DO-IT Staff/Mentors are Honored

Kathy Cook

Dan Comden, DO-IT staff, and Imke Durre, DO-IT Mentor, both received awards at WAPED's (ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ Association on Postsecondary Education and Disability) Spring 2000 conference.

Imke Durre won the Outstanding Student Award. This award recognizes a student with a disability who is currently enrolled in a postsecondary institution who has made a significant contribution to his/her institution or community or the State of ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Imke's selection was based on her academic/vocational achievements, extra-curriculum involvement, community services, and demonstrated self-advocacy.

Imke also recently received the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´'s (UW) HUB Hall of Fame Award (HUB stands for Husky Union Building, the main student activity building on the UW campus). This award is given to students who have been involved in community service and student organizations for at least two years, and was established to recognize their service and contributions to the University and the community. Imke's involvement with DO-IT over the past five years contributed to her receipt of this prestigious award. She is currently a DO-IT Mentor, facilitating discussions with scholars over email and sharing her personal experiences as a Ph.D. candidate at the UW. She has participated in several Summer Study programs, teaching classes and leading discussion groups regarding accommodations for people with visual impairments. Additionally, Imke has delivered numerous DO-IT Show & Tell disability awareness presentations to first grade children. During these presentations, Imke shares with youngsters how people who are blind use technology to communicate, gain knowledge and pursue college studies and careers.

Dan Comden won WAPED's Achievement Award. This is an award for technical and/or professional achievements in promoting awareness and development in issues of educating people with disabilities. This award is presented to someone who has contributed to increasing knowledge and awareness of disability issues in higher education or has developed techniques or methods in the application of such knowledge in higher education.

Congratulations to Dan and Imke. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication to the community and to DO-IT.