2015 Scholars

Group photo
Andrew, ‘15 Scholar


Attending Western ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University double majoring in psychology and computer science. In 2019, interned as a web developer for AbiliTrek, which shares reviews and information about the accessibility of businesses. Currently learning Japanese and likes to hike and play video games.

Aspen, ‘15 Scholar


Attending Everett Community College majoring in communications and plans on transferring to a four-year university. Works as a teacher’s aid for ASL classes. Enjoys reading, working out, and socializing.

Brookelyn, ‘15 Scholar

Autism, learning disabilities

Plans on taking online classes but for now, helps run family farm and raises cattle. In 2019, showed two small Dexter cattle at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Fair and got Reserve Grand Champion for one of the bulls, Finnian. Also spends time drawing on the computer and engaging in other hobbies.

Chana, ‘15 Scholar

Cerebral palsy

Took Running Start classes at Tacoma Community College. Currently attending the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Tacoma pursuing a degree in biomedical sciences. Plans on attending law school with a focus on intellectual property law. Enjoys musical theatre, reading, and music.

Dewald, ‘15 Scholar

Cerebral palsy

Graduated from Bellingham High School. Plans on attending Whatcom Community College before attending a four-year school. Aims to become a social worker.

Eli, ‘15 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Earned an associate degree in science for kinesiology with a concentration in sports management from Waubonsee Community College in Aurora, Illinois. Pursing a bachelor’s degree in business administration at Saint Martin’s University. Part of the Circle K and Kokoro clubs. Plays percussion and enjoys watching sports and playing video games.

Emily, ‘15 Scholar

Motor neuron disease

Earned a bachelor of science in sociology with departmental honors, Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of Oregon. In 2016, participated in the National Science Foundation (NSF)Young Scholars Program at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Center for Neurotechnology. Completed undergraduate research in the Restorative Technologies Laboratory in 2018 and 2019. Joined the University of Oregon Business School’s management consulting group in January 2019. Was offered the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in Sociology for 2021, but declined due to coronavirus-related reasons. Currently focusing on personal health and figuring out what’s next. Was the recipient of the 2021 DO-IT Trailblazer’s Award.

Grady, ‘15 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy

Graduated from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ (UW) with a major in informatics and a minor in disabilities studies. Before college, worked two summers as a technology assistant for the local school district; during college, worked as a student assistant for Accessible Technology Services and DO-IT. Interned with Intel and the Associated Students of the UW Student Disability Commission. Currently works for DocuSign. Was the recipient of the 2021 DO-IT Trailblazer’s Award.

Hailey, ‘15 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder, learning disability

Works for Lakeland Village with medically fragile clients helping people become more independent and schedules staffing. Spends time outside (fishing, camping, boating) and refurbishing furniture. Reached the dream of buying a house on their own before turning 25 this past July.

Jonah, ‘15 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a degree in journalism and minor in history and political science, with the long term goal of becoming a sports writer. Enjoys playing video games and watching sports.

Katie, ‘15 Scholar

Cerebral palsy

Graduated from Central ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ University with a double degree in psychology and sociology and currently working toward a graduate degree in marriage and family counseling. Has worked as a research assistant (as an undergraduate student) and had a part in the Defying Gravity: Experiences of Students with Challenges study. Enjoys writing stories and listening to music.

Katelyn, ‘15 Scholar

Myotonic muscular dystrophy

Attending QC Academy for certification in makeup artistry. Enjoys the outdoors, being with friends, and watching TV.

Laszlo, ‘15 Scholar

Cerebral palsy

Graduated from the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ (UW) in 2021 with a bachelor of arts in communication focusing on journalism and public interest communication. Applying for a certificate program at the UW. Planning on writing for local news outlets such as Crosscut and South Seattle Emerald Converge Media.

London, ‘15 Scholar


Graduated from Spokane Falls Community College with a degree in computer numerical control and machining. Did job training with Goodwill and is currently looking for a part-time job. Likes video games, visual design, art, music, and fiction.

Max, ‘15 Scholar

Asperger syndrome

Graduated from Gonzaga University with a bachelor of science degree in computer science. Plans on getting a job as a computer scientist. Enjoys linguistic research as well. Plays games and attends kung fu classes.

Ryan, ‘15 Scholar

Learning disability

Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in health sciences and a master’s degree in athletic training from Whitworth University. Currently working at Amazon as an industrial athletic trainer. Enjoys rock climbing, mountain biking, camping, and outdoor adventuring.

Tasha, ‘15 Scholar

Learning disability

Finished high school early through Spokane Community College. Hopes to study kinesiology and become a personal trainer. Has wrestled in tournaments and enjoys watching and participating in sports.