
There are many useful Internet books that can be found in just about any book store. They can teach you more about Internet tools and resources that you can use with your computer. You can also find information about the Internet on the Internet itself. Below is a list of small sample of Internet guides and other publications. Some are printed books; some are available at Web sites. Many of these and other Internet books can be purchased via on-line bookstores like Amazon.comâ„¢ at . Consult the following resources to gain ideas for developing educational Internet activities for your campers and to learn about other camping programs.

Printed Books

Education on the Internet
Ellsworth, J. H. (1994). Sams Publishing.

Educator's Internet Companion
Giagnocavo, G.; McLain, T.; Distefano, V.; & Stum, C. N. (1995). PA: Wentworth Worldwide Media, Inc. 

Internet Activities: Adventures on the Superhighway
Ashton, G. L.; Barkadale, K.; Rutter, & M.; Stephens, E. J. (1997). OH: South-Western Educational Publishing.

Internet Adventures
Leshin, C. B. (1998). MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Internet Directory for Teachers
Jasmine, G., & Jasmine, J. (1997). IL: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.

Internet for Kids
Frazier, D., Kurshan, B., Armstrong, S. (1998). CA: Sybex.

Internet for Kids
Haag, T. (1996). CA: Teacher Created Materials, Inc.

Internet for Kids: A Beginner's Guide to Surfing the Net
Pederson, T.; & Moss, F. (1995). NY: Price Stern Sloan, Inc.

Internet for Parents
Strudwick, K., Spilker, J., and Arney, J. (1995). Resolution Business Press.

Internet Kids Yellow Pages
Polly, J. A. (1996). CA: Osborne McGraw-Hill.

New Kids on the Net: A Tutorial for Teachers, Parents and Students
Burgstahler, S. E. (1997). MA: Allyn and Bacon.

New Kids on the Net: Internet Activities for Young Learners
Burgstahler, S.E. (1998). MA: Allyn and Bacon.

New Kids on the Net: NetWork
Sampler Burgstahler, S. E. (1997). MA: Allyn and Bacon.

New Kids on the Net special topic series (including language arts, science, mathematics)
MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Students Guide to the Internet
Clark, D. (1995). Alpha Books.

The Internet for Teachers
Williams, B. (1995). IDG Books Worldwide.

The Internet Resource Directory for K-12 Teachers and Librarians
Miller, B. (1996). Libraries Unlimited, Inc.

Teaching With the Internet
Series CA: Classroom Connect.

Way of the Ferret
Harris, J. (1995). OR: ISTE Publications.

World Link: An Internet Guide for Educators, Parents and Students
Joseph, L. C. (1995). OH: Original Works.

On-Line Guides and Directories

Photo of Priscilla and instructor in the computer lab

Argus Clearinghouse, Argus Associates

A Beginner's Guide to HTML

Electronic Frontier Foundation's (Extended) Guide to the Internet, Adam Gaffin

Electronic Mail, Rob Kabacoff

Electronic Mail Directory Service

E-mail Discussion Groups

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

Information about Keypals (online penpals)
Send e-mail to chrism@classroom.net with "Keypal Request Here!" in the subject line

Internet Guides

Internet Resources, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Internet TourBus, Patrick Crispen and Bob Rankin

John December's List of Mailing Lists, John December

The Scout Toolkit, Net Scout Services

World Wide Web List of Lists

WWW 4 Teachers

Yanoff's Internet Services, Scott Yonoff