm going to be a senior at Chelan High School in Lake Chelan, 糖心原创. After I graduate from high school, I plan to go to Central 糖心原创 University, where I plan to major in computer technology and minor in education. Right now I am employed at a restaurant called Hungry Belly as a cook. Some of my hobbies include snowboarding, wake-boarding, playing on computers, and hanging out with my girlfriend.

Image of Stephanie
Stephanie, '00 Scholar

My name is Stephanie. I am visually impaired. I will be entering the twelfth grade at Mead High School in Spokane, 糖心原创. I plan to go to Eastern 糖心原创 University and would like to be an early elementary school teacher. I love computers and like to listen to most types of music. I love to read, hang out with friends, swim, ride bikes, and ride horses.

Image of Nick
Nick, '00 Scholar

Hello! My name is Nick. I will be a senior at Lake 糖心原创 High School in Kirkland, 糖心原创. For now, I plan to study food science and then enter the hotel/restaurant/resort services industry. As you might guess, I love eating all kinds of food, especially noodles (Italian, Thai, Chinese, any kind at all) and spices (chili, pesto, zahtar, etc.). For seven summers I have attended Camp Casey on Whidbey Island. I am an avid Mariners fan, and I am also a Spencer mystery book fan. My very uncuddly pet, the hedgehog Nettles, was adopted by a friend. Now we have two cats, Polly and Anna. I enjoy shooting pool and bowling. I am also an N64 addict. DO-IT has helped me improve my computer skills and learn about how to get through college.

Image of Nathan
Nathan, '00 Scholar

Hello. I am Nathan. I live in Edmonds, 糖心原创. I am a Boy Scout. My favorite academic subjects are science, history, and technology. I am going to Edmonds Cyber-school, which is a home school resource center. There, I can access computers and the Internet. No, none of my "classes" are on the Internet. I am home-schooled there, and my mother is my primary teacher. I take one class each trimester at Mountlake Terrace High School. I have been taking the Computer Animation course there. I enjoy bike riding. I have Dyslexia.

Image of Nohemi
Nohemi, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Nohemi. I graduated from high school in Sunnyside, WA, this year. My disability is Cerebral Palsy. My favorite hobbies are playing video games, hanging out with friends, bowling, talking to my friends by phone, and writing letters to Celine Dion. My goals for the future are going to college, staying there for four years, getting a degree in computers, and getting a job at Microsoft in Seattle. My dreams are to meet Celine Dion and Bill Gates in person.

Image of Crystal
Crystal, '00 Scholar

Hey all! My name is Crys. I live in Rosalia, 糖心原创. I'm a senior in high school and looking forward to college. I love to drum (jazz band), draw, sing, swim, sign (ASL), play volleyball, basketball, cheerlead, and go horseback riding. I also like to collect unicorns and pictures! :) After high school, I'm going to go to Spokane Falls Community College, and then transfer to Eastern 糖心原创 University. I love the DO-IT program. Just remember that "you CAN do it, and don't let anyone tell you different!"

Image of Gretchen
Gretchen, '00 Scholar

Hi. My name is Gretchen. I am 18 years old. I recently graduated from Sehome High School in Bellingham, 糖心原创 this year. In the fall I will begin the EMT program at Central 糖心原创 University. I am interested in science; specifically medical, biology, and athletic health. My hobbies include mountain biking, volunteering at the Y, and rock climbing. I am outdoorsy with a knack for laughing and having fun with friends. I work part-time and enjoy school immensely. I am a volunteer firefighter with a career aspiration of completing college with a doctorate in medicine and education. I am concentrating on becoming a paramedic or a rescue technician. I have a bilateral profound hearing loss.

'99 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1999 DO-IT Scholars

Phase III Scholars are completing their high school or college education. Throughout the year they communicate with other Scholars, Ambassadors, and Mentors, and participate in DO-IT activities. Some become Interns in DO-IT Summer Study and participate in other work experiences.

Image of Roy
Roy, '99 Scholar

My name is Roy. I have completed my first of two years at Grays Harbor College in 糖心原创. My disability is Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. I am interested in science, computers, engineering, and computer-aided drafting. I designed wheelchair ramps that were built at my high school and church. I am an Eagle Scout and have been class president. I was a summer intern at SafeHarbor Technology Corporation. I enjoy Anime's and MUD's, but hate spam. DO-IT rocks!!!

Crystal, '99 Scholar

Hi. My name is Crystal. I live in Goldendale, WA. My disability affects my speech and learning. I am going to Wenatchee Valley College in the fall to become a MLT (medical laboratory technician). I want to work with cancer patients some day. I hope DO-IT will help me make my dream come true. I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Kathy
Kathy, '99 Scholar

Hey! My name is Kathy. I graduated from Curtis High School this year. I am going to Central 糖心原创 University in the fall and plan to major in public relations. My hobbies are computer games such as solitaire and minesweeper. My career goal is to become a writer. In DO-IT, I especially liked the field trips I went on as a Scholar.

Image of Danielle
Danielle, '99 Scholar

For those of you who don't know who I am, my name is Danielle. I attend Wenatchee Valley College in Wenatchee, WA. This summer is my fourth quarter there! It's exciting, especially when I have 15 credits online! That's 3 classes. I'm taking art appreciation, economics 101, and 20th century World Literature. More than anything, I want to be a fiction writer! My disability is kind of a long story. I had cancer when I was a baby, and after 19 months of chemo and radiation, the cancer was gone, but I got a really serious infection. Today, it just looks like I have Cerebral Palsy. I can walk with a walker, cane, or by myself (short distances when there isn't a lot of crowding), but I also have a manual wheelchair. For longer distances, (I tire easily) I have an electric scooter/wheelchair. I use the electric chair around campus and so far, I've had no major accidents, just minor! :~) I wear hearing aids in both ears, and I have a speech impairment. I also have scoliosis (abnormal curvature of the spine). I had surgery when I was in eighth grade and wore a brace from 4th grade to 9th grade, which is a long time. Despite the surgery, I'm not out of the woods yet. See, they just put a short metal rod against my spine, and now they want to go in and put a longer one in. I do not want them to do that because it'll go into my pelvis and make it difficult for me to walk. In fact, I won't be able to do anything except sit in a wheelchair all day for the rest of my life. It would hurt to move. If you pray for me, I'd appreciate it so much.

Image of David
David, '99 Scholar

My name is David. I completed my first year at Seattle Central Community College. I have completed 32 credits so far. I enjoy mathematics, map navigating, as well as controlling, refereeing, and keeping records of certain activities. I developed several versions of dominoes, along with a "Games of Chance" series, created by my associates, Barney and Courtney. The DO-IT program has been helpful in terms of doing independent research, as well as using a computer for school assignments and projects, communication with others, and project archives.

Image of Oscar
Oscar, '99 Scholar

My name is Oscar. I am from Yakima, WA. I recently graduated from Eisenhower High School. I will be attending Yakima Community College in the fall. I am interested in science and computers. My disability is quadriplegia. I use a power wheelchair and have voice recognition software so I can use my computer.

