Check Out the Knowledge Base

Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director
The Knowledge Base provides a plethora of resources that can be accessed at any time online.

Since 2002, the DO-IT Center has maintained a searchable Knowledge Base of concise Questions and Answers, Case Studies, and Promising Practices with articles related to assistive technologies that allow people with disabilities to use computers, the design of accessible websites and documents, transition from college to careers, and a wide range of other topics of interest to DO-IT collaborators. There are over 850 articles included now and the Knowledge Base continues to grow. It can be accessed by selecting the button in the home bar.

An important feature of the Knowledge Base is that it is tailored to specific projects. For example, our project (funded by the National Science Foundation under grant # NSF award HRD-2017017, HRD-2017054) helps departments and institutions become more welcoming and accessible to women faculty with disabilities. From its home page, if you select the Knowledge Base button, you will find over 200 articles of the master collection that are relevant to this effort.

We continually update articles and create new ones; for suggested edits to existing articles or to submit a draft of a new one, send an email to