AccessCyberlearning Capacity Building Institute

Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director
Participants sit at a panel discussing their projects.

AccessCyberlearning held a capacity building institute (CBI) on March 8 – 11 to promote the accessible design of online learning tools and strategies developed by Cyberlearning projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Participants shared their projects and expertise in groups within panels, where they explained how accessibility comes into play in their projects. These panels focused on diverse student needs, research, and tools; assessment of student learning and maximizing student engagement; and lessons learned and promising practices. There was also a panel where students with disabilities shared their experiences in online learning and recommendations to project leaders.

Participants worked together to create accessibility recommendations for resources at the Center for Innovative Research in CyberLearning (CIRCL), review how relevant conferences and professional organizations can improve with respect to their accessibility, look at making NSF’s “Smart and Connected Communities” more inclusive to people with disabilties, and create promising practices for the AccessCyberlearning Knowledge Base. Participants in the CBI continue to communicate online with each other and additional Cyberlearning project leaders.