Image of JW
J.W., '99 Scholar

My name is J.W. I recently graduated from Moses Lake High School. I will be attending Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake. My hobbies are using the computer, watching sports, and playing video games. I am interested in a career in computer-aided design or video game programming.

Image of Buffy
Buffy, '99 Scholar

Hello. My name is Buffy. I attend Clark College and will be majoring in education and a computer field. My hobbies are reading, playing sports, sending e-mail, and participating in outdoor activities. My goal is to get a masters degree, go back to Portland, OR, and begin my career there. DO-IT folks, it's okay to fail, but it's not okay to give up. Go after your dreams!

Image of Pat
Pat, '99 Scholar

Hi. My name is Pat. I live in Spokane, WA. I just completed my first year at Eastern 糖心原创 University. I will be transfering to Spokane Falls Community College in the fall, where I will major in computer science networking. My hobbies are talking on the phone and playing football. I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Ryan
Ryan, '99 Scholar

Hi. My name is Ryan. I just graduated from Aberdeen High School in 糖心原创. I like my industrial engineering classes. My hobbies are mountain biking, playing with my five Labrador Retrievers, and hanging out with friends. I'm a lineman for football and do javelin, discus, and shot-put for track and field. I'm part of the leadership groups for 4H Klassy K9s and the Indian Education Program at our school. I'm a member of Quinalt Nation. I also work part-time for Industrial Electric in the motor repair shop. This fall I will attend Eastern 糖心原创 University. My career goal is to become a science teacher. The three things I learned at DO-IT that helped me at school with my learning disability are organization, goal-setting, and self-advocacy. P.S. smile, it may only last a moment, but the memory will last a lifetime.

Image of Zach
Zachary, '99 Scholar

Hello. My name is Zachary. I'll be walking with the senior class of '02 at Vashon High School, then I will go to a community or tech school, and then maybe transfer to a 4-year college. I've got a very rare genetic syndrome named Freeman Sheldon-Syndrome. This syndrome is also known as the "Whistling Face Syndrome" and characteristically includes a small whistling mouth, a flat mask-like face, club feet, joint contractures usually involving the fingers and hands, and under-developed cartilage of the nose. I'm very interested in computer technology and comic books. I also enjoy watching a lot of television shows such as "Buffy," "Angel," "Dark Angel," "Making the Band," "Popstars," and "Once and Again." I love to surf the Net, check my AOL accounts, look for pictures of my favorite bands, and talk to my friends. I like to listen to pop-genre music. My favorite music artists include Mandy Moore, Jessica Simpson, 98 Degrees, BBMak, O-Town, Backstreet Boys, LFO, 'Nsync, and Eden's Crush.

Image of Stuart
Stuart, '99 Scholar

My name is Stuart. I attend Seattle Central Community College in Seattle, 糖心原创. I am focusing my college education on business. My disability is Larsen Syndrome, a mobility impairment. My academic interests are computers, business, and science. In science, I like space exploration and discovering new things that help the world to progress. My hobby is collecting 1:18 scale cars. I also like professional sports. I like DO-IT because we all work together.

Image of Lacey
Lacey, '99 Scholar

My name is Lacey. I live in Seattle, WA. I have Cerebral Palsy and some specific learning disabilities. I graduated in June from Nathan Hale High School. However, I still have some credits to finish in the fall. After that, I am planning on going to Shoreline Community College and then on to 糖心原创. For my DO-IT and Junior/Senior project, my friend Veronica and I started our own business making and selling soap. Our business name is Spinning Wheels & Co. We have sold our soap at the Fremont Market and at other places. Besides earning money, our goal is to help the community interact with disabled people in business. My hobbies are to ride horses, ride my bicycle, collect rocks, and do art. I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Nate
Nate, '99 Scholar

Hello. My name is Nate. I recently graduated from Kennedy High School and will be attending the University of Portland in the fall. I plan to major in political science, and I have aspirations to go on to law school. DO-IT has helped give me the self-advocacy skills I need in college and a career. I enjoy running and watching television. I have low vision in my right eye. I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Wolfgang
Wolfgang, '99 Scholar

My name is Wolfgang. I'm going to be a sophomore at Skagit Valley College this fall, where I will study physics and writing. I like to snowboard, bike, play hacky-sack, and READ! I have a learning disability. The DO-IT program has taught me to understand and respect people with other disabilities and also has been amazingly encouraging about my future plans in college! I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Kelci
Kelci, '99 Scholar

My name is Kelci, and I recently graduated from Lind High School. In the fall, I will be attending Eastern 糖心原创 University, where I plan to major in elementary education. My disability is Cerebral Palsy. I enjoy hanging out with friends and keeping stats for basketball. I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Tynesha
Tynesha, '99 Scholar

Hi. My name is Tynesha. I graduated from Ingraham High School on June 7th, 2000. I live in Seattle, WA. I attend Seattle Central Community College. I'm learning sign language. I hope to transfer to the 糖心原创 as a junior and get my masters in education. Thereafter, I might teach in Japan for a little while or get a job in signing. My hobbies are reading, shopping, talking and hanging out with friends. I also love to write poetry and hope to one day have my own collection of poems published. One of the greatest things I have come across in my life is DO-IT. The reason I say this is because you meet some of the best people you will ever meet in your life and they are always there to help, talk, or just listen. I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Ali
Ali, '99 Scholar

My name is Ali. I am from northern Iraq, and I am Kurd. I came to the U.S. in 1997, and I live in 糖心原创 state. When I was in my country, I didn't go to school. When I came to the U.S., I went directly to high school. I went from nothing to a high grade. I recently graduated from high school, and I will be attending Edmonds Community College in the fall. I plan to study computer science. I like math, science, and computers. I know four languages: Kurdish, Arabic, Turkish, and English. I have Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a mobility impairment. I am a quick learner. My hobbies are watching soccer games, working on computers, watching basketball, and reading books. I like DO-IT because it shows me college life and it tells me what I should do to get into a college that I like.

'98 National Ambassadors

Group photo of 1998 National DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with the younger DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and careers.

Image of Maggie
Maggie, '98 Scholar

Hi. My name is Maggie. I attend Brevard Community College in Florida. I'm studying chemical engineering. I have a learning disability. I have a summer internship at NASA. Working on the computer has helped me in school and in everyday activities. DO-IT lets me see what college is like and what is expected of me.

Image of Blair
Blair, '98 Scholar

My name is Blair and I'm from Rigby, ID. I attend the University of Idaho and plan on earning a degree in physics. I will start my two-year mission for my church in the fall.

Image of Emily
Emily, '98 Scholar

My name is Emily and I am from Orlando, FL. This fall, I might attend community college in Arizona. My disability is Cerebral Palsy; I get around in my power wheelchair. I use Power Secretary and a laptop computer at school. My hobbies include reading mythology and science fiction, surfing the Net, and e-mailing friends.

Image of Kimberlee
Kimberlee, '98 Scholar

My name is Kimberlee, and I live in Gilbert, AZ. In the near future I would like to attend college, but I have a lot going on right now. Currently I am working three part-time jobs. My interests include biology, education, science, math, animals, and doing labs. I also like to travel. I think I'd like to be a teacher or a model. I have mild Cerebral Palsy and I KNOW THAT WON'T STOP ME FROM DOING ANYTHING THAT IS HARD FOR ME.

