E-Community Activity: Share Your Views on Technology

Send this message to the e-community of protégés and mentors.

Subject: Share your views: Use technology as an empowering tool.

Send your views on one or more of the following issues to [email address]. Some of the responses may be compiled and shared anonymously in [a program newsletter/publication/website].

E-mentoring Administrator

5a) Tell what technology, including computers, adaptive technology, and the Internet, helps you maximize your independence and productivity in school or work.

5b) What advice would you give to parents and teachers about encouraging students with disabilities to use computers in school?

5c) Tell how computer technology supports your personal and social life and helps you give and receive help from others. For example, have you made friends on the Internet? Have you received help from someone, such as a mentor? Have you been a peer helper or mentor to someone else?