Stakeholder groups represented in the CBI included
The following individuals participated in the CBI.
Manju Banerjee
Landmark College Institute of Research and Training
Michelle Bower
Landmark College
Sandy Bower
Landmark College
Loring C. Brinckerhoff 聽 聽
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Geoff Burgess
Landmark College
Sheryl Burgstahler
Winston Chen 聽 聽
Voice Dream Reader App developer
Karen Clark 聽 聽
Community College of Vermont
Caleb Clark 聽 聽
Marlborough College Graduate School
Kathy D鈥橝lessio
Landmark College
Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki
Landmark College Institute of Research and Training
Kelly Emrich 聽 聽
Pathfinder RVHTS
Aaron Ferguson 聽 聽
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Holly Hayes 聽 聽
Landmark College, Board Member
Linda Hecker
Landmark College Institute of Research and Training
Lori Jabar 聽 聽
Londonderry High School
Chaundra Jesenski 聽 聽
Fair Haven Union High School
Frank Kluken
Landmark College
Richard Ladner
David Lindenberg 聽 聽
Southern Vermont College
Anita Long
Landmark College
Michael Luciani
Landmark College
Trudy Mandeville 聽 聽
TCP Learning
Roxanne McCarty 聽 聽
Paul Smith鈥檚 College Arts Science
Kurt Mueller 聽 聽
University of Massachusetts, Boston
Lorraine Norwich 聽 聽
Boston University
Julie Oscherson
Landmark College
Sandi L. Patton 聽 聽
Lone Star College - University Park
Janelle Pease 聽 聽
Long Trail School
Sapna Prasad
Landmark College Institute of Research and Training
Rich Simmons 聽 聽
Johnson State College
Joseph Stallsmith
Patrick Sullivan
Trocaire College
Melissa Wetherby
Landmark College
Ruth Wilmot
Landmark College