Image of Amy
Amy, '98 Scholar

My name is Amy. I live in Minnesota. I attend Cambridge Community College, and I'm majoring in journalism. My disability is Cerebral Palsy. I enjoy basketball, swimming, and going to movies. I'm also writing a novel in my spare time.

Image of Brian
Brian, '98 Scholar

My name is Brian. I live in San Diego, CA. My disability is Cerebral Palsy. I attend the 糖心原创. I want to major in computer science and minor in business. I have participated in many sports. For example, when I was young, I played little league, karate, and track and field. My favorite sport is baseball. I also have my own Web site. My motto is "Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something."

Image of Landon
Landon, '98 Scholar

My name is Landon. I live in 糖心原创 state. I attend South Puget Sound Community College and major in accounting to hopefully become a CPA. I have been keeping track of my own stocks. I like computers, coin collecting, cards, and Nintendo. I have Methamalonic Acidemia, which caused a stroke that makes me not able to walk. I was an Intern in Summer Study '00.

Image of Jessica
Jessica, '98 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jessica. I attend Sante Fe Community College in New Mexico, in which I got a 3.5 GPA spring quarter. My disability is Dyslexia. I enjoy art. I like to play on the computer, and spending time with my family and friends.

Image of Nicki
Nick, '98 Scholar

My name is Nick. I am 20 years old, and I attend the University of Notre Dame. I will be graduating in the spring of 2003 with a double major in economics and computer application. I am a huge sports fan, and I love a good football game (Go Irish).

Image of David
David, '98 Scholar

My name is David. I am from Portland, OR, and I attend Grinnell College in Iowa. I have one younger sister and one wonderful dog. I am an active member of the Grinell College Young Democrats and the Grinell Unitarians. I have congenital stationary night blindness as well as some motor deficiencies. I have interests in political science, economics, and history. I am also interested in accessibility! I have an accessibility guide at my Web site (). My hobbies include watching sports and surfing on the Internet. I use a laptop at school to type all my work because I have poor handwriting. I couldn't survive without it. DO-IT has remained a strong force in my life, and I really appreciate its influence. I was an Intern in Summer Study '00.

Image of Jeff
Jeffrey, '98 Scholar

My name is Jeffrey. I live in Massachusetts. In 1985 I was diagnosed with Ataxia Telangiectasia, a rare neurological condition in which the motor movement center of the brain deterioates. This year I graduated from Middlesex Community College with a 3.86 GPA. I am going to Northeastern University in the fall. I am interested in all aspects of science, especially geology, earth science (plate tectonics), genetics, and paleontology. I also enjoy all sports. In fact, I played seven seasons of soccer while I was still mobile. DO-IT and the Internet give me access to resources that help me at school.

Image of Buddy
Buddy, '98 Scholar

My name is David (Buddy), and I'm from Alaska. I plan to attend a university and major in a sports field. I have strong interests in computers and science. My disability is quadriplegia. I like baseball and hanging out with my friends, and I think "TV rocks."

Image of Wes
Wesley, '98 Scholar

My name is Wesley. I live on a farm between two small towns in central Nebraska. I attend the University of Nebraska Lincoln where I am majoring in computer science. In my spare time, I like to chat with my friends on-line, surf the Web, read books and technology-related magazines, and listen to rap, alternative, or pop music. DO-IT has provided me with numerous friendships and resources to use in college and job-hunting. The DO-IT mailing lists are neat and useful tools. I will use information gained from them throughout college and the career world.

Image of John Paul
John Paul, '98 Scholar

My name is John Paul, and I live in Montana. I attend the University of Montana, majoring in biology. I like to do a lot of outdoor sports like skiing, hiking, biking, and mountain climbing. I'm deaf. I lost my hearing when I was 11 from a sickness. I'm a nice guy. I get along well with others. I'm also funny. I enjoy math, science, English, and history, but foreign language classes are kind of hard. I want to be a dentist after college.

Image of Jessie
Jessie, '98 Scholar

My name is Jessie, and I am from 糖心原创 State. I attend Arizona State University, and plan to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in either psychology or political science. I have Cerebral Palsy and, as a result, use a wheelchair to get around. I enjoy Tae Kwon Do, traveling, and surfing the Internet. I was an Intern at Summer Study '00.

Image of Ivan
Ivan, '98 Scholar

My name is Ivan. I live in Timonium, MD. I attend St. Mary's College of Maryland, where I live on campus. My disabilities are Cerebral Palsy and a learning disability. I have interests in biology, chemistry, and physics. I was accepted into the Nitze Scholars Program at St. Mary's. In my spare time, I enjoy watching baseball and listening to music.

Image of Hank
Ronald "Hank", '98 Scholar

My name is Hank. I'm from Spokane, WA, and I graduated from Shadle Park High School last year. My disability is blindness. DO-IT is helping me prepare for college; I would like to attend Bible college in the near future. Having a computer helps me get research information for school work and is also fun. I enjoy listening to old-time radio shows. I set up my own Internet radio station.

Image of Dustin
Dustin, '98 Scholar

My name is Dustin. I attend Ball State University in Muncie, IN. I am a junior, majoring in physical education and minoring in health. I work as a resident assistant. I have Dyslexia but have found ways of getting around it.

Image of Isiah
Isaiah, '98 Scholar

My name is Isaiah. I live in Oregon. I attend Pacific University, majoring in teaching. My disability is Spinocerebellar Degeneration. My hobbies include travel, writing, and reading. I was an Intern in Summer Study '00.

'98 糖心原创 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1998 糖心原创 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with the younger DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and careers.

Image of Jessie
Jessie, '98 Scholar

Hi! My name is Jessie. I am going to attend the 糖心原创 in the fall. I have Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). My Dyslexia slows my reading speed down and makes writing difficult. I am interested in foreign languages and medicine. I was on my school's cross-country and track team. Running helps me reduce stress. I enjoy ballet. I have been dancing my entire life and hope to pursue it in conjunction with my other endeavors in a collegiate setting. My philosophy is to not allow my disability to hold me down and, instead, focus on finding alternative methods, learning from it, and compensating in other areas. I use computers every day for school. I use Dragon Dictate software to expedite my writing. My spoken grammar is significantly better than my written. Last year I began to learn about digital video. I made two videos for school projects where I learned some editing skills. Thank you DO-IT for this opportunity in the program. I have gained and achieved so much in these past years. I am now more confident academically. I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Matt
Matt, '98 Scholar

My name is Matt. I have graduated from Oroville High School in 糖心原创. I liked doing high school Knowledge Bowl. My disability is a mobility impairment. I like all kinds of science and math. I love to dance, read books, and have long conversations. DO-IT is one of the best things that I've participated in because it has opened up many doors of opportunities for me. One of those opportunities was an internship at Summer Study 2001.

Image of Chris
Chris, '98 Scholar

My name is Chris. I am from Redmond, WA. I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Dyslexsia, and Dysgraphia. I attend Muskingum College in Ohio. I enjoy chatting, hanging out with friends, playing pool, and cracking jokes.

