Friday, July 21, 2006 - 07:00 to 08:30
Breakfast and Begin Pack-up (McMohan Hall cafeteria, Down to Dining level, Ground fall)
Breakfast and Begin Pack-up (McMohan Hall cafeteria, Down to Dining level, Ground fall)
Phase I:Ìý
Pack-up, but leave belongings in the room.Ìý
Phase II:
Meet in the McCarty Hall maoin entrance lobby (3rd floor , Lobby level) to depart for Phase II workshops.Ìý
Phase I:
What comes next? (McCarty Hall Library, 3rd Floor), Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director
Phase II workshops:
LunchÌý(HUB Food Court, Ground Floor)
MeetÌýto depart Kane hall for closing ceremonies (HUB Art Gallery, 1st Floor, between rooms 106B and 108)
Closing CeremonniesÌý(Kane Hall, Walker-Ames Room)
Finish Packing and Dorm Check-out (McCarty Hall main Entrance Lobby)
See ya in Cyberspace!Ìý