E-Community Activity: Exploring Learning Strengths and Challenges

Send this message to the e-community of protégés and mentors.

Subject: Exploring learning strengths and challenges

Everyone has learning strengths and challenges; each person learns best in a unique way. Think about how you would complete the following sentences, considering factors that relate to you, your teacher, and your environment.

  • I learn best when I ...
    I have difficulty learning when I ...
    An example of what I can do to help myself learn is ...
  • I learn best when my teacher ...
    I have difficulty learning when my teacher ...
    An example of what I can do to help my teacher help me learn is ...
  • I learn best in an environment where ...
    I have difficulty learning in an environment where ...
    ​An example of how I can create a positive learning environment for myself is ...

Think about your level of strength regarding the following characteristics.

  • paying attention
  • processing/understanding what I read
  • processing/understanding what I hear
  • remembering things
  • expressing myself in writing
  • expressing myself by speaking
  • showing what I know
  • physical strength
  • ability to manipulate objects
  • visual ability
  • hearing ability

What is one of these characteristics that you consider a limitation of yours? How can you minimize its impact or even turn it into a strength?