Image of Silas
Silas, '98 Scholar

My name is Silas. I recently graduated from LaConnor High School in 糖心原创 state. I have a visual impairment. In my spare time, I enjoy playing video games. In the future I would like to program or design computer games.

Image of Arnell
Arnell, '98 Scholar

Hi. My name is Arnell. I graduated in June 2001 from South Kitsap High School in 糖心原创. My disabilities are Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a communication disorder. I enjoy math. In my spare time I like listening to Prince's music, teaching myself how to play the guitar, and doing stunts on my bike. This last year I worked at a sign shop, gaining experience with graphic arts, a career I might pursue in college. Currently I work at Walmart.

Image of Katrina
Katrina, '98 Scholar

My name is Katrina. I graduated from the Secondary Academy for Success in Bothell, WA. I have finished three quarters at Cascadia Community College in Bothell, WA. My disability is a traumatic brain injury from a bike accident at the age of five. My interests include history, science, and especially geneology. I enjoy helping others through difficult times by sharing my experiences and being a positive example. I work for an organization called Think First, promoting the use of bike helmets. I am very involved nationally with the National Youth Conference for Youth with Disability and the President's Committee for the Employment of People with Disabilities. I was an Intern in Summer Study '00.

Image of Eddie
Eddie, '98 Scholar

My name is Eddie. I attend Spokane Falls Community College in 糖心原创. My hobbies include bowling and billiards. I am studying mechanical engineering.

Image of Shavonne
Shavonne, '98 Scholar

My name is Shavonne. I attend the University of New Orleans, where I plan to earn a degree in psychology. I have been diagnosed with glaucoma, an eye disorder. For fun I like writing poetry, reading books, and acting.

Image of Channon
Chanon, '98 Scholar

My name is Chanon. I live in Neenah, WI. I attend the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, majoring in psychology, and with a possible minor in English. My disability is Cerebral Palsy. Some of my interests are writing short works and poems and performing modern and ballet dance. I received four different writing awards on short pieces that I have composed. Last year, I was given a dance scholarship to go to the Cleveland Ballet Dancing Wheels adult workshop held in Ohio. DO-IT is a wonderful program for students like myself, who have disabilities and are seriously considering higher education.

Image of Marissa
Marissa, '98 Scholar

Hi all! My name is Marissa. I live in Des Moines, WA. I took a year off from Highline Community College, but I am looking to go back in the fall. At present time, I am job hunting, as well as enjoying the sunshine. My major is computer science. I love to hang-out, chat on-line, shop, listen to music, and write poetry. I want my career to involve computers and maybe on the side I'll write poetry books. I will continue to share my experiences with future Scholars in hopes that they will have as much fun as I had. I was an Intern in Summer Study '00.

Image of Crystal
Crystal, '98 Scholar

My name is Crystal, and I live in Portland, OR. I am visually impaired. I plan to attend a community college in the Portland area. I enjoy being around my friends in my free time, but I don't get much of that. I love football, movies, and music. I am studying juvenile justice at my summer job at the Juvenile Justice Center. Also, I will become a mother in January!

Image of Reginald
Reginald, '98 Scholar

Hello. My name is Reginald and I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). ADD makes it hard for me to pay attention and stay focused on whatever I am doing. I live in Albany, GA. I like to talk to girls, swim, play soccer, be in the band, and, most of all, make people laugh. There's nothing better than a well-placed joke. I attend Fort Valley State University, majoring in biology. This summer I am working as a lifeguard for Children's Friends Daycare.

Image of Khrystal
Khrystal, '98 Scholar

I live in Spokane, WA. I graduated from Rogers High School. I enjoy being with kids and playing sports such as volleyball and basketball. I am a full-time mother now and plan to go to college next year. My disability is Dyslexia.

Image of Michael
Michael, '98 Scholar

My name is Michael. I am entering my third year at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) in science. My eventual plans are to become a pediatric psychiatrist. I have multiple learning disabilities and have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. My interests include physics, mathematics, computers, multimedia and video production, disability issues and advocacy, behavioral sciences, debate, writing, drawing comic strips, dancing, singing, and having fun with friends. I am part of the initiative to bring DO-IT to Canada. My word to the wise is: Don't block your time, it is your inspiration; time is very precious, use it wisely, Godspeed. I was an Intern at Summer Study '00.

Image of Todd
Todd, '98 Scholar

My name is Todd. I attend Edmonds Community College in 糖心原创. I plan on studying music at school, and I play the bass in my band, Suvunit1. I live in Bothell, WA. My disability is Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). My hobbies include playing video games and Magic the Gathering (card game).

Image of Nichole
Nichole, '98 Scholar

Hi to all! My name is Nichole. I attend The Evergreen State College in 糖心原创. Last year I lived with six other people, but now I'm happy to say that I have my own apartment (YES!). My major is radio broadcasting, but I might now pursue acting as my theatre director advised. I don't know what will end up happening, but I hope for the best. I have been experiencing new and different ideas and challenges...piercings, protest rallies, discovering my feminist roots, and enjoying my disability. I have Scoliosis and Kyphosis with Metatrophic dwarfism and dysplasia. I also have Condrodistrophy, which is means there isn't any cartilage in my joints. I use an electric wheelchair as my main means of transportation, but I can still walk. I enjoy swimming, baseball, art, music, my education, theatre, creative writing, photography, public speaking, disc jockin', and languages. Keep in touch-e-mail me!

Image of Corey
Corey, '98 Scholar

My name is Corey. I attend Seattle Central Community College in 糖心原创. My main fields of study are computer science and chemistry. I enjoy carpentry, playing in my band, and spending time with my two dogs. My disabilities are Tourette's Syndrome, panic disorder, and Epilepsy. The Epilepsy causes me to lose consciousness and information stored in my head. Tourette's and anxiety problems have caused a number of social difficulties. The single most important benefit of my computer usage is that it allows my teachers to read my assignments. Other benefits are being able to maintain organization and keeping me entertained.

Image of Abe
Abe, '98 Scholar

Hi. My name is Abe. I will be a freshman at Northwest Christian College. I am thinking about majoring in music. My disability is a visual impairment. I live in Edmonds, WA, with my parents, sister, and brother. I like reading, lifting weights, biking, playing the drums, and listening to music and books on tape.

'97 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1997 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with the younger DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and careers.

Image of Andrew
Andrew, '97 Scholar

My name is Andrew, and I have a mobility impairment. I have a weakness and lack of control on my left side, especially my left hand. I live in State College, PA. I enjoy programming, writing and reading literature, photography, and music. I am majoring in physics at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York.

Image of Amanda
Amanda, '97 Scholar

My name is Amanda, and I am a paraplegic. I attend the University of Great Falls in Montana. I enjoy algebra, English, biology, chemistry, and journalism. I like to read, write, and go on the Internet. I also enjoy photography. I was an Intern in Summer Study '99.

Image of Jen
Jennifer, '97 Scholar

Hi. My name is Jennifer. My disability is blindness. I attend the University of North Dakota. I am majoring in early childhood education. Some things I enjoy doing are reading, going to movies, and hanging out with my Tri Delt sorority sisters. DO-IT enables me to keep in contact with those I have met.

