
1997 Ambassadors

Group photo of 1997 DO-IT Scholars

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing post-secondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with the younger DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and careers.

Image of Andrew
Andrew, '97 Scholar

My name is Andrew and I have a mobility impairment. I have a weakness and lack of control on my left side, especially my left hand. I live in State College, PA for the duration of the summer. I graduated after the '98-'99 term. I enjoy programming and music. I will be majoring in Physics at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Image of Amanda
Amanda, '97 Scholar

My name is Amanda and I am a paraplegic. I live in Montana and I graduated this year. I will attend the University of Great Falls in the fall. I enjoy algebra, English, biology, chemistry, and journalism. I like to read, write, and go on the Internet. I also enjoy photography. I was an Intern in Summer Study '99.

Image of Jen
Jennifer, '97 Scholar

My name is Jenny. My disability is blindness. I graduated in 1998 from a high school in North Dakota. I attended the University of North Dakota, beginning in the fall of 1998. I have joined a sorority and am now a Tri Delta. I love college and hanging out with friends. My major is social work.

Image of Minh
Minh, '97 Scholar

My name is Minh. I graduated from Nathan Hale High School in Seattle, WA this year. My disability is Achondroplasia (Little People or Short). Even though I'm 19 years old, my height is only 4'. My hobbies are traveling, watching movies, email, searching the Web for educational information and for personal interest. I also like to chat *smile*. My major interest is medicine.

Image of Trent
Trent, '97 Scholar

Hi, my name is Trent. I graduated from a high school in 糖心原创 and am attending North Seattle Community College. I recently finished three computer classes and made a Web site in the Internet class. I enjoy watching and playing sports. I also enjoy video games a lot. I won the Seattle Youth Hall of Fame Award in 1998 which recognizes Seattle area youth for their services, courage, creativity, and enterprise. My disability is seizures. I was an Intern in Summer Study '99.

Image of Brad
Brad, '97 Scholar

My name is Brad. I graduated from high school in 1998. I attended college last year. I want to be an engineer. One of my hobbies is chess. I use a wheelchair because I broke my neck almost 5 years ago. I still do a lot of things for myself. I even drive!

Image of Ben
Ben, '97 Scholar

My name is Ben and I am a quadriplegic. I live in 糖心原创 and graduated from high school in 1998. My hobbies are watching sports, working out, and listening to reggae and classic rock music. I hope to pursue architecture in college.

Image of Justin
Justin, '97 Scholar

Hello, my name is Justin and I'm from Florida. I'm blind but it doesn't stop me from taking on new challenges. I am looking forward to getting a guide dog. I graduated from high school this spring and am considering attending the 糖心原创. I love to sing country music using the guitar or keyboards. I hope to find a career that involves both music and computers. Last year, I attended the 1998 Intel Conference in Fort Worth, TX and presented DO-IT to an international audience.

Image of Michael
Michael, '97 Scholar

My name is Michael and I hail from Colorado. I have Spina Bifida and Upper Motor Neuron Dysfunction (a fancy way of saying Cerebral Palsy, not from birth). When I'm not found on my computer (either playing or doing homework), I'm eating, sleeping, playing with my black Labrador Retriever, Rosie, studying Spanish, watching TV, or listening to music. I graduated from high school this year and I will be attending Colorado College in the fall. I may create an individualized major which includes history, philosophy, and literature. I received one of forty Boettcher awards for Colorado. That means free schooling (YES!!!). I was an Intern in Summer Study '99.

Image of Alexi
Alexi, '97 Scholar

Hello, my name is Alexi. I am profoundly deaf and have used cochlear implants since 1993. I graduated from Greens Farms Academy in Connecticut in June of '99 and I will study Engineering at UConn (Honors College) in the fall. As for interests... I'll cheer for the UConn Huskies!

Image of Karyn
Karyn, '97 Scholar

My name is Karyn. I graduated from a high school in 糖心原创 last year. My learning disability is Dyslexia. My interests are roller-blading, playing computer games, talking in chat rooms, playing soccer and basketball. I collect giraffes, of which I have several hundred.

Image of Shakethia
Shakethia, '97 Scholar

Bonjour! My name is Shakethia. I recently graduated from a high school in Mississippi. I am a paraplegic from a gunshot wound and use a wheelchair. Some of the things I like to do in my spare time are watching television, talking on the phone, going to the movies, playing with my computer and listening to music. I would like to go to college and major in law or accounting! I am also a major Ken Griffey Jr. fan thanks to Sheryl!

Image of Steven
Steven, '97 Scholar

Hello, my name is Steven. I just graduated from high school in Connecticut. I will be attending the University of Connecticut with a possible major in computer science. I have a severe hearing loss. I played soccer for my school. I love to play all sorts of sports. I also play computer and board games.

Image of Laura
Laura, '97 Scholar

My name is Laura. I live near Cleveland, OH and I recently graduated from high school where I made honor roll all four years. I will attend college this fall. My disability is an ischemic spinal cord injury. My interests include astronomy and biology, and my hobbies include reading, writing and music. I was an Intern in Summer Study '99.

Image of Keaton
Keaton, '97 Scholar

Hi, my name is Keaton. I'm from Alaska and I'm blind. I like anything scientific. It's like candy to me. I eat it up and I can't stop. I am attending Southern Utah University. My hobbies include collecting key chains, listening to music, and talking to people.

Image of Veronica
Veronica, '97 Scholar

I am Veronica. I am 18 years old and recently graduated from high school. I will attend Harvard University beginning this fall. I plan to study biochemistry and eventually go to law school to practice patient law. My other interests include singing, traveling, and having a good time in general!

Image of Sharon
Sharon, '97 Scholar

Hello, my name is Sharon. I have Retinitis Pigmentosa, a low vision problem. I live in Pendleton, Oregon. This fall I will attend Blue Mountain Community College. I enjoy my guide dogs and other animals, football, basketball, gymnastics, bike riding, and spending time with family and friends. I am very active with Guide Dogs for the Blind; I volunteer every summer and get to be part of their program. I am still part of my high school basketball team; I help them by taking stats.