Intern Check-in(McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby, 3rd Floor)
Lead Staff: Tami
Thanks for making Summer Study 2016 a success!
The following guidelines will help you move through the Summer Study program and gain the maximum benefit from the activities. This schedule lets you know what is planned, when to be ready and where to meet!
If you have suggestions for additional activities to add to the schedule, share your ideas with any DO-IT staff member.
Intern Check-in(McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby, 3rd Floor)
Lead Staff: Tami
Intern Orientation(HUB, Room 145)
Lead Staff: Scott
Dinner(McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level)
Intern Meeting(HUB, Room 145)
Lead Staff: Tami
Dorm Staff: Noah,Dijana
Breakfast(Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Intern Snack Room Training(Meet at Snack Room, Maple, Room 428)
Intern Campus Tour(Meet at Maple Hall, 4th floor lounge tour ends at HUB)
Lunch(HUB, Husky Den, Lower Level)
Meet in Husky Den to go back to Maple as a group (HUB, Husky Den, Lower Level)
Break (Maple Hall, 4th floor)
Program Set-up (Meet in Maple Hall Lobby)
Tami and Interns Review roles of Parking, Greeter, Keys/Front Desk, Escorts, Registration, Dorm Hosts and Computer Collection.
Phase I: Scholar Dorm Check In and Registration (Maple Hall, Great Room, Ground level)
Phase I: Welcome Meeting for Scholars and Parents(Maple Hall, Great Room)
SherylBurgstahler,DO-IT Director
Phase I: Welcome Dinner (Maple Hall, Great Room, Patio)
Phase I: DO-IT Success Panel (Maple Hall, Great Room)
Evening Dorm Activities / Go To Bed
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight!All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.
Dorm Staff:Dijana, Noah
Phase I: Breakfast (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I: Welcome, Computer Lab Orientation, Lab Set-up and Staying Connected (HUB, Room 145) Doug Hayman, DO-IT Technology Specialist and Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director
Phase I: Snack Break (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I: Disability Identity (HUB, Room 145) Kayla Brown, DO-IT Program Coordinator and Anna Ewing, DO-IT Ambassador and UW Graduate Student
Phase I: Connect With Your Lunch and Lunch Bunch Introduction (HUB, Room 145) Tami Tidwell, DO-IT Program Coordinator
Phase I: Lunch Bunch with Planning Groups (all groups eat in Husky Den, HUB, Lower Level)
Phase I: Staying Connected (HUB, Room 145) Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Program Director and Tami Tidwell, DO-IT Program Coodinator
Phase I: Setting Your Mind, Setting Your Goals! (HUB, Room 145) Debra Zawada, DO-IT Program Coordinator
Phase I: Grab a snack and travel to Fluke Hall
Phase I: CoMotion MakerSpace (Fluke Hall, 2nd Floor) Kat Steele, PhD, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, ԭ
Phase I: Travel as a group back to dinner and dorms.
Phase I: Dinner (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I: Accessibly Exploration with Cindy Bennett and DO-IT Family Game Night (Meet in Maple Hall, Great Room)
Evening Dorm Activities / Go To Bed
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in Maple Hall.
Dorm Staff: Dijana, Noah
Phase I: Breakfast (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to depart for HUB for morning sessions
Phase I: Built in Accessibility of Windows 10 (HUB, Room 145) Sean Marihugh, Escalation Engineer, Microsoft
Phase I: Snack Break (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I: Concepts in Oceanography: Global Warming, and the Arctic! (HUB, Room 145) Michael Steele, Senior Principal Oceanographer, Polar Science Center/Applied Physics Laboratory, ԭ
Phase I: Lunch (HUB, Husky Den, Lower Level)
Phase I: Taking Charge! (HUB, Room 145) Kayla Brown and Debra Zawada, DO-IT Program Coordinators
Phase I: Snack Break (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I: Add It Up! Will It Fly? (HUB, Room 145) Art Mabbot, The Math Guy
Phase I: Field Trip Prep/Staying Connected (HUB, Room 145) Tami Tidwell, DO-IT Program Coordinator
Phase I: Fly the Kites!(HUB Lawn) Art Mabbot, The Math Guy
Phase I: Dinner (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
At 6:30, Meet outside in the courtyard between Maple and Lander to depart.
Phase I: Village People! (University Village)
At 8:45, meet in front of Ravenna Gardens to return from U-Village to campus. The van will be available to any one who would like a ride.
Evening Dorm Activities / Go To Bed
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in Maple Hall.
Dorm Staff: Noah, Dijana
Phase I: Breakfast (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Meet up with a group in the Maple Hall 4th Floor Lobby between 7:00 and 8:00 to go down to breakfast.