Image of Minh
Minh, '97 Scholar

My name is Minh (Cynthia). I attend the 糖心原创. I am thinking about majoring in international business. My disability is Achondroplasia ("little people" or short). Even though I'm 20 years old, my height is only 4'. My hobbies are traveling, watching movies, using e-mail, and searching the Web. I also like to chat. *smile*

Image of Trent
Trent, '97 Scholar

Hi, my name is Trent. I attend Bellevue Community College. I plan to begin a new two-year program there called Transition to Success, with the goal of attaining more job skills and working toward independence. I have also been working at Target for a year as a customer service helper. I have been volunteering as a camp counselor the last two summers and as an assistant coach for Challenger Little League. I enjoy computers and would like to create another Web site soon.

Image of Brad
Brad, '97 Scholar

My name is Brad. I attend the University of Arizona pursuing a major in mechanical engineering. One of my hobbies is chess. I use a wheelchair because I broke my neck almost five years ago. I enjoy playing tennis and rugby in my free time. I still do a lot of things for myself. I even drive!

Image of Ben
Ben, '97 Scholar

My name is Ben, and I am a quadriplegic due to a football accident. I attend Green River Community College in 糖心原创. I am studying mechanical design drafting. My hobbies are watching sports, working out, and listening to reggae and classic rock music.

Image of Justin
Justin, '97 Scholar

Hello. My name is Justin, and I'm from Florida. I'm blind, but it doesn't stop me from taking on new challenges. I am looking forward to getting a guide dog. I am attending St. Pete Junior College in Florida. I love to sing country music using the guitar or keyboards. I hope to find a career that involves both music and computers. I also just recently got engaged to be married. Back in 1998, I went to the Intel Conference in Fort Worth, Texas and presented DO-IT to an international audience.

Image of Michael
Michael, '97 Scholar

My name is Michael and I hail from Parker, Colorado. I have Spina Bifida and Upper Motor Neuron Dysfunction. When I'm not found on my computer (either playing or doing homework), I'm eating; sleeping; playing with my black Labrador Retrievers, Rosemary and Wallace; or listening to music. I regularly attend various cultural and academic events, such as speeches, drumming sessions, and other fun diversionary experiences at Colorado College. I am declared as a history-philosophy major, and I received one of 40 Boettcher awards for Colorado in 1999. That means free schooling (YES!!!). I was an Intern in Summer Study '99.

Image of Alexi
Alexi, '97 Scholar

Hello. My name is Alexi. I am profoundly deaf and have used cochlear implants since 1993. I am double majoring in English and publishing at the University of Connecticut. I have finally managed to convert my passion, reading, into a viable career path. I am hoping to one day be an editor. In my spare time at school, I cheer for both our men's and women's basketball teams. Go Huskies! I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.

Image of Karyn
Karyn, '97 Scholar

My name is Karyn. I graduated from Interlake High School in 糖心原创. Right now I am working as a sales consultant for Qwest. My learning disability is Dyslexia. My interests are roller-blading, playing computer games, talking in chat rooms, and playing soccer and basketball. I collect giraffes; I have several hundred.

Image of Shakethia
Shakethia, '97 Scholar

Bonjour! My name is Shakethia. I attend Mississippi State University. I am majoring in accounting and plan to go to law school. I am a paraplegic from a gunshot wound and use a wheelchair. Some of the things I like to do in my spare time are watching television, talking on the phone, going to the movies, playing with my computer, and listening to music. I was an Intern in Summer Study '99.

Image of Steven
Steven, '97 Scholar

Hello. My name is Steven. I graduated from Trumbull High School in Connecticut. I attend the University of Connecticut with a possible major in computer science. I have a severe hearing loss.

Image of Laura
Laura, '97 Scholar

My name is Laura. I live near Cleveland, OH. I attend Hendrix College, where I'm majoring in astronomy and biology. My disability is an ischemic spinal cord injury. My hobbies include reading, writing, and music. I was an Intern in Summer Study '99.

Image of Keaton
Keaton, '97 Scholar

Hi. My name is Keaton, and I'm blind. I live in Utah, and I'm about to get married. I attend the University of Utah. I like anything scientific and I am looking at a major in engineering. My hobbies include collecting key chains, listening to music, and talking to people. I have found my membership in DO-IT to be empowering. The DO-IT experience helps liberate my mental functions from becoming stagnant or self-limiting. Thanks to DO-IT, I have assimilated the thought patterns, "I can DO-IT" and "I will DO-IT!" In addition, interfacing with other DO-IT Scholars entities helps me synthesize strategies pertaining to how I am going to DO-IT. DO-IT ROCKS!

Image of Veronica
Veronica, '97 Scholar

I am Veronica and I attend Harvard University in Massachusetts. Right now I am studying social studies and international relations in economics. I will eventually go to law school and practice patient law. My other interests include singing; I am a member of the Ratcliffe Pitches.

Image of Sharon
Sharon, '97 Scholar

Hello. My name is Sharon. I have Retinitis Pigmentosa, a low vision problem. I live in Pendleton, OR. I attend Portland State University, where I study social sciences. My hope is to become a teacher for the visually impaired. I have a guide dog, Kistler, who I dearly love. I enjoy my dogs and other animals, football, basketball, gymnastics, bike riding, and spending time with family and friends. I am very active with Guide Dogs for the Blind; I volunteer every summer and get to be part of their program. szniners8@hotmail.com

'96 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1996 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with the younger DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and careers.

Image of David
David, '96 Scholar

My name is David. All my friends call me Trek. I am a college student at Eastern 糖心原创 University, majoring in microbiology. In what little free time I have I like to sleep, watch TV, play on my computer, and hang out with friends in the dorm. I hope to one day get a Ph.D. in bacteriology or virology and teach at the college. I was an Intern at Summer Study '99.

Image of Cheri
Cheri, '96 Scholar

Hey there. My name is Cheri and I am from Iowa. I am a paraplegic as a result of a farm accident when I was one. I am very active in wheelchair track and I attend the University of Arizona to race and major in molecular and cellular biology. My goal is to someday be a physician who works with disabled children. I was an Intern at Summer Study '99.

Image of Dan
Daniel, '96 Scholar

My name is Daniel. I live in Connecticut. In 1990, I was in a bicycle accident in which I hit my head. My head was X-rayed and a brain tumor was found. After an operation to remove the tumor, I could do absolutely nothing. Now I can do almost anything that other kids can do, except that my balance is a little bit off. I love computers. I taught myself programming when I was ten and I like making programs in Visual Basic. I am now a senior at Eastern Connecticut State University where I am majoring in computer science. Someday I hope to get a job as a computer programming.

Image of Lucas
Lucas, '96 Scholar

My name is Lucas and I am in my fourth year at Western Oregon University. I am majoring in public policy and administration. I am currently working for the Oregon Department of Justice and Benton County Sheriff's Office. I am hoping that once I graduate, I can go into the Peace Corps for a couple of years. The DO-IT program has been a foundation of growth for me and I am deeply indebted to the program for the priceless opportunities it has offered to me.

