Director's Digressions: DO-IT Videos

Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director

Video presentations are a great way for individuals with disabilities to share their perspectives and teach educators, employers, and other stakeholders how to make their offerings accessible to and usable by people with disabilities. DO-IT makes use of this medium to communicate with a broad audience. Most are available on YouTube, as well as on the .

Participants watch a DO-IT video at a networking event.

We are currently featuring a collection of short videos that showcase how online courses can be designed to be accessible to everyone. We are currently featuring four titles. Check them out!

We encourage all organizations—including disability services, teaching and learning centers, IT support centers, and others who support universal design—to consider sharing these videos and linking to them from their websites. All of our videos can be used freely for educational purposes.

We are also always making new videos. If you have an idea or want to partner on creating a video, please contact us at doit@uw.edu.