DO-IT 2-4: A New Initiative

Sheryl Burgstahler

DO-IT has received funding from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education through the U.S. Department of Education for project "DO-IT 2-4." This three-year project, which began October 1, 1997, helps students with disabilities in community and technical colleges successfully transition to four-year schools. The learner-centered approach uses the Internet, mentoring, internships, and other work experiences to help students increase their independence and productivity and develop self-advocacy and leadership skills.

Adaptive technology, disability awareness and transition presentations coupled with local planning sessions for coordination of campus support services assist students and professionals who support two-year students with disabilities. A nationwide dissemination plan for project electronic, print and videotape materials ensures project impact. DO-IT 2-4 is part of the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´'s DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) project which serves to increase the representation of people with disabilities in academic programs and careers.

Project activities will increase the participation of community and technical college students with disabilities in four-year academic programs, ultimately increasing the pool of qualified people and reducing the unemployment and under-employment of individuals with disabilities. Dr. Steve Nourse, a long-time Mentor and DO-IT Advisory Board Member, coordinates DO-IT 2-4. He is currently recruiting people with disabilities who have successfully transitioned from community or technical colleges to a four-year colleges during some point in their academic careers. If you're interested, send electronic mail to