
My Days of Summer Vacation

Kimo, 2022 DO-IT Scholar

During the first days of summer, my brother and I went to a gas station store near my neighborhood. While I was outside waiting for my brother, I saw one of my IEP (individualized education program) organizers from school in his truck. He told me to “have a great summer,” and I tried to do just that. 

I thought multiple times about writing a journal about my summer like how I did in 2020 and 2021, but I was so busy, I never got around to it. On June 18th, my family and I went camping to a campsite at Columbus Park that was new to us. We had a lot of fun. 

Throughout the summer, we also went to do tons of smaller fun events. we went to see a movie at AMC called Lightyear, and later we went and saw the movie Bad Guys outside of the library. We went to various parks and other interesting places to enjoy the good weather. I also signed up for the Summer Reading Program.

In July, I spent my time with DO-IT at Summer Study. I learned a lot in my time there, and I spent time the rest of the summer having fun and preparing for school.