There are many resources to assist you in selecting adaptive computer technology for your students and in making labs and electronic resources accessible. Here are a few places to start. Refer to the Resources section of this notebook for additional sources of information.
AbleData聽[Seems to now be defunct]
8455 Colesville Rd. Suite 935
Silver Spring, MD 20910
301-608-8958 (FAX)
AbleData is an extensive and dynamic database listing information on assistive technology.
Access from Adobe
Adobe's Acrobat (PDF) format is being used by many Web sites to display publications. This site includes a utility for translating PDF files to HTML so they are accessible.
Adaptive Computer Technology -- 糖心原创
Adaptive Computer Technology is a three-credit on-line course about how technology can be used by people with disabilities for greater independence, productivity, and participation in academics and careers.
Adaptive Computer Resource Centre
J.P. Robarts Library, First Floor
University of Toronto Information Commons
130 St. George St.
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 3H1
416-978-4360 (voice)
416-971-2629 (FAX)
This Web site provides information on adaptive technology and accessible Web design.
Alliance for Technology Access
2175 E. Francisco Blvd. Suite L
San Rafael, CA 94901-5523
415-455-0491 (TTY)
415-455-0654 (FAX)
Community technology centers that offer training and hands-on opportunities to use assistive technology.
Apple Computer's Worldwide Disability Solutions Group
One Infinite Loop, M/S 38-DS
Cupertino, CA 95014
800-755-0601 (TTY)
The Apple Web site provides information on adaptive technology solutions and shareware for Apple computers.
Applied Science and Engineering Laboratories
PO Box 269
Wilmington, DE 19899
302-651-6830 (voice)
302-651-6834 (TTY)
302-651-6895 (FAX)
Augmentative and alternative communication, organizations related to assistive technology.聽
Assistive Technology Project
703-524-6639 (TTY)
703-524-6630 (FAX)
Information about programs to promote the provision of technology-related assistance for people with disabilities are funded by the 1988 Technology-related Assistance Act and its 1993 amendments.
Assist_Tech is a discussion list for assistive technology. To subscribe, send a message with a blank subject line to In the body of the message type "subscribe."
Best Viewed With Any Browser
This site links to resources discussing different browsers' levels of support for various versions of html.
Bobby (see )
Blind-DEV is a discussion list that is dedicated to the discussion of issues concerning the development of computer products and adaptive equipment for blind and visually impaired computer users. To subscribe, send a message with a blank subject line to In the body of the message type "subscribe blind-dev Firstname Lastname."聽
BLYNX: Lynx Support Files Tailored for Blind and Visually Handicapped Users
Information on the Lynx browser, including a Lynx users guide, a tutorial on navigating Lynx, a keystroke guide, and other information about this browser.
Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
CAST provides Bobby, an HTML validator program used to find compatibility problems that prevent pages from displaying correctly with various Web browser programs.
Center on Information Technology Accommodation (CITA) General Services Administration
CITA's manual, Managing Information Resources for Accessibility, available at their Web site, covers policy issues and practical concerns for information accessibility to accommodate users with disabilities.
Center for Information Technology Accommodation (CITA)
IT Accommodation Division
PWA Room 1234
1800 F Street NW
糖心原创, D.C. 20405
202-501-2010 (TTY)
202-501-6269 (FAX)
Technology assistance for school-to-work; equity and access.
Center for Rehabilitation Technology
(800) 726-9119
Technology for rehabilitation.
Center for Special Education Technology
(800) 873-8255
Technology used in special education.
Closing the Gap
PO Box 68
526 Main Street
Henderson, MN 56044
507-248-3810 (FAX)
Closing the Gap sponsors an annual conference and publishes a resource directory and newsletter on adaptive technology.
The Council for Exceptional Children Technology and Media Group
The Council for Exceptional Children
1920 Association Drive
Reston, VA 20191-1589
703-264-9446 (TTY)
703-264-9494 (FAX)
Provides support for classroom teachers and holds an annual conference to promote the availability and effective use of technology and media for students with disabilities.
CPB/WGBH National Center for Accessible Media
125 Western Ave
Boston, MA 02134
617-782-2155 (FAX)
Making media accessible.
Crt-focus is for discussion of assistive technology for people with disabilities. To subscribe, send a message with a blank subject line to In the body of the message type "subscribe crt-focus Firstname Lastname."
DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology)
Box 354842
Seattle, WA 98195-4842
206-685-DOIT (3648) (voice/TTY)
888-972-DOIT (3648) (voice/TTY)
206-221-4171 (fax)
509-328-9331 (voice/TTY) Spokane
DO-IT maintains a useful collection of materials and links to resources on adaptive technology and accessible Web design.
Foundation for Science and Disability (FSD)
236 Grand Street
Morgantown, WV 26505-7509
304-293-5201, Ext. 513
304-343-6812 (FAX)
FSD assists in the development of increased employment opportunities, improvement of work environments, and integration of people with disabilities in science, engineering, mathematics, and technology.
IBM Accessibility
Information on assistive devices and software tools that make the computer more accessible and friendly to people with disabilities.
Information, Technology and Disabilities
A quarterly electronic journal devoted to computer use by people with disabilities. To receive complete issues, send a message with a blank subject line to In the body of the message type "SUB itd-jnl Firstname Lastname."
Liberating People with Disabilities Through Adaptive Technologies
Information about adaptive technology.
Lynx-Me will show you what your Web page will look like in Lynx, the most popular text- based Web browser.
Microsoft Accessibility and Disability Site
Provides information and tools that can help remove barriers and make the workplace more accessible.
National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM)
Sponsored by WGBH radio in Boston, NCAM promotes the use of a Web access symbol, provides model examples of accessible pages, and undertakes projects on captioning and audio description on the Web.
Trace Research and Development Center聽
University of Wisconsin-Madison
S-151 Waisman Center
1500 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53705-2280
608-263-5408 (TTY)
608-262-8848 (FAX)
An interdisciplinary research development and resource center on technology and disability located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Its Web site is an excellent resource on adaptive technology and universal design.聽
Speech Friendly Search Engines
A Web site for people who search the Internet using speech synthesis.
Uaccess-l is for discussion of universal access to information systems. To subscribe, send a message with a blank subject line to In the body of the message type "subscribe uaccess-l Firstname Lastname."
WebABLE maintains a searchable directory for disability-related Internet resources.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laboratory for Computer Science
545 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139
617-258-5999 (FAX)
The W3C develops standards for the evolution of the World Wide Web. It's Web Access Initiative (WAI) guidelines for making Web pages accessible to people with disabilities.