2011 Scholars

Group photo of 2011 DO-IT Scholars


Kim, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Kim. I graduated from Everett Community College with with a degree in humanities. I have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Tess, ‘11 Scholar

Hello, my name is Tess. I live in Seattle and have dysgraphia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I am interested in a career that involves my creativity, such as design, communications, or psychology. I attend Gonzaga University. I train dogs for Guide Dogs for the Blind.


Paige, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, I’m Paige. I live in Bothell, and I graduated from high school in 2013. I currently attend Bellevue College and will graduate with an associates degree in December. Then I plan on transferring to Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University in Lynnwood, on the Edmonds Community College campus, to finish my bachelor’s in accounting. I love to swim, camp, go to the movies, and explore new places.


Jae, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Jae. I’m completing my associate of arts transfer degree at Bellevue College. I enjoy writing because it helps me to express what I am thinking and feeling, since I can’t speak verbally. My favorite subject is sociology because I can learn what influences our lives. I would like to be a transition specialist because I want to create paths for disabled students and help them to be successful in their learning. I have cerebral palsy. I will start at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in Seattle in the fall.


Diego, ‘11 Scholar

Hello, my name is Diego, and I have a learning disability. I attended Edmonds Community College for about a year. For the past three years I have worked at Winco Foods. This year, I got promoted to Lead Clerk. I’m the second youngest employee in that position. A little known fact about me is that I enjoy playing sports. The main sport I like to play is soccer. I’m currently playing with my cousin’s team on Wednesday nights. I know when people look at me they think I’m a serious guy, but honestly I’m very nice and sometimes funny. I’m just too shy when it comes to meeting new people.


Image of Cecily
Cecily, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Cecily. I attend Spokane Community College. I would like to be a high school counselor, pharmacist, or psychologist. I enjoy watching movies and hanging out with friends. I have arthrogryposis and can’t use my hands so I use my feet for everything.

Mauricio, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, I’m Mauricio. I graduated from Highline High School, where my favorite subjects were math, science, and history. I am interested in the night skies and helping people. I am considering a career as a police officer or a chemical engineer. I like to play soccer and lift weights. I have a visual impairment and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Joshua, ‘11 Scholar

My name is Joshua. I’m interested in history, literature, philosophy, political science, and languages. I’m a social justice advocate trying to affect change in the fields of disability rights, police reform, and politics in general. I’m also an amateur photographer. I am currently studying political science at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´.


Deicy, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Deicy, and I have spina bifida. I graduated from Eastmont High School. I volunteer with United Way. In my spare time, I like to play basketball and volleyball, bowl, write, and draw; these activities help me get my frustrations out in a positive way. I love hanging out with my youth group at church.

Emily, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Emily, and I am blind. I graduated from Curtis Senior High School, where I was a member of the National Honor Society. I attend Gonzaga University where I study engineering management with a focus on mechancial engineering. I hope to work as a mechanical engineer and develop new ways for people with visual impairments and other disabilities to be able to work out in a gym with minimal adaptations on the part of the user.


Erika, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Erika, and I am Deaf. I attend the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I am majoring in English with the aspiration of being in the human resources field. I enjoy reading, traveling, and photography. I am a volunteer at Seattle Children’s Hospital as well as a student assistant in the DO-IT office. I am on the Student Advisory Council for the US Business Leadership Network (USBLN). I studied abroad this summer in London! I love talking to people so don’t be afraid to talk to me, I don’t bite! :)


Sean, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Sean. I attended Bellevue College and now go to Arizona State through their online program. I enjoy studying math and chemistry. In high school I lettered in basketball, baseball, and football as the team manager. Which sport is my favorite? They all are—for different reasons! I am an avid cook and enjoy reality TV and movies.

Macy, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Macy, and last year I graduated from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ (UW) with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. I have since returned to UW to work on a masters of social work. I have cerebral palsy, and although it limits me physically, I like to think that it has otherwise opened a lot of doors for me. I want to work with kids with disabilities, and I think at least part of that desire comes from my own experience as a person with the disability.

Kaylie, ‘11 Scholar

Hey, my name is Kaylie, and I am a pastry chef at Rylie Cakes, which is a gluten free bakery. My dream is to open my own cake business, Kakes by Kaylie. I am deaf.

Jessie, ‘11 Scholar

My name is Jessie. I am a senior at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I am majoring in informatics with a minor in diversity. My interests include sign language, design, animation, and intersection of art and technology for social change. I love learning about different cultures. In 2014, I studied abroad in London for five weeks. I will study abroad again in South Korea for a month this August. I am deaf.

Vaughn, ‘11 Scholar

Hello, I’m Vaughn. I attend the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Bothell. My favorite subjects are science, history, and German. I hope to someday visit Germany and Ireland. I enjoy reading and listening to various kinds of music, including classical. I have a hearing impairment; fine motor weakness; and flat feet, which makes walking long distances difficult.
