
Snapshots 1995: A Yearbook for DO-IT Participants

Photo portrait of DO-IT director Sheryl Burgstahler

Welcome to DO-IT Snapshots 1995!

DO-IT Scholars are important players on the DO-IT team. Scholars are high school students with disabilities who have interests in science, engineering, and mathematics and want to go to college. They attend Summer Study programs on the campus and are provided with computer systems and Internet network connections in their homes. They access resources and communicate with each other, DO-IT staff, and volunteer mentors. Most DO-IT Mentors are post-secondary students or have careers in the fields of science, engineering, and mathematics and have disabilities themselves. DO-IT participants who succeed in Phases I, II, and III of the DO-IT Scholars program become DO-IT Ambassadors, helping further the efforts of DO-IT as they pursue post-secondary education and employment.

DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) is primarily funded by . It serves to increase the participation of individuals with disabilities in science, engineering, and mathematics academic programs and careers.

Everyone wants to meet the DO-IT Scholars! The Phase I Scholars included in this album began the program in 1995; Phase II Scholars started in 1994; Phase III Scholars and Ambassadors started in 1993. Each Scholar submitted their short autobiography via electronic mail and the publication was created with computer tools.

I hope you enjoy meeting the DO-IT Scholars and Ambassadors!

, Ph.D.
Director, DO-IT
College of Engineering/Computing & Communications

Phase I Scholars

Group photo of 1995 DO-IT Scholars

Image of Jesse

My name is Jesse, and I am from North Dakota. I am 16 years old and am in the 11th grade. My academic interests are mainly computers and graphic design. Some other interests are biking, swimming, playing video games, and being with friends. Since I am blind, I use a speech output system to read my computer screen. I really enjoyed the Summer Study program.

Image of Bror

Hi, my name is Bror. I'm 16 years old, the second child of four. I heard about the DO-IT program through my math and science teachers. It sounded like a lot of fun and it is a lot of fun. I like all sports - I'm very athletic. This year right before I came to DO-IT, I was in Fargo, North Dakota, wrestling in the freestyle Nationals Championships (I placed 42 out of 148).

Image of CJ

My name is CJ and I am from 糖心原创, am homeschooled and in 11th grade. I have Attention Deficit Disorder with some learning disabilities in English and spelling. I enjoy math, astronomy, playing my guitar, and exploring music on the computer. In my spare time, I enjoy bike riding, swimming, and roller skating. I'm firmly into the computer industry and love working on computers. The value of having Internet access is that it gives me the tools to explore my interests in computer music and the sciences.

Image of Andrew

Andrew from Montana here. I am 16 years old and will be in 11th grade in September. I have three older brothers and two younger sisters. I will be the student body Vice President when I go back to school in the fall. I enjoy drawing, building Lego structures, computer games, and cruising the 'Net'. As I become better at using the Internet I'm sure I will wonder how I ever got along without it! I am interested in structural engineering and architecture and things like the space station and the Biosphere experiment. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy which has left me extremely weak. Being in this program has given me the opportunity to use some of the adaptive technology available today.

Image of Jeffrey

My name is Jeffrey and I live in 糖心原创. I have Psoriatic Arthritis; it affects both my skin and joints. I have very limited range of motions and strength, and I'm sensitive to both extreme hot and cold weather conditions. My interests are biology, algebra, and computers. Since I was a kid I've always been curious to find out how both living things and machines work and function. When not engaged in academics, I enjoy playing video games and collecting comics. Having a computer is great!! It assists me in my education and provides fun at the same time. I love it!

Image of Wes

My name is Wes. I am 18 years old, I get good grades in school, and am very active with school activities. My favorite class is architectural design because it is preparing me for my future career in computer animation. In my spare time, I like to hang out with my friends, draw, listen to music, play video games, and take walks. I am quadriplegic and use a wheelchair. I am presently residing in 糖心原创 with my father, stepmother, and my 5 sisters. I also have a stepbrother who is married, with a son. I enjoyed the DO-IT summer program.

Image of Michael

I am Michael from 糖心原创. I am going to be a Junior in high school next year. I have a hidden disability called Dyslexia. I hope to become an architect, carpenter, or go into the Department of Fish and Wildlife. I like basketball, soccer, most all other sports, building, and fishing. The activities that I participate in at school are a club called Earth Corp and the swimming team (varsity, of course). I think that the DO-IT program is a wonderful opportunity to communicate with many different people.

