DO-IT Hosts International Visitors

By Scott Bellman, DO-IT Center Manager

The DO-IT Center gets a lot of calls and visits from people in Seattle, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State, and all across the United States. People are curious about our programs, resources, and opportunities. It’s no surprise, then, when international visitors collaborate with us on visits to the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Campus and DO-IT. This fall, DO-IT hosted visitors from Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, South Korea, and Indonesia!

A visit from Indonesian educators in October was facilitated locally by an organization called the World Affairs Council. The group consisted of five leading disability rights advocates from Indonesia who wanted to explore best practices for inclusive workplaces. They traveled under the auspices of the U.S. State Department, within the International Visitor Leadership Program.

In November, 24 teenage advocates from Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru visited with funding from the Digital Literacy Youth Leadership Program, an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The students visited DO-IT as part of a two-week exchange focused on the use of social media to address community issues.

In December, twenty-one visitors from Korea were sponsored by the Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS), which plays a crucial role in advancing the integration of Information Technology across all levels of Korean education, from primary to higher education. As a public institution operating under the Korean Ministry of Education, KERIS not only promotes diverse projects but also actively engages in fostering academic research initiatives. They learned about DO-IT’s work related to educational systems, student and teacher supports, and educational technology.

Several staff members shared their expertise during the visits, including Rochelle Bowyer, Andrea Mano, Gaby DeJongh, and myself. For more information, visit the DO-IT International Initiatives ·É±ð²ú±è²¹²µ±ð.ÌýÌý