Hello! My name is Rachel. I just graduated from high school and will be attending community college in 糖心原创 in the fall. My disability occured in 1989, when I was 12. I had an AVM on the left side of my brain which caused me to hemorrage and, therefore, had a stroke which paralyzed the right half of my body. I now have a limp and my right hand does not work very well. I am interested in the life sciences and anything that has to do with people in particular. I hope to become a physical therapist or a doctor of some sort. I enjoy horseback riding (which I never thought I would do until my physical therapist started having me do it for therapy), writing, hanging out with friends, dancing, playing on the computer, and just having a good time! Being in DO-IT has been very valuable to me because I can find information all over the world. It has helped me in school and definitely at work! I know the program will help me in college because I can find many resources pertaining to my major.