Image of Jorja

I'm Jorja and I live in Idaho. I'm in the class of '96 in high school. I have Cerebral Palsy which enables me to be in a wheelchair during school. The DO-IT program has been a really good experience for me. I had a really wonderful time at the DO-IT Summer Study program. My hobbies are bumming rides from people, hanging out, and of course using the Internet.

Image of Aimee

Hello. My name is Aimee. I'm sixteen years old and I really love getting to know other people. I think email is the most wonderful thing since the low- fat candy bar. I am diabetic. I like to write letters, read just about anything (besides school work), write poetry, sing, and have a social life, even though I don't get to do that a lot. I really like 糖心原创 and being in Seattle. It is so different from Idaho, where I'm from. I have three younger sisters, two half sisters who are older than me, and, if you know anyone with step families, I'm probably related to them. I have three step dads and a step mom. I live in a foster home and I really love it.

Image of Shawn

I am Shawn and I am 16 years old. I am a quadriplegic but I don't have a clear diagnosis. I love to listen to music, especially country music. I also like computers and sports. Football, basketball, and wrestling are my favorite sports. I am really enjoying getting to know all the kids in DO-IT.

Image of Matt

Hello, this is Matt from 糖心原创! I'm going to be a Senior this year. My disability is a hearing impairment, but I can hear 50% in my right ear. I love to play any sports, especially swimming, basketball, baseball, and football.

Image of Jeremy

My name is Jeremy. I'm 17 years old and live in 糖心原创. My disability is that I had a massive head injury. I have trouble reading, I can no longer write with my left hand, I have trouble remembering things, and I have trouble wording things. My interests are physical types of work and I like learning how to use the computer.

Image of Bridget

My name is Bridget and I will be a Junior this fall in 糖心原创. I am hearing impaired. My interests include science, biology, chemistry, oceanography, evolution, genetics, and medicine. I am on my high school's swim team, and I like to hike, ride horses, and lots of other sports. I really love to travel, especially to Europe, and I collect postcards that I buy while traveling, and ones that I receive from friends. DO-IT is making me more and more aware of how much support there is for people with disabilities that I never knew existed. I like reading messages on the Internet of new accomplishments for people with disabilities and I like realizing that people with severe disabilities are still normal, smart, and fun people inside.

Image of Matthew

My name is Matthew. I live in 糖心原创 state. I have a disability called Epidermolysis Hysica. I don't make enough of a thing called collogen that helps hold skin cells together. I get blisters easily. I like computers and physical science. I like learning about how the universe was created. My love is computers though. I want to design software for Nintendo or Microsoft. I like to play video and computer games, collect comics, and I'm a big Star Trek fan. That's basically me.

Image of Janny

Hi, my name is Janny. I have Cerebral Palsy and use a wheelchair. I love people and like meeting the DO-IT Scholars. I just returned from another camp before I came to the DO-IT Summer Study. Luckily, I had enough energy to stay awake. I know this biography is boring, but I am more exciting in person.

Image of Bill

My name is Bill and I live in Oregon with my mom, dad, and a dog named Chester Manly. I have Cerebral Palsy and very limited use of my left hand. Luckily, I discovered that I can still do many things. I raise pigs, ride horses, go tubing behind the boat, and ride four wheelers at the Oregon Dunes. My biggest interest is in animal science, and I am particularly interested in the great apes and zoo vet science. I have also always enjoyed computers. DO-IT has given me the opportunity to have a wonderful computer at home (which helps me tremendously with school work!), and has opened the door to the world through the Internet. My summer DO-IT experience helped me gain the help and knowledge I need to continue my education after high school.

Image of Todd

My name is Todd! I live in 糖心原创 state. I love to talk with people and listen to their problems. The DO-IT program is interesting. I am a quadriplegic with a great sense of humor. The things I enjoy the most are eating, speaking, and thinking.