At 8:30, meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to depart for Microsoft Mixer Building, Room: 2011 Pioneer Square, 15255 NE 40th Street North Commons, Redmond, WA 98052
Welcome/Introduction (Mixer Building, Room: 2011 Pioneer Square) Our host: Sean Marihugh, Escalation Engineer
Microsoft Challenge Activity (Mixer Building, Room: 2011 Pioneer Square) Jason Grieves, Accessibility Program Manager Lead and Brett Humphrey, Senior Program Manager Lead
Panel and Lunch with Microsoft Employees (Mixer Building, Room: 2011 Pioneer Square)
Hackathon Projects: Hands on Experience (Mixer Building, Room: 2011 Pioneer Square) Sean Marihugh, Escalation Engineer
Meet at 4:00 at the front entrance of Microsoft to load buses and return to the ԭ.
Phase I: Dinner (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I: World of MoreCRAFT (Meet in Maple Hall Great Room)
Evening Dorm Activities / Go To Bed
Flush and Brush!
Time to finish up your evening routine and head to your room.
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in Maple Hall.
Dorm staff: Sean, Dijana
Phase I: Breakfast (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to load bus for Pacific Science Center.
Arrive at the Pacific Science Center and explore (Downtown Seattle, 2nd Ave North entrance).
Phase I: Load Bus at Pacific Science Center and return to UW (meet at the same location as you were dropped off).
Phase II: Registration and Get Back in Touch Time (Maple Hall, Great Room)
Phase I & II Reminder: Scholar photos will be taken immediately AFTER the barbeque dinner. Please be ready for your photo BEFORE you go to dinner.
Phase II: Introduction for Scholars and Parents (Maple Hall, Great Room) Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director, Tami Tidwell and Debra Zawada, DO-IT Program Coordinators
All Scholars in dorm at 5:10 should head down to the Great Room.
Phase I & II: Dinner and Phase II Scholar Welcome (Maple Hall, Great Room and Patio)
At 6:30, be ready for Scholar Photos – Please be ready to have your photo taken (Maple Hall, Great Room)
Phase I & II: “I Scream" and KARAOKE! (Maple Hall, Great Room)
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in Maple Hall.
Dorm Staff: Noah, Dijana
Phase I & II: Breakfast (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I & II: Religious Service (optional)
Phase I & II: Dorm activities/rest time. Sunday morning cartoons, sports and art (Maple Hall, 4th Floor Lounges)
Phase I & II: Lunch (Local Point, Lander Hall)
Phase I & II: Meet in Courtyard between Lander and Maple to depart for Accessible Sports Expo
Phase I & II: Accessible Sports Expo (UW IMA)
Phase I & II: Meet at IMA to walk as group back to Maple and Lander
Phase I & II: Dinner (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I & II: Meet in Maple Hall 4th Floor Lounge to depart for Movie Night!
Phase I & II: DO-IT Family Movie Night! (Maple Hall, Great Room)
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in Maple Hall.
Phase I & II: Breakfast (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to to walk to HUB, Room 145.
Phase II: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to to depart for Phase II Workshop.
Phase II: Workshops
Exploratory Neurobiology: Bugs, Mice and Brains! (Kincaid Hall, Room 248 and Health Sciences T366) Martha Bosma, Associate Professor, Biology, ԭ; Curtis Easton, Josh Swore, Lauren Hood, Kelly Duong, Comron Ganji, Ryan Bishop, Chris Vong, Undergraduate Students and Graduate Students, Neuroscience, ԭ
Human Centered Robotics: Teach New Tricks to an Old Robot! (CSE Lab, Room 014) Maya Cakmak, Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, ԭ; Justin Huang and Vivek Paramasivam, Students, Computer Science and Engineering, ԭ
Phase I: Web Design and Development (HUB, Room 145) Terry Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Phase I: College: Snack Break (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I: College: You Can DO-IT! (HUB, Room 145) Bree Callahan, Director, UW Disability Resources for Students and Jamie Hatleberg, Director, Disability Support Services, Green River Community College
Phase I & II: Lunch (HUB, Husky Den, Lower Level)
Phase II: Open Computer Lab to turn in Phase II Project & Resume (Optional) (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I: Assistive Technology Session by Students for Students (HUB, Room 145) Alicia Teasley, Hannah Werbel, Blake Geyen, Kayla Wheeler, Eric Werbel, Jessie Shulman, Macy Westrick, DO-IT A-Team and Ambassadors
Phase II: Our Take on Intake (HUB, Room 250) Bree Callahan, Director, UW Disability Resources for Students and Jamie Hatleberg, Director, Disability Support Services, Green River Community College
Phase I & II: Snack Break (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I: Spaced Out! (Physics Astronomy Building A, 2nd Floor) Nancy Cooper, Planetarium Presenter, ԭ
Phase II: Tour of Disability Resources for Students and ATC (Mary Gates Hall, Basement) Macy Westrick, UW Disability Resources for Students and Dan Comden, Access Technology Consultant, Access Technology Center, UW
Phase I & II: Dinner (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I & II: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to depart for the Tour de UW.
