AccessERC Community of Practice

All participants from the AccessERC CBI.
The participants from the 2016 AccessERC CBI make up some of the AccessERC Community of Practice.

Populated with individuals who work at NSF-funded Engineering Research Centers across the United States, members

  • discuss how to recruit participants with disabilities and accommodate them in their programs and activities;
  • recruit their student participants with disabilities into disability-related e-mentoring, internships, and workshops to complement their activities;
  • discuss the implementation of universal design to make facilities, products, and activities more welcoming and accessible to individuals with disabilities;
  • discuss best practices and resources identified at capacity-building institutes; and
  • share ideas about seed grants, new initiatives, and lessons learned.
Individuals can join the AccessERC CoP by contacting doit@uw.edu. For information about other CoPs hosted by DO-IT, visit the DO-IT CoP webpage.