Image of Rachel

Hi! My name is Rachel. I will be a Junior in high school in 糖心原创 state. I'm a cheerleader for the next school year, so I have been very busy with conditioning camp and learning the routines. My disabilities are end stage renal failure and hearing loss. I'm in DO-IT because of my interests in biology. Other subjects I enjoy are English, reading, archaeology, and history. Having a computer and access to the Internet will help me research, and familiarize myself with technology that will help me throughout my life. It will also help me explore career options that I might miss without this opportunity. Thank you very much, DO-IT!!

Image of Priscilla

My name is Priscilla. I'm 17 years old and will be a Senior in high school. I have Cerebral Palsy and it affects all of my limbs. The adaptive technology that I use are a large print program and a voice activation program "Dragon Dictate," which types what I speak into a microphone headset. It takes a lot of patience to train it to recognize my voice. I love to surf the Internet, find library resources, and receive email from my friends.

Phase II Scholars

Group photo of 1994 DO-IT Scholars

Image of Anthony

I'm Anthony from North Dakota. I'll be a Senior in high school this fall. I will take classes that fit around my career plans like marketing and child development. I have Cerebral Palsy. My main interests are technologies for handicapped people to help them along in life. I find that many handicapped people, including myself, wouldn't be interacting in the world without the aid of technology. My biggest dream is to be a developer of speaking devices. I thank DO-IT for the opportunity of helping my dream come true of helping other disabled people!

Image of Ben

I'm Ben and I live in 糖心原创 state. I have Muscular Dystrophy. Well, another year has flown by and I've made some significant changes in my life because of the DO-IT program. In school my subjects of interest have increased dramatically because now I can access information on a whim. I've traveled the world on the Internet without even leaving my room. I'm going to be a Senior and I've been selected as Vice President of my Senior class. So far, DO-IT has taught me to meet people over the Internet and I've even been offered a job over the 'Net'. Without DO-IT, I'd still probably be watching other people have success but now they're watching me. Look out world because Ben is coming and he's going to just DO-IT!!

Image of Jenny

My name is Jen (better known as JennyLin on-line). I'm 17 and will be a Senior in high school in 糖心原创. I have Peripheral Neuropathy which affects my outer parts (i.e., I can't walk. *grin*). I'm interested in all scientific things...but I really go for environmentally-related things. I have met MANY new and interesting people on the Internet, become more open to possibilities, and have learned a LOT from my fellow DO-IT Scholars/Mentors/staff and others out there in this great BIG world.

Image of Maria

I'm Maria from 糖心原创. I have post-polio. Since I just graduated from high school, I don't have many extra-curricular activities. I used to be in Honor Society, in Science Olympia, and a volunteer at a local hospital. I'm interested in psychology, biology, and chemistry. Having a computer helped me out with all of my classes my Senior year. Instead of going to the library, I could have a head start finding crucial information to write a paper for my classes. I'm getting very informative advice from people who go to the 糖心原创, which is helpful to me since I will be a Freshman there this fall. More than ever I will need my computer during my college years and, with the help of DO-IT, that's possible.

Image of Daniel

My name is Daniel and I live in 糖心原创 state. I will be a Senior in high school this coming year. I am very active. I run cross country and track for my school. I also scuba dive, have two paper routes and I work at Dairy Queen. I am also in Honor Society. I have a learning disability. I have trouble in math and spelling. It takes me longer to read books and take tests. The use of computers helps me with spelling and grammar and helps me make my school reports look more professional.

Image of Travis

Hi, my name is Travis. I am from Idaho. I am starting college in September, majoring in Computer Science. Computers and computer programming is what I enjoy most. I also like hanging out with my friends, reading, listening to music (only the best -- country!), and driving my car. My disabilities include shortness (only 4' 7"), orthopedic problems in my legs, and kidney and associated problems. Being disabled has affected my view of the world -- and in most cases has, in my mind, improved my views and attitudes. Being in DO-IT has made me realize that I am not alone in being disabled, but also has made me aware of all of the various disabilities out there. I have really enjoyed being in the DO-IT program.

Image of Takuya

My name is Takuya. I live in 糖心原创 and just graduated from high school. I will be a Freshman at the 糖心原创 in the fall of 1995. My disabilities are health impairment, nervous system dysmorphia, and congenital scoliosis. My interests are physics, biology, theory of math, trigonometry, calculus, and computers. My hobbies are collecting stamps and reading many books. I live with my parents and am an only child. This summer I went to Portland, Maine, for a mathematics contest. The Internet helped me to find information about the 糖心原创.