Phase I & II: Tour de UW (Parking Lot W-10 near Maple and Lander!)
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in Maple Hall.
Phase I & II: Breakfast (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to walk to HUB, Room 145.
Phase II: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to to depart for Phase II Workshop.
Phase II: Workshops
Phase I: Web Design and Development (HUB, Room 145) Terry Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Phase I: Grab a snack and travel to Seismology Lab (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I: Shake, Rattle, and ROLL! at the Seismology Lab (Atmospheric Sciences – Geophysics Building, Room 146) Doug Gibbons, ԭ Earth and Space Sciences – Pacific Northwest Seismic Network
Phase I & II: Lunch (HUB, Husky Den, Lower Level)
Phase I: You Can DO-IT: Articulating Your Needs and Communicate with Faculty (HUB, Room 250) Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Program Director
Phase II: First Impressions (HUB, Room 145) Tami Tidwell, DO-IT Program Coordinator
Phase I & II: Snack Break and travel to CNT (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I & II: Center for Neurotechnology (Russell Hall, Second Floor) Eric Chudler, Ph.D., Center for Neurotechnology
Phase I & II: BREAK at dorms – DO NOT GO TO DINNER
Phase I & II: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander to depart for the HUB.
Phase I & II: Dinner, DO-IT College and Careers Panel – We Did It and You Can Do It, Too Panel and Networking; and Trailblazer Awards (HUB, Room Lyceum), Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Program Director and Founder
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in Maple Hall.
Phase I & II: Breakfast (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to depart for HUB.
Phase II: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to depart for Phase II Workshop.
Phase II: Workshops
Phase I: Web Design and Development (HUB, Room 145) Terry Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Phase I: Snack Break (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I: Web Design and Development (HUB, Room 145) Terry Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Phase I & II: Lunch (HUB, Husky Den, Lower Level)
Phase I & II: We Did It, So Can You! (Break around 2:45) (HUB, Room 250)
Phase I & II: Staying Connected (HUB, Room 250) Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Program Director and Tami Tidwell, DO-IT Program Coodinator
Phase I & II: Travel in group to Dinner
Phase I & II: Dinner (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I & II: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to depart for the HUB Game Room.
Phase I & II: Game Night at the HUB (HUB Game Room, Basement level)
Evening Dorm Activities
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in Maple Hall.
Phase I & II: Breakfast (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase I: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to depart for HUB.
Phase II: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to to depart for Phase II Workshop.
Phase II: Workshops
Phase I: Web Design and Development (HUB, Room 145) Terry Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Phase I: Grab a snack for your trip to Johnson Hall (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I: Geology Rocks! (Johnson Hall, Room 001) Trevor Hillebrand, PhD Student, Earth and Space Sciences, ԭ, Rockin’ Out K-12 Outreach Coordinator
Phase I & II: Lunch (HUB, Husky Den, Lower Level)
Phase I & II: Scholarship Panel (HUB, Room 250) Blake Geyen, Vanessa Link, Hannah Werbel and Kayla Wheeler, DO-IT Ambassadors, Teresa Britschgi, Director, ԭ State Opportunity Scholarship and Debra Zawada, DO-IT Program Coordinator
Phase I and II: Snack Break (HUB, Room 250)
Phase I: Writing for Success (HUB, Room 145) Elizabeth Lee, DO-IT Publications Coordinator
Phase II: You Can DO-IT! Practicing Your Interviewing Skills (HUB, Room 250) Tami Tidwell, DO-IT Program Coordinator
Phase I: Staying Connected (HUB, Room 145) Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Program Director
Phase I & II: Meet on 4th Floor of Maple Hall to depart for HUB
Phase I & II: Pizza and Salad Dinner (HUB, Lyceum Room)
Phase I & II: DO-IT Dance (HUB, Lyceum Room)
Depart HUB to return to Maple Hall
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in Maple Hall.
Phase I & II: Breakfast and Begin Pack-up (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
Phase II: Meet outside in courtyard between Maple and Lander (see map) to depart for Phase II Workshop.
Phase II: Workshops
Phase I: Pack Up (Maple Hall, 4th Floor)
Phase I: Meet in Maple Hall, 4th floor lobby to depart for HUB.
Phase I: What comes next? (HUB, Room 145) Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director
Phase I & II: Lunch (HUB, Husky Den, Lower Level)
Phase I & Phase II Scholars meet in in HUB, Lyceum Room for Closing Ceremonies
Phase I & II: Closing Ceremonies (HUB, Lyceum Room)
Phase I & II: Back to Maple Hall to Finish Packing and Dorm Check-out (Maple Hall, 4th Floor)
Make sure to: