DO-IT Video Director Wins Award!

Sheryl Burgstahler

Charlie Hinckley was selected to receive a 1999 Award of Excellence in the Best of the Northwest Video Festival, Informational category for her production of the DO-IT video titled The Winning Equation - Access + Attitude = Success. This program has already won a Gold ITVA Emerald City Award and is part of a long and successful collaboration between Charlie Hinckley and DO-IT. This specific videotape, designed to help science and mathematics teachers fully include students with disabilities in their courses, was created as part of the DO-IT MATH-SCI project which was funded by an Eisenhower grant (#91915). This award-winning videotape is available from DO-IT for $25.

The Best of the Northwest Video Festival honors outstanding community television programs from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, Wyoming, and the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. Noncommercial programs, produced for presentation on public, educational, government access and local origination cable channels are judged by panels of access producers, media professionals and community members of the Western Region.

Congratulations, Charlie and DO-IT!