Benefits of Diversity

Micayla and Jayda, Phase I Scholars
-	Phase I Scholar Jarrod takes a swing at beeping baseball at the accessible sports expo during Summer Study 2016.

The DO-IT program has a very diverse group of people with a variety of disabilities. DO‑IT teaches a lot about accessibility and offers solutions.

We learned what it was like to have different disabilities. Through the Accessible Sports Expo, we experienced playing beeping baseball. While wearing a blindfold we hit a ball off a tee. In real beeping baseball, blind players pitch the ball and hit it, using only the sound of the ball. It was challenging relying on our ears. We also played other accessible sports, like wheelchair basketball and seated volleyball.

Even though our group is very diverse, many of us realized we face similar challenges. Some of us have found solutions to these challenges that others have not, so we learned from each other. Seeing examples of others’ solutions and learning about more assistive technology allowed us to realize we could overcome our problems.

Before the DO-IT program, we always thought “I’m a minority, so people shouldn’t have to bother helping me.” DO-IT showed us we should do all we can to make sure life is accessible so we can be successful. It was encouraging to meet other people with disabilities who share similar passions. Everyone is unique in their own way. Many people with disabilities would say their disability made them who they are and wouldn’t change it. DO-IT has made us aware of this perspective.