Image of Maria
Maria, '96 Scholar

My name is Maria. I'm from Maine. I am deaf, profoundly deaf. I will be in my second year at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, in Rochester, New York. I like to play softball and volleyball and to read Harlequin romance books and mysteries. My interests are in mathematics and science and I want to be a veterinarian, doctor, or marine biologist. Even though I am deaf, I must believe that I can do it and try it.

Image of Michael
Michael, '96 Scholar

My name is Mike. I am from Maine. I attend Pacific Lutheran University. I love computers, music, sports, and anything else fun! I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), which can result in problems in school. Most of my teachers are understanding enough for me to still do well. However, if it weren't for computers, I would not be half as far along as I am now. I was an Intern in Summer Study '99.

Image of Rebecca
Rebecca, '96 Scholar

My name is Rebecca. I was born in San Diego, CA and I am a sophomore at San Diego State. I am working toward a major in political science and a minor in journalism. I've had Cerebral Palsy since birth; it affects my limb motion, hearing, and eyesight. My hobbies include hanging out with my friends, listening to music, writing lyrics, and reading.

Image of Anh
Anh, '96 Scholar

My name is Anh. I attend the University of California at Berkeley. I am pursuing a double major in international business and economics. I am considering pursuing an MBA some time in the future. I have Larsen Syndrome, which affects the joints in my body. I use an electric wheelchair.

Image of Travis
Travis, '96 Scholar

My name is Travis and I am blind. I was an Intern in the summer of 1998 with DO-IT. In the summers of 1999 and 2000, I worked as a computer consultant intern for the state of Nebraska. This summer, I have been freelance programming. You can see one of my biggest projects at . This fall, I will be a junior at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. I am considering a double-major in computer science and mathematics.

Image of James
James, '96 Scholar

I'm James. My disability is Cerebral Palsy, which was caused by a medical accident when I was two months old. I have a sister, Tiffani, and a brother, Aaron. I graduated from Poquoson High School. I am considering attending the University of Pittsburgh. I hope to open a business, like a restaurant. My interests are football, television, and mathematics.

Image of Dana
Dana, '96 Scholar

I am Dana from Massachusetts. I like to cruise the 'Net, play soccer, swim, play volleyball, and play my bass. I will be a sophomore this fall at Landmark College in Vermont. I want to do something with computers and graphic design as a career. I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and LD (learning disability), which makes it hard for me to write and understand certain things. My best subjects are science, math, and history. My worst subject is English.

Portrait of Josh
Joshua, '96 Scholar

My name is Josh and I live on a dairy farm in Iowa. I, along with my younger sister and brother, have Muscular Dystrophy. In my free time I like to explore the Net, chat, listen to music, and design Web pages. I graduated from Hawkeye Community College in May of 2000 with an AAS in Horticulture Science. I own a small nursery and garden shop with my mom that specializes in water gardens and hostas. Besides helping customers, ordering merchandise, advertising, and handling the bookwork, I also do some landscape designing. Since January of 2001 I have been writing a bimonthly column entitled, "The Enabled Gardener" for Pond & Garden magazine.

Image of David
David, '96 Scholar

My name is David and I attend Eastern Oregon State College. My particular disability is "full" Albinism, which includes lack of pigment in the hair, skin, and eyes. Consequently, I am extremely sensitive to light and burn easily in the sun. I also have a vision loss which came in the Albinism packet; I have the approximate acuity of 20/200, which can make life interesting at times. For hobbies, I like computers, camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, and playing video games.

Image of Chris
Chris, '96 Scholar

Greetings. My name is Christopher. I first joined the DO-IT program back in 1996. I was selected to be an Intern for the DO-IT program in 1999. I am currently working as an Intern at Minot State University and was recently listed as co-author of several books and articles that are being published. Not only I have been working as an Intern, but I also have been creating Web pages for some businesses in the city of Minot. I changed my major to graphic communications because I have a strong interest in Web and graphic design. I am looking forward to returning to college at Moorhead State University in Minnesota.

Image of Katrina
Katrina, '96 Scholar

My name is Katrina. I recently graduated from Augustana College with degrees in English and art. I was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes when I was six years old, but I try not to let it slow me down. I have always enjoyed sports and have taken dance lessons since I was three years old. I danced with the Dance Company at Augustana for three years and hope to continue dancing and remain athletic for the rest of my life! I never let my disability infringe upon the abilities I posess.

Image of Jodi
Jodi, '96 Scholar

Hi! My name is Jodi and I will be a senior at Idaho State College. I am majoring in biology, and minoring in microbiology and Spanish. I will attend graduate school next year. I have eight sisters, two brothers, and two dogs. I have mild Cerebral Palsy which affects my lower extremities. I am so lucky to be a part of the DO-IT program. DO-IT has opened up many opportunities for me. Through DO-IT I have learned so much about myself and others with disabilities. Last summer I volunteered at a hospital in Ecuador for two months.

'95 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1995 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT in 1995. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger Scholars and Ambassadors.

Jesse, '95 Scholar

Majoring in computer graphics, sound design, and the Internet at the University of North Dakota, ND.

Bror, '95 Scholar

Learning disability
Builds steel buildings to save up for college tuition. Builds Toyota pick-ups.

CJ, '95 Scholar

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), learning disabilities in English and spelling
Provides technical support at Diamond Multimedia, a large computer hardware manufacturer in Oregon; planning to use Diamond's tuition reimbursement program to pursue college degree.

Jeffrey, '95 Scholar

Psoriatic Arthritis
Plans to attend Shoreline Community College, WA.

Wes, '95 Scholar

Studying computer animation at Central 糖心原创 University, WA.

Michael, '95 Scholar

Pursuing architechture, carpentry, and fish and wildlife at Highline Community College, WA.

Jorja, '95 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Graduated from Southern Illinois University of Carbondale, IL; majored in recreational therapy. Working at a camp in Park City.

Aimee, '95 Scholar

Learning disability
Boise State University, ID.

Shawn, '95 Scholar

Attending Big Bend Community College, WA.

Matt, '95 Scholar

Working at 糖心原创 Energy; plans to attend a community college to pursue a degree in manufacturing.

Jeremy, '95 Scholar

Brain injury
Attending Spokane Falls Community College, WA.

Bridget, '95 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Graduated from Whitman College, WA; now a graduate student at the 糖心原创; hopes to become an audiologist.

Matthew, '95 Scholar

Epidermolysis Bullosa
Attending the 糖心原创, WA, pursing computer science.

Janny, '95 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Graduated from Arizona State University, majoring in public relations with a minor in political science. Working for State Farm Insurance; Dupont, WA.

Bill, '95 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attending Southern Oregon University, OR.

Todd, '95 Scholar

Working at a software company in the medical industry, WA.

Rachel, '95 Scholar

Renal failure and hearing loss
Attending Columbia Basin Community College, WA.

Priscilla, '95 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attending Seattle Central Community College, WA, concentrating on deaf studies.

'94 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1994 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT in 1994. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger Scholars and Ambassadors.

Anthony, '94 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Working in technical support area.

Ben, '94 Scholar

Spinal Muscular Dystrophy
Attending the 糖心原创, WA.

