2015 Achievement Highlights

Ellen Jetland, β€˜13 Scholar
Received a $10,000 scholarship to attend the University of North Dakota to study unmanned aerial systems.

Lindsey Muszkiewicz, β€˜14 Scholar
Finished writing a book and is looking for a publisher.

Erika Teasley, β€˜11 Scholar
Chosen to be on the Student Advisory Council for the U.S. Business Leadership Network.

Tony Ive β€˜06 Scholar
Joined the Lake Union Rowing Club, a nationally competitive team.

Kennedy Kors, β€˜14 Scholar
Recognized as one of twelve News Tribune’s 2015 All-Star Graduates from Pierce and South King Counties. Was also in the top ten of his graduating class.

Grace Yukawa, β€˜12 Scholar
Accepted into Alpha Xi Delta at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York to engage in service and philanthropy.

Eric Werbel, β€˜14 Scholar
Elected secretary of the Link Leaders Crew.

Hannah Werbel, β€˜13 Scholar
Performed in the 2015 Seattle Young Artists Music Festival playing the flute.

Sangha Yoon, β€˜14 Scholar
Ran a five minute, five second mile as his new personal best.

Matthew Seeberger, β€˜14 Scholar
Elected to senior board of his student council at Mt. Spokane High School.

Anna Ewing, β€˜09 Scholar
Co-taught a class on disability at Seattle Central College and will co-teach again in Fall 2015.

Lindsay Oseran, β€˜12 Scholar
Her ceramic art was chosen to be displayed in a student showcase at Pacific University.

Calleese Henderson, β€˜14 Scholar
Accepted into a Running Start mathematics class.