DO-IT Profiles

Here's your chance to learn more about the participants in DO-IT.

DO-IT Scholar Profile
by Tynesha

Picture of DO-IT Scholar Tynesha
DO-IT Scholar, Tynesha.

Hi, my name is Tynesha. I am a senior at Ingraham High School. I am a member of the Future Business Leaders of America. I am also the manager of our school store. I have been in the musical theater department since my sophomore year, and have put in a lot of hard work, time, and effort to help make our musicals successful. And since my freshman year I have been co-chair, then chairman, and a member this last year of our Winter Ball committee. My hobbies are hanging out with my friends, reading mystery books, listening to music, talking on the phone, playing games on my computer and shopping for things that interest me. My lifetime dreams are of becoming a sign language/Japanese interpreter. I have just completed my second year in Japanese. After I graduate in '00, I plan to attend Seattle Central Community College where I will start to achieve my dream.

DO-IT Ambassador Profile
by Laura

Picture of DO-IT Ambassador Laura
DO-IT Ambassador, Laura.

Greetings from Hendrix College! It's been three years since I joined the DO-IT program as a high school sophomore. I've been to two Summer Studies as a DO-IT Scholar, and I served as an Intern last summer. What I will remember the most about those three summers is how fun and exciting they were, and how I met a bunch of great people.

Thus far, college life has been great - full of new and exciting things, challenging classes, and new opportunities. I am in my freshman year, and I am undecided about my major. I participate in a couple of extra-curricular activities, including Chamber Orchestra, but I also spend a lot of time doing classwork. It has paid off, though, because my classes have gone well, and the other activities allow for some fun on the side.

I have enjoyed meeting the new challenges that college has to offer and I am sure I can succeed because of the experiences I have gained through high school and in the DO-IT program.

I hope this is a great year for everyone. See you in cyberspace (when I'm not doing chemistry homework...).

DO-IT 2-4 Profile
by Peggy Thomas

Hi! I am a mother of four children. I have been divorced for 5 years. I went back to school because I did not want to struggle with bills the rest of my life. I am a program coordinator for a counseling and psychiatric clinic. I have been working here for two years and I love my job. I have cerebral palsy and have just recently found more information on the Web about this. I have found it extremely difficult to convince a prospective employer that I am worth every cent they spend on me (a fact that comes to light soon after hiring me) and to pay me at a rate that matches the level of my contribution.

by Katrina

Photo portrait of Katrina

DO-IT Careers participants, Katrina

My name is Katrina. I am nineteen years old and live in Kenmore, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. At the age of five I fell off my bike and suffered a traumatic brain injury. Since that time I have been a strong advocate for the use of bike helmets and the rights of people with disabilities. In fact, I work for an organization called Think First. I go into schools to share my story and encourage others to wear bike helmets. I am a senior at the Secondary Academy of Success (SAS). In the fall I plan to attend Cascadia Community College in Bothell, WA. I have been involved with DO-IT since 1998 when I was selected as a Phase I Scholar. I also participate in the DO-IT CAREERS project. DO-IT has helped me to expand my leadership and work skills, and I will continue to improve upon these skills as an Intern at Summer Study. The CAREERS project has helped me to explore careers that meet my many interests. Last year, I participated in an internship with Disability Resource Center. This job helped me to assess my ability to perform essential job functions and allowed me to earn high school credit. Additionally, I was able to explore my career interest in working for an agency that advocates for the rights of people with disabilities.

DO-IT has helped me to become involved with the National Leadership Conference for Youth with Disabilities. Last summer, I was selected to attend the National Youth Leadership Conference for Youth with Disabilities in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, D.C. This year, I have been chosen to serve on the Executive Board for the 2000 National Youth Leadership Conference. This opportunity will allow me to help create an exciting conference for other youth with disabilities, learn more about ways to advocate for people with disabilities, and develop and refine leadership skills that will help me to succeed at school and at work. The DO-IT program has opened many doors for me and will continue to do so in the future.

Congratulations to Katrina for winning the "Millennium Mentor Award" through the Boys and Girls Clubs. This award is given to teens who are making a difference in their community through mentoring other teens and being a positive role model. Katrina was nominated for the work she has done with DO-IT, Think First, and the National Committee on Disability and Employment.

Katrina was presented with her awa-TV program called "Around the Sound."

Congratulations once again Katrina. This award is a wonderful acknowledgment for all of your hard work and efforts. Keep up the good work!

DO-IT Mentor Profile
by John Armstrong

I grew up in Poulsbo, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, which is a small community north of Bremerton on the Kitsap Peninsula. I contracted polio at the age of three (1952) just a few years before the Salk vaccine became available. I am a quadriplegic in a motorized wheelchair.

I attended the UW during a very exciting time (1968-72) when there was an incredible amount of student activism relating to the Civil Rights movement and the Anti-War movement. I received my BA in Social Welfare in 1972. I've spent the last 26 years working at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, first as an academic counselor and for the last 15 years as the director of admissions for the School of Social Work.

I am interested in issues of equity, justice, and disability concerns. Beyond my involvement with the DO-IT program, I am a member of the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´'s Committee on Access. I hope to also help out with the development of a Disabilities Studies Program at the UW, too.

Outside of work, my interests include baseball (really big Mariners fan), reading modern literature, and working with computers. I also have two cats, Bear and Couscous, who take up most of my disposable income and affection.

DO-IT Staff Profile
by Lyla Crawford

Photo portrait of DO-IT counselor/coordinator Lyla Crawford
DO-IT Staff member, Lyla.

Hi! My name is Lyla Crawford and I am a Counselor/Coordinator for the DO-IT Program. I am based in the Spokane office and work on grants related to Eastern ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ efforts. I joined the DO-IT staff about three years ago, shortly after receiving my Master's Degree in Developmental Psychology. Why did I choose to major in Psychology? The answer is really quite simple. I became fascinated with how the human mind works. I wanted to know how and why we do things. What I discovered during my education was that the human mind is still a mystery. Through advancing technology, we have been able to unlock and study some of the mysteries, but we have really only just begun. I also liked the fact that Psychology is a field that is always changing and evolving. It is this ever-changing piece that drew me to DO-IT. I like the fact that we are always open to new ideas. I enjoy being part of an organization that seeks to find solutions and new ways of doing things to help people.

After work, you can usually find me at home trying to find some peace and quiet (which in my house is hard to do with a four-year old son running around). When I can find some time to myself, I love to read, grow plants, and I also do a lot of needlework.