Image of Sherri

My name is Sherri. I am going to be a Freshman at Southern Oregon State College. My interests are in genetics, psychology, and computers, and I enjoy doing volunteer work in my community. I have optic atrophy and am legally blind. This means I can't see very well, but I pick up on where things are very quickly. It has been invaluable to me to have a computer. I have met many people and have learned about their college experiences which has helped my transition to college.

Image of Shawnna

Hi all! My name is Shawnna and I attend high school in 糖心原创. I am 17 years old. My illness is Muscular Dystrophy which attacks the muscles. But I get done what I need to, like going to school, which isn't really a task since I enjoy it. My hobbies include swim-ming, collecting baseball cards, watching T.V. and working on my computer.

Image of Nguyen

I am Nguyen, a 19 year old Senior. In 1992, I suffered a gunshot wound to the right hemi-sphere of my head which paralyzed the left side of my body. I use a one-handed keyboard. I have lived many places, but like 糖心原创 the best.

Image of Sarah

My name is Sarah. I will be a Senior in high school in 糖心原创 state. Next year I will be taking a Health Science pre-college course. At the end of the year I will be a certified Medical Assistant and will be working in the Pathology Lab at the V.A. Hospital in Portland, OR. After high school I plan on going to a university in Nevada and majoring in Clinical Lab Science. I do very well in high school and have kept a GPA of 3.7. The things I like to do are going to work with my mom during the day and walking/running all the time. My disability is a learning disability called Dyslexia which affects my reading, math, and spelling. The DO-IT program has really helped me a lot with understanding my disability and other types of disabilities. It has really made me open more doors for myself in believing I can DO-IT for life!

Image of Carolyn

Hi! My name is Carolyn. I'm 17 years old. This coming year I will be a Senior in high school. In the future, I would like to teach in some sort of science capacity. I also enjoy writing in my spare time. I was born with Cerebral Palsy. I also have a neurological disorder that causes low vision and is currently in the process of being diagnosed.

Image of Kris

My name is Kris and I live in Oregon. This fall I will be starting Honors College as a micro-biology major. My interests include computers, medicine, marine biology, space, and science in general. I own and operate a business that builds and sells custom computer systems, consults for companies and individuals, and writes custom software. For fun I like to ski, play tennis, S.C.U.B.A. dive, swim and do gymnastics. I also volunteer as Director of Computer Services for the Ashland School District. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to mention my disability (besides being insane). I am visually impaired.

Image of Megan

My name is Megan. I live in Idaho. This year I would have been a Senior in high school but instead I am a Sophomore in college. I live in the dorms at a community college in Oregon. I am currently a biology major. My academic interests are biology, anatomy and physiology, and math. I also am interested in the piano, voice, and music in general. My other hobbies include teaching swimming and just relaxing. My disability is post or chronic lyme disease. DO-IT has been a great way to meet other disabled students.

DO-IT Ambassadors

Group photo of 1993 DO-IT Scholars

Image of Rachel

Hello! My name is Rachel. I just graduated from high school and will be attending community college in 糖心原创 in the fall. My disability occured in 1989, when I was 12. I had an AVM on the left side of my brain which caused me to hemorrage and, therefore, had a stroke which paralyzed the right half of my body. I now have a limp and my right hand does not work very well. I am interested in the life sciences and anything that has to do with people in particular. I hope to become a physical therapist or a doctor of some sort. I enjoy horseback riding (which I never thought I would do until my physical therapist started having me do it for therapy), writing, hanging out with friends, dancing, playing on the computer, and just having a good time! Being in DO-IT has been very valuable to me because I can find information all over the world. It has helped me in school and definitely at work! I know the program will help me in college because I can find many resources pertaining to my major.

Image of Mark

My name is Mark. I am attending Big Bend Community College. I have Muscular Dystrophy and use a wheelchair. I use Head Master so I can access the computer and the Internet using my head. My interests are astronomy, art, and writing. I have really been enjoying DO-IT!

