E-Community Activity: Share Your Views on Support Network

Send this message to the e-community of protégés and mentors.

Subject: Share your views: Develop a support network.

Send your views on one or more of the following issues to [email address]. Some of the responses may be compiled and shared anonymously in [a program newsletter/publication/website].

E-mentoring Administrator

7a) Tell how relatives, neighbors, teachers, church members, and/or other caring adults have helped you achieve success personally, socially, academically, or otherwise. You can also share stories about how adults in your life hindered your ability to succeed.

7b) What advice would you give to kids about the importance of developing positive relationships with caring adults in their lives?

7c) Tell about some of the activities you have been involved in and why they have been important in your life.

7d) What advice would you give parents, teachers, and mentors about encouraging young people with disabilities?

7e) Share your views on the importance of a satisfying social life. What special issues face students with disabilities interested in developing a social life? What strategies can be used to create a successful social life?