CBI Agenda

People sit around tables in the conference room.

Wednesday, April 3    T12 Social House (4501 12th Ave NE)

7:00–8:30 pm    No-host networking reception

Thursday, April 4    Graduate Hotel, Wright Ballroom

8:00–9:00 am    Breakfast and networking

9:00–9:20 am    Welcome & Overview of ERC-INCLUDES goal, objectives, and activities

Sheryl Burgstahler & Rajesh Rao, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´

9:20–10:10 am    Introductions

Sheryl ​​Burgstahler & Scott Bellman, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´

10:10–10:30 am    NSF INCLUDES Coordination Hub: Building a National Network to Advance Equity in STEM

Shari Gardner & Kate Goddard, SRI International

10:45–12:30 pm    Northeastern U.S.: Best Practices in Broadening Participation

All participants: On Post-it Notes, write promising broadening participation practices that could be implemented in ERCs, INCLUDES projects, and in departments/institutions.

Alaine Allen, University of Pittsburgh
The Keys to STEM Success for Urban Youth

Amy Tuininga, Montclair State University
S-TEAMS Improve Sense of Inclusion for Underrepresented Groups

Michael Smith, National GEM Consortium
UF & the Consortium of Minority Doctoral Scholars Programs Collaborative Best Practices

Aristides Marcano, Delaware State University
Expanding Diversity through the Creation of Learning Opportunities for Minority Students

James Lipuma & Cristo Leon, New Jersey Institute of Technology (12:05pm)
LIFE: Collaboration Potentials and Partnerships

All participants (12:20pm)
Report out on implementing ideas from Best Practices talks

12:30–1:20 pm    Lunch and Discussion

What new barriers and challenges have you uncovered as you increasingly engage individuals with diverse characteristics? How can future projects, initiatives, or collaborations address these challenges?

1:20–1:30 pm    Report Out From Lunch Discussions

1:30–2:00 pm    Afternoon Networking Exercise

2:00–3:30 pm    Southeastern U.S.: Best Practices in Broadening Participation

All participants: On Post-it Notes, write promising broadening participation practices that could be implemented in ERCs, INCLUDES projects, and/or in departments/institutions.

Sarwan Dhir, Fort Valley State University
An Integrated Approach to Retain Underrepresented Minority Students in STEM Disciplines

Kamal Ali, Jackson State University and Derrick Gilmore, Kentucky State University
Early STEM Engagement for Minority Males

Shawn Utley, Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships: Broadening Participation In STEM Education in Rural Georgia 

Chien-fei Chen, CURENT, University of Tennessee
Interdisciplinary Research Between Social Science and Engineering

All participants
Report out on implementing ideas from Best Practices talks

3:45–4:15 pm    Discussion

What resources would be useful to the ERC and INCLUDES communities to help them improve recruitment, reporting, and activities with respect to broadening participation issues?

4:15–4:30 pm    Evaluation of today’s activities and recommendations for tomorrow

4:30 pm             Adjourn or continue networking

Dinner on your own

Friday, April 5    Graduate Hotel, Wright Ballroom

8:00–9:00 am     Breakfast and networking

9:00–9:30 am    Promoting Universal Design to Create a Culture of Inclusion

Sheryl Burgstahler, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´

9:30–10:00 am    Why Accessible Information Technology is Critical for an Inclusive Project

Gaby de Jongh, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´

10:00–10:15 am    Video: Stella Young, I’m not your Inspiration Thank You Very Much

10:30–12:00 pm    Central U.S. & Louisiana: Best Practices in Broadening Participation

All participants: On Post-it Notes, write promising broadening participation practices that could be implemented in ERCs, INCLUDES projects, and/or in departments/institutions.

Sylvia Mendez, University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Theoretical Frameworks: So, What Are They Good For, Anyway?

Liz Lehman, University of Chicago
Applying Systems Thinking to Broadening Participation

Nastassia Jones, Southern University and A&M College
Including Families of URMs in the SEAS Your Tomorrow INCLUDES Program

Kelly Johanson, Xavier University
Utilizing Partnerships to Address Challenges in STEM Career Education

All participants
Report out on implementing ideas from Best Practices talks

12:00–1:00 pm    Lunch and Discussion

What best practices exist for improving the ability of educators and stakeholders to comfortably talk about race, ethnicity, gender, disability, and other diverse characteristics? How can ERC-INCLUDES help disseminate these materials broadly within ERCs and INCLUDES initiatives?

1:00–1:15 pm    Report out from Lunch Discussion

1:15–2:45 pm    Western U.S.: Best Practices in Broadening Participation

All participants: On Post-it Notes, write promising broadening participation practices that could be implemented in ERCs, INCLUDES projects, and in departments/institutions

Kevin Bonine, University of Arizona
Biosphere 2 Earth Systems Science for Diverse Research Experiences

Pam McLeod, Stanford University
Letting Students Lead the Way to Inclusive Excellence

Eric Chudler, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´
Science Across Cultures: Neuroscience for Tibetan Buddhist Monastics

Scott Bellman, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´
Engaging Individuals with Disabilities at an Engineering Research Center

All participants
Report out on implementing ideas from Best Practices talks

3:00–3:45 pm    Action Planning

What actions will you take in your project or at your institution given what you gained from this CBI?

3:45–4 pm    CBI Evaluation

4–5:00 pm    Adjourn or Continue Networking at Graduate Hotel