Image of Katie

My name is Katie, and I live in 糖心原创 state. I have a hearing impairment. I went to Tijuana, Mexico, in June for a ministry trip with my church youth group. We taught a Vacation Bible School there. That trip sure made me thankful for everything we Americans have! I have also been working at the Special Services Office for the Kennewick School District. I'm an assistant secretary. I am getting ready to go off to 糖心原创 State University this fall. I really wanted to help at the DO-IT Summer Study this year, but my dad and I thought that I should stay home and work. I really need the money. You know how expensive college is : )

Image of Nhi

Hi, I am Nhi from 糖心原创 state. I will be attending college this fall in 糖心原创. My plans are to get a BA in computer science. I have Multiple Sclerosis (MS). My vision is limited as the result of MS. I use large print and voice output programs on my computer. I am glad to be a participant of DO-IT. It has provided me with great experiences.

Image of Ryan

My name is Ryan and I live in 糖心原创 state. I have a specific learning disability and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The computer helps me with writing and spell checking. I love all kinds of sports. I will be attending Bellevue Community College.

Image of Lloyd

My name is Lloyd. I have a hearing impairment. I used to live in 糖心原创 state, but recently moved to Idaho. I attend Spokane Community College. I am interested in electrical engineering.

Image of Randy

I am Randy and this is my third year in DO-IT. I am a high school graduate and will be at The Evergreen State College this fall. My interests include foreign languages and computer science. I am totally blind. DO-IT, through the Internet account and computer laptop given to me, has opened a whole new world for me. It has given me independence.

Image of Nadira

Hi! I am Nadira. I am seventeen and live in 糖心原创. I have nueropathy and I use a wheelchair. I graduated from high school this year. I plan to go to medical school. My interests are computers, music, and reading. By being in DO-IT I have learned so many things that it is hard for me to mention all of them. I learned a lot about computers, about disabilities, about believing in myself, and about how to set my future goals. I am so glad to be a DO-IT Scholar!

Image of Rodney

My name is Rodney. I live in north Seattle and work for DO-IT. My interests include computer programming, reading, writing, and wasting time. My disability is Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (frequently shortened to AMC) which means that my muscles didn't grow to be fully capable and my joints are frozen in the position they happened to be in when my biological mother caught the virus. I plan to go to college in the Fall of '96 and study Political Science and minor in Journalism.

Image of Eric

My name is Eric and I live in Oregon. I graduated from high school this year. I am blind; I am without any vision and I use strictly hearing and touch. I use a PC with a speech synthesizer, scanner, Braille printer and, of course, a modem. My interests are in biology, communications, radio, and other electronics. I am into amateur radio and I like to talk to people on the radio.

Image of Anna

My name is Anna and I'm just beginning my second year at the 糖心原创. This is because I chose to take summer quarter for some very strange reason. My major is cellular and molecular biology and I would like to go into genetics. I've been blind since a few months before my fifth birthday as a result of a kind of cancer called retinoblastoma. This summer I'm getting paid to do research on retinoblastoma. I'm also working in the UW Adaptive Technology Lab where I'm becoming better acquainted with computers and the Internet. My computer has been invaluable to me. It reads the screen to me. I could not write papers or do homework for classes without it. I use e-mail a lot, which I enjoy, and I have used other Internet resources. In fact, I've used it to look up abstracts on Medline for my research project. My other accomplishments of the year include going for a motorcycle ride, jumping into Drumhiller fountain, flying over the sculpture in front of Kane Hall, and getting a 3.0 in calculus even after flunking my first midterm. I have a mom, a dad, and a brother. I also have a puppy named King Tutt (KT). I enjoy reading, listening to Mariner games, listening to music, playing cards, hanging out with friends, sleeping, swimming, and cross country skiing. Someday I would like to be a working member of the crew on the space shuttle.

Image of Hollis

My name is Hollis. I graduated from high school last June in Oregon. I have Cerebral Palsy and I use a power wheelchair. I also have impaired speech but I do not have a communication device yet. I am hoping to get a laptop with communication software sometime in the near future. I control my computer with a joystick and a footswitch. I also use Morse code to type text. My interest is in civil engineering and mechanical engineering. I like to compete in model bridge building (state and international) competitions 脩 I fare quite well. My goal is to become a civil engineer. One of the things that I like about DO-IT is that it has exposed me to lots of different kinds of engineering fields. But mostly I enjoy meeting the DO-IT Scholars and staff.