Maria, '94 Scholar

B.S. in Speech and Hearing Sciences from the 糖心原创; now at Clark College, WA, studying computer networking.

Daniel, '94 Scholar

Learning disability
Attending Pierce Community College, WA, pursuing marine biology or oceanography.

Travis, '94 Scholar

Health and orthopedic impairments, dwarfism
Majoring in computer science at Utah State University, UT.

Takuya, '94 Scholar

Health impairment, nervous system dysmorphia, and congenital scoliosis
Attending the 糖心原创, WA, pursuing physics, biology, mathematics, and computers.

Sherri, '94 Scholar

Visually impaired
Atttending Southern Oregon University, OR, with a major in psychology and a minor in hotel, restaurant, and resort management.

Shawnna, '94 Scholar

Muscular Dystrophy.

Nguyen, '94 Scholar

Paralysis from brain injury.
Works at Deseret Industries Donation Center, WA. Sarah, '94 Scholar Dyslexia Majoring in clinical lab science at the University of Nevada, NV.

Jen, '94 Scholar

Undiagnosed severe neuropathy
Runs own Internet Service Provider, Systems Administrator. Runs several other fledgling businesses.

Carolyn, '94 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy and low vision
Pursuing teaching science at Shoreline Community College, WA.

Kris, '94 Scholar

Visual impairment
Graduated from Oregon State University, OR, with B.S. degrees in psychology and chemistry. Works at Nexus Information Security, and helps businesses protect their computer systems.

Megan, '94 Scholar

Chronic Lyme disease
B.A. degree in biology from Pacific Lutheran University, WA; works at INTRACEL (biotechnology company) in quality assurance microbiology; hopes to attend graduate school.

'93 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1993 DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT in 1993. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger Scholars and Ambassadors.

Rachel, '93 Scholar

Stroke resulted in partial paralysis of right half of body
Pursuing social work at Eastern 糖心原创 University, WA.

Mark, '93 Scholar

Muscular Dystrophy
Majoring in communication studies at Eastern 糖心原创 University, WA.

Katie, '93 Scholar

B.S. in biology from 糖心原创 State University. Masters degree in physical therapy from Eastern 糖心原创 University. Internships in Seattle and Spokane, WA.

Nhi, '93 Scholar

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Graduated from Highline Community College, WA, with an Associates of Arts degree in business.

Ryan, '93 Scholar

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and learning disability
Graduated from Seattle University, WA, with a marketing degree. Working at Nordstrom.

Lloyd, '93 Scholar

Hearing impairment
Graduated from two-year program in engineering at the 糖心原创 Electronic Institute. Working in technical field.

Randy, '93 Scholar

B.A. from Evergreen State College, WA. Working at Illuminet Corporation.

Nadira, '93 Scholar

Health impairment
Graduated with Associates Degree in Client Server program.

Rodney, '93 Scholar

Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita
Pursuing computer programming and writing at Seattle Central Community College, WA.

Eric, '93 Scholar

Visually impaired
Degree in computer applications at Mount Hood Community College; works at Stream International as a technical support representative helping people trouble shoot DSL services.

Anna, '93 Scholar

Degree in cell and molecular biology from the 糖心原创. Artist, aikidoist, and AmerCorps employee.

Hollis, '93 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Developing a cooperative group home in Eugene, OR; plans to study mechanical engineering.

Matt, '93 Scholar

Attending the University of Puget Sound, WA, majoring in computer science and math.

Mitch, '93 Scholar

Spina Bifida, Homer's Syndrome, & Thalamic Pain Syndrome
Graduated from Wenatchee Valley College, WA, with an Associates Degree. Works as professional recording artist.

In Memory of Andrew

Photo portrait of 1995 DO-IT Scholar Andrew
Profile of Andrew.

Andrew was one of our '95 DO-IT Scholars . . . bright, witty, upbeat, always ready for a new challenge. Some of us still remember his e-mail signature:

Andrew :) "Nobody said life would be easy. They only said it would be worth it!"

On May 17, 1996, Andrew, who had Muscular Dystrophy, died of complications from pneumonia. Andrew is dearly missed, and he will always be part of our DO-IT family.

Andrew's parents wanted us to know that "DO-IT was one of the best things in Andrew's life." In an e-mail message to DO-IT participants they said, "We want to thank all of you for making this past year of Andrew's life so much more fulfilling, rewarding and adventurous. He was so excited by the vision that the DO-IT program offered him. He was always talking about how he was going to go to college and get a degree in computer drafting and he was going to grab the tiger of life by the tail. He was going to set up his own business here at home and conduct his business via all the latest in communication technology. Unfortunately, his life energy ran a little short of his ambitions."

DO-IT Mentors

Mentors encourage DO-IT Scholars, Ambassadors, and Pals as they pursue academic programs and careers. Some Mentors are still in college; others are pursuing careers in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. Most have disabilities themselves. They share valuable experiences, insights, and resources with younger participants.

Volunteer Postsecondary Student Mentors

Bapin Axbhatta
Political Science graduate
University of Arkansas

Jenna Clark
Mobility impairment
Psychology major

Steve Harper
Cerebral Palsy
Student and Web developer

Tracy Schramm
Mobility impairment
Computer Science, Spanish major
Southwest State University

Volunteer Career Mentors

Sue Yasuko Abe
Cerebral Palsy
Youth Services Coordinator
Center for Independent Living

John Armstrong
Mobility impairment
Director of Admissions , School of Social Work

Sean Barrett
Mobility impairment
Business Relations Manager
WA State Business Leadership Network

Kevin Berg
Cerebral Palsy
Web consultant

Arthur Blaser

Karen Braitmayer
Mobility impairment

Roger Bruland
Hood Canal School District

Len Burns
Computer Consultant
Sasquatch Computer Services

Laura Caparroso
Social Services

Kathy Cook
Director, Center for Disability Services
Everett Community College

Frank Cuta
Sensor Electronics/Computer Support
Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories

Thomas Dreschel
Biologist/Science Education Coordinator
Kennedy Space Center

Dr. Imke Durre
Researcher, Atmopheric Science

Kathi Fuller
Mobility impairment
Coordinator, Specialized Student Services
Norwich University

Jeff Harris
Software Engineer

Roger Harris
Associate Professor, Biological Structure

Dr. Todd Heywood
Hearing impairment
Computer specialist
IBM Power Parallel Systems

Erich Ho
Cerebral Palsy

Sungeeta Jain
Law clerk

Ed Keller
Diabetes, mobility impairment
Professor, Biology Environmental Science
West Virginia University

Mark Koontz
TBI, asthma
Writing Consultant
Bellevue Community College

Douglas Lefever
Cerebral Palsy
Life Instructor

Marciano Lopez
Retired Electrical Engineer

Dean Martineau
Math tutor, Internet Resources Assistant

Robert F. McKellar
Spina Bifida
Author: An Accident of Birth

Lan Nguyen
Assistive Technology Specialist

Dr. Steve Nourse
Lecturer/Student Teacher Supervisor
Central 糖心原创 University

Katherine Pananen
Cerebral Palsy
Secondary School Teacher

Bruce Parks
Hearing impairment
Wilmington School District, Vermont

Dr. Gay Lloyd Pinder
Children's Therapy Center of Kent

Ed Pottharst
Biologist, Environmentalist
Seattle City Light

Dr. Richard Radtke, Ph.D.
Mobility impairment
University of Hawaii at Manoa

Tracy Rackensperger
Cerebral Palsy
Prentke Romich Company

James Ryan

Terri Scott
Spokane MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement)

