Post-Evaluation of Professional Development

Post-Evaluation of Professional Development

Please complete this survey to evaluate the professional development training you are participating in. Return the survey to the envelope provided by the facilitator. Your responses will be used for research purposes to help us determine the value of this professional development and create training materials. The survey will take about five minutes. Participation is voluntary and anonymous and you may choose not to answer every question. Thank you for your feedback.

Current position:
 [ ] Faculty [ ] Administrator [ ] Support Staff
 [ ] K-12 teacher [ ] Employer [ ] Other: ______________
Number of years, if any, of teaching experience: ___________________________________

Have you ever had a student with a disability in your class, program, or service?


Do you have any colleagues, friends, or family members with disabilities?


Do you have a disability?


Check the box to indicate your level of confidence that in your class, program, or service area you are now able to:


Apply universal design principles and strategies.


Use technology in a way that supports students with disabilities.


Refer students with disabilities to appropriate campus resources.


Meet legal obligations to students with disabilities.


Make your course/service/program accessible to students with disabilities.


Will you implement elements of what you learned? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, what will you implement?

  • Include a statement in my syllabus/program brochure/website that indicates how to obtain disability-related accommodations.
  • Use multi-modal presentations.
  • Arrange the physical space I use to be more easily accessed by everyone.
  • Ensure that all materials used in my class/program are available in alternate formats.
  • Be prepared to respond to requests for accommodations.
  • Ensure that commercial media I use (e.g., DVDs) are captioned.
  • Create simple directions for assignments and forms and otherwise make them easier to complete.
  • Regularly assess the accessibility of my course, service, or program.
  • Other (Please describe):

Please describe the strengths and/or weaknesses of this professional development.

Suggest additional programs and materials that would be helpful for faculty and/or staff related to working with students with disabilities.