E-Community Activity: Surfing the Web to Prepare for a Career

Send this message to the e-community of protégés and mentors.

Subject: Surfing the web to prepare for a career

The Internet provides a rich collection of resources to prepare for a career. The AccessCAREERS website links to many of them and provides a searchable knowledge base of frequently asked questions, case studies, and promising practices.

Access the DO-IT website.

Select "AccessCAREERS."

Select "Resources for Students."

Select "precollege students" or "college students," and explore the resources you find.

Select "Search knowledge base." Type in words about topics you would like to learn more about in the "enter search text" box. Select other items if you would like to focus your search, and then select "search."

Tell us one thing you learned about preparing for a career from your exploration of DO-IT's AccessCAREERS website.