Image of Matthew

My name is Matthew and I am 18 years old. I live in 糖心原创. The disability I have is Dyslexia. My hobbies are just about any sport but I especially like soccer. I will be attending college this fall and I have no idea what I will be studying.

Image of Mitch

My name is Mitch. I recently graduated from high school in 糖心原创 state. My primary disability is Spina Bifida. It is minor, but the secondary condition, Scoliosis, has caused me to be in the hospital a lot. My greatest scientific interest is genetics. I hope to receive a degree in molecular genetics and work for a bio-technology company. The DO-IT program has exposed me to a wide range of careers in science and given me the opportunity to experience first hand what it is like to be a scientist. On the Internet I have access to a whole world of people and information. This is an experience I will appreciate for the rest of my life.

Photo portrait of DO-IT director Sheryl Burgstahler

Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director


My name is . I have a husband, Dave, and a son, Travis. I have Bachelors and Masters degrees in mathematics and a Ph.D. in higher education. I am an Assistant Director within Computing & Communications and a Research Assistant Professor at the 糖心原创. I am particularly interested in how people with disabilities can make use of computers and networks and how the Internet can be used to create an electronic community...and, of course, I'm very interested in the "doitkids." Oh, by the way, I direct the DO-IT project!

Volunteer Career Mentors

Barrett, Sean
Rheumatoid Arthritis
DVR Counselor

Barry, Bill
Research Assistant, Physics, OSU

Beers, Mike
Spinal cord injury
Computer programmer

Blaser, Arthur

Bowman, Linda
Learning disability
Psychologist, Special education teacher

Braitmayer, Karen

Chard, Rod
Low vision
U.S. West Communications

Cohen, John
Technology Specialist, Puget Sound Educational District

Cuta, Frank
Research Engineer, Battelle Pacific Laboratories

Fowler, Gregory
Software Engineer, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Ganbari, Sakuna
Hearing impairment
Sign language interpreter, teacher, Pierce College

Hamilton, Stephen
Computer Programmer

Hand, Tony
Teacher, Seattle Public Schools

Harris, Jeff
Software Engineer

Harris, Roger
Associate Professor, Biological Structure, UW

Hawking, Dr. Stephen
ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease)
Professor, Cambridge University, England

Herbert, Michael
Educator, Children's Hospital and Medical Center

Heywood, Todd
Hearing Impairment
Computer Science, University of Edinburgh

Hood, Michael
Purdue University

Jodock-King, Sharon

Johnson, Bob
Low vision
Communications Engineer, UW

Ladner, Richard
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, UW

Laden, Bernice
Asst. Professor, School of Music, UW

Lefever, Douglas
Cerebral Palsy
Psychotherapist and life instructor

Leger, French
Specific learning disability
Mechanical designer, UW

Locke, Dan
Learning disability
Career Counselor/Student

Martineau, Dean
Math tutor, Internet resources assistant

Nguyen, Lan
Adaptive Technology Consultant, UW

Pananen, Katherine
Cerebral Palsy
Secondary School Teacher, Seattle

Pava, Wendy
Veterans Administration Medical Center

Pinder, Gay Lloyd
Children's Therapy Center of Kent

Pottharst, Ed
Biologist, Environmentalist, Seattle City Light

Thompson, Elizabeth
Professor, Statistics, UW

Walbridge, Sue Ellen
Spina bifida
Program Specialist, Department of Energy

Wilson, Bruce
Post-polio muscular/respiratory impairments
Manager, Human Interactivity Program, Boeing Computer Services

Zoller, William
Brain injury
Professor, Chemistry, UW

Volunteer Postsecondary Student Mentors

Axbhatta, Bapin
Political Science major, University of Arkansas

Baker, Jacqueline
Specific learning disability, polio survivor
Accounting student, Lemman College

