DO-IT Pal Profile
by Brandon Wood
Hi, I'm Brandon Wood. I'm a new DO-IT Pal. I live in ÌÇÐÄÔ´´, and go to Auburn High...GO TROJANS! I'm in 9th grade and 15 years old. The classes I'm currently taking are the basics LA, algebra...etc. The electives I'm taking are Intro to Marketing (Deca), Drawing, and P.E. Some of my favorite interests are sports, especially flag football, and cars. My favorite car is the '67 fastback Mustang. My goals are to go to college, preferably the UW, to become a graphic arts professional for Nintendo or some big electronics company like that. Recently, I was offered a job as a graphic facilitator for a group that works on housing issues for older persons with disabilities.
by Emilie Sutterlin
Hello! I am a new DO-IT Pal! My name is Emilie Sutterlin and I am 15 years old. I have chronic fatigue (Immune Dysfunction) syndrome, fibromyalgia, neurally mediated hypotension, attention deficit disorder, multiple chemical sensitivities, and severe allergies.
Something different about my illnesses and most others' is that it is very unpredictable. In a way this is better, but it is still difficult. Some rare, good days, I feel almost as good as my "healthy" friends. But the next minute, I will be in bed for days, have lost my memory, or be in extreme pain. This is especially hard with my school, because they do not understand how my performance level, like my illness can ride like a roller coaster. I go to a magnet school for science and tech.
I'm very interested in mathematics, science, and technology. I am very excited about joining the DO-IT program. I have so many interests and so many career ideas and dreams, I don't know where to begin. I am very interested in computer programming, a new skill I am learning at school. I also like to design Web pages. Mine is at . I like baseball, inventing, engineering, chemistry, biology (especially biotechnology and genetics), electronics, reading and analyzing theories, math, physics, etc. Some of the things I am interested in are hard for me to do with my disabilities.
If anyone shares any particular interests and would like to "talk," please send email to