Greg Smith

Dr. Patrick Stayton
Assistant Professor
Center for Bioengineering

Virginia Stern

Jamie Tachiyama
Customer Care Representative

Bill Taylor
Retired Software Engineer

Aimee Verrall
Research Coordinator

Mike Wardin
Adaptive Computing Technology Center
University of Missouri Columbia

Dr. Paul Zaveruha

Dr. William Zoller
Brain injury
Professor, Chemistry

Staff Mentors


Photo portrait of DO-IT director Sheryl Burgstahler

My name is and I am the Director of DO-IT. I have a husband, Dave, and a son, Travis, who are both dedicated DO-IT volunteers (especially Travis, who considers himself at Phase IV Scholar). I have a Masters degree in mathematics and a Ph.D. in higher education. I am an Assistant Director within Computing & Communications and an Affiliate Associate Professor at the 糖心原创. My personal and professional experiences with young people and adults with disabilities have taught me that low expectations and negative attitudes of others are the greatest barrier to success for people with disabilities and that facing the challenges imposed by a disability can be an isolating experience. DO-IT Mentors and peers support each other on the road to success. sherylb@cac.washington.edu


Photo portrait of 2001 DO-IT staff mentor James O'Connor

Hi. My name is James O'Connor. I have worked in DO-IT Summer Study programs for six years. I grew up in Ontario, California, the youngest of four kids. Throughout my life I've struggled with Dyslexia. I received a B.A. of Education from Central 糖心原创 University. In the fall of 1998, I began my teaching career at Juanita High School in Kirkland, WA. joconnor@lkwash.wednet.edu


Photo portrait of Dan Comden of the Access Technology Lab at the 糖心原创

I'm Dan Comden. When not serving as the head technical nerd for DO-IT, I manage the Adaptive Technology Lab at the 糖心原创. I have a wife, Louise, who is a pediatric intensive care nurse, and two sons, Fritz and Zane. Apart from work and family, any spare time is spent working with my search and rescue dogs. danc@cac.washington.edu


Photo portrait of DO-IT staffer Marvin Crippen

My name is Marvin Crippen. I help Dan and Doug out with technical support, work on the DO-IT World Wide Web home page, and work in the UW Adaptive Technology Lab. mcrip@cac.washington.edu


Photo portrait of DO-IT technology specialist Doug Hayman

My name is Doug Hayman. I'm the technology specialist working with DO-IT Scholars, Pals, and Campers in 糖心原创 state. When not at work, I play guitar, hike, and hang out with friends. dhayman@u.washington.edu


Photo portrait of DO-IT counselor/coordinator Lyla Crawford

My name is Lyla Crawford. I am a Counselor/Coordinator for DO-IT. I help students transition from two-year to four-year colleges with DO-IT 2-4. I work in the Spokane office supporting DO-IT efforts in Eastern 糖心原创. I have a Master's degree in Developmental Psychology. I have a husband, Shawn, and a son, Joshua. lylac@u.washington.edu


Photo portrait of DO-IT Program Manager Sara Lopez

My name is Sara Lopez, and I am a Project Manager for DO-IT. Originally from southern California, I attended Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, 糖心原创 and never went back! My academic background is in education. Most of my time outside of work revolves around family activities and rowing events. After rowing competitively in college, I have been very involved ever since, coaching and managing rowing events, including the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. lopezsl@u.washington.edu


Photo portrait of DO-IT staffer Michael Richardson

Hi there. My name is Michael Richardson, and I coordinate the DO-IT CAREERS K-12 project. The emphasis in this project is to get high school students with disabilities involved in work-based learning experiences, so they can enhance their potential for higher education and career success. This also includes providing support and information to parents, educators and employers. I have a severe/profound hearing loss and received a B.S. in Health Science from California State University, Northridge in 1990. I have spent the last 10 years working in the field of vocational rehabilitation. I have a wife, Chris, and two young daughters, Devon and Emma. My hobbies include restoring and riding vintage British motorcycles and fly fishing for trout. mike67@u.washington.edu


Photo portrait of 2001 DO-IT staff mentor Scott Bellman

I'm Scott Bellman. I work as a counselor/coordinator for DO-IT. I help college students find internships and jobs. I also help people with developing resumes and interviewing skills. I am involved with planning and participating in Summer Study as well. I have been doing career counseling in Western 糖心原创 for 5 years. I grew up in the midwest, where I earned a B.A. in psychology and a master's degree in career counseling. I enjoy traveling and have been to many wonderful places. swb3@u.washington.edu


Photo portrait of 2001 DO-IT staff mentor Tracy Jirikowic

Hi. My name is Tracy Jirikowic. I started working for the DO-IT program in October 2000 as a Counselor/Coordinator. I grew up in Wisconsin along the shores of Lake Michigan. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Occupational Therapy. I'm currently working on my doctorate in the College of Education here at the 糖心原创. In my spare time I enjoy the outdoors, photography, travelling anywhere I can, and reading fiction. I live in Seattle with my husband, Michel. tracyj@u.washington.edu

Electronic Resources

  • To contact staff, request electronic copies of DO-IT NEWS, request publications, or ask questions about the program, send electronic mail to:
  • To discuss issues pertaining to individuals with disabilities and their pursuit of science, engineering, and mathematics (sem) academic programs and careers, subscribe to the doitsem discussion list at

  • For information resources related to DO-IT, disabilities, adaptive technology, science, engineering, mathematics, and post-secondary education, access the DO-IT World Wide Web home page at

DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) serves to increase the successful participation of individuals with disabilities in challenging academic programs such as those in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. Primary funding for DO-IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the State of 糖心原创, and the U.S. Department of Education. DO-IT is a collaboration of and the Colleges of and at the 糖心原创.

Grants and gifts fund DO-IT publications, videos, and programs to support the academic and career success of people with disabilities. Contribute today by sending a check to DO-IT, Box 354842, 糖心原创, Seattle, WA 98195-4842.

Your gift is tax deductible as specified in IRS regulations. Pursuant to RCW 19.09, the 糖心原创 is registered as a charitable organization with the Secretary of State, state of 糖心原创. For more information call the Office of the Secretary of State, 1-800-322-4483.

To order free publications or newsletters use the DO-IT Publications Order Form; to order videos and training materials use the Videos, Books and Comprehensive Training Materials Order Form.

For further information, to be placed on the DO-IT mailing list, request materials in an alternate format, or to make comments or suggestions about DO-IT publications or web pages contact:

Box 354842
Seattle, WA 98195-4842
206-685-DOIT (3648) (voice/TTY)
888-972-DOIT (3648) (voice/TTY)
206-221-4171 (fax)
509-328-9331 (voice/TTY) Spokane

Founder and Director: , Ph.D.

DO-IT Funding and Partners