
CBI Participants Pathways to Success for Students with Invisible Disabilities: an AccessComputing Capacity Building Institute at Landmark College 2013)

Stakeholder groups represented in the CBI included

  • student services leaders and administrators,
  • faculty members,
  • technology specialists, and
  • individuals with disabilities.

The following individuals participated in the CBI.

Manju Banerjee
Landmark College Institute of Research and Training

Michelle Bower
Landmark College

Sandy Bower
Landmark College

Loring C. Brinckerhoff 聽 聽
Educational Testing Service (ETS)

Geoff Burgess
Landmark College

Sheryl Burgstahler

Winston Chen 聽 聽
Voice Dream Reader App developer

Karen Clark 聽 聽
Community College of Vermont

Caleb Clark 聽 聽
Marlborough College Graduate School

Kathy D鈥橝lessio
Landmark College

Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki
Landmark College Institute of Research and Training

Kelly Emrich 聽 聽
Pathfinder RVHTS

Aaron Ferguson 聽 聽
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Holly Hayes 聽 聽
Landmark College, Board Member

Linda Hecker
Landmark College Institute of Research and Training

Lori Jabar 聽 聽
Londonderry High School

Chaundra Jesenski 聽 聽
Fair Haven Union High School

Frank Kluken
Landmark College

Richard Ladner

David Lindenberg 聽 聽
Southern Vermont College

Anita Long
Landmark College

Michael Luciani
Landmark College

Trudy Mandeville 聽 聽
TCP Learning

Roxanne McCarty 聽 聽
Paul Smith鈥檚 College Arts Science

Kurt Mueller 聽 聽
University of Massachusetts, Boston

Lorraine Norwich 聽 聽
Boston University

Julie Oscherson
Landmark College

Sandi L. Patton 聽 聽
Lone Star College - University Park

Janelle Pease 聽 聽
Long Trail School

Sapna Prasad
Landmark College Institute of Research and Training

Rich Simmons 聽 聽
Johnson State College

Joseph Stallsmith

Patrick Sullivan
Trocaire College

Melissa Wetherby
Landmark College

Ruth Wilmot
Landmark College