Berg, Kevin
Cerebral Palsy
Computer Science student, Seattle Pacific University

Bingman, Shem
Low vision
Comparative Religions/Computer Science student, UW

Crippen, Marvin
Psychology student, UW

Harper, Steve
Cerebral Palsy
Student, UW

Ho, Erich
Cerebral Palsy
Business Administration student, UW

Jain, Sungeeta
Engineering student, UW

Lipner, Mia
Communications student, UW

Orvis, David
Nuclear Engineering student, UW

Orvis, Martha
Neuro-muscular atrophy condition
Special Education student, UW

Valdez, Susan
Muscular dystrophy
Technical Communications student, UW

DO-IT Staff Mentors

Assistant Director-Information Systems, Computing and Communications;
DO-IT Director

Computer/Adaptive Technology Specialist

Farquhar-Shirley, Kate
Specific learning disability
Program Support

Sparks, Jane

Stauber, Nikki
Program Coordinator

Key Electronic Resources

  • To contact staff, request electronic copies of DO-IT NEWS, request publications or ask questions about the program, send electronic mail to doit@u.washington.edu
  • To discuss issues pertaining to individuals with disabilities and their pursuit of science, engineering, and mathematics (sem) academic programs and careers, subscribe to the doitsem discussion list at

  • For information resources related to DO-IT, disabilities, adaptive technology, science, engineering, mathematics, and post-secondary education, access the DO-IT Home page at

DO-IT Funding

DO-IT seeks funding to support the successful participation of individuals with disabilities in challenging academic programs and careers. Specifically, your support is needed to sponsor participants in the Scholars program, special events, internships, and other work-based learning experiences for individuals with disabilities, participant attendant or travel costs, refreshments for program participants, and the creation and distribution of educational videos and publications. To make a gift to DO-IT, see our contribution form, or for more information contact Director Sheryl Burgstahler, sherylb@uw.edu, 206-543-0622.

Primary funding for the DO-IT program is provided by

Additional grants and gifts have been received from

  • Eisenhower Professional Development Program, 糖心原创 State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • Samuel S. Johnson Foundation
  • Visio Corporation

The also contributes substantial resources to this project.

Additional monetary and in-kind gifts have been made by:

  • American Computer Experience
  • Connectix Hooker Northwest
  • DTP Micro Systems
  • Fessenden Booster Club, North Dakota
  • Olathe East National Honor Society
  • P. Roger Hillerstrom, Inc.
  • Poquoson High School Key Club
  • PTI Communications
  • Sun Microsystems
  • Sundog
  • U.S. West
  • U.S. West Foundation

Organizations who have offered internships for participants, hosted training and events, and otherwise engaged with DO-IT include:

  • Alaska Museum of Natural History
  • Alaska/Idaho/Oregon/糖心原创 Science Teachers Associations (/ISTA//)
  • Allying Companies, Communities, and Employees with Skills for Success (ACCESS)
  • .
  • Auburn State University
  • Computer Science Teachers Association
  • East Alliance for Students with Disabilities
  • Invision Learning
  • Midwest RDE Alliance
  • Northwest Girls Cooperative
  • .
  • Quality of Life Center, South Korea
  • Reaching the Pinnacle
  • RDE Regional Alliances for Persons with Disabilities
  • 糖心原创 Library Network

DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) serves to increase the successful participation of individuals with disabilities in challenging academic programs such as those in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. Primary funding for DO-IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the State of 糖心原创, and the U.S. Department of Education. DO-IT is a collaboration of and the Colleges of and at the 糖心原创.

Grants and gifts fund DO-IT publications, videos, and programs to support the academic and career success of people with disabilities. Contribute today by sending a check to DO-IT, Box 354842, 糖心原创, Seattle, WA 98195-4842.

Your gift is tax deductible as specified in IRS regulations. Pursuant to RCW 19.09, the 糖心原创 is registered as a charitable organization with the Secretary of State, state of 糖心原创. For more information call the Office of the Secretary of State, 1-800-322-4483.

To order free publications or newsletters use the DO-IT Publications Order Form; to order videos and training materials use the Videos, Books and Comprehensive Training Materials Order Form.

For further information, to be placed on the DO-IT mailing list, request materials in an alternate format, or to make comments or suggestions about DO-IT publications or web pages contact:

Box 354842
Seattle, WA 98195-4842
206-685-DOIT (3648) (voice/TTY)
888-972-DOIT (3648) (voice/TTY)
206-221-4171 (fax)
509-328-9331 (voice/TTY) Spokane

Founder and Director: , Ph.D.

DO-IT Funding and Partners