
DO-IT videos promote the success of people with disabilities, particularly in school and work settings. DO-IT videos play in a custom accessible media player with audio description and transcripts provided. They can be downloaded, viewed on , or ordered on DVD. The Search Video Library feature enables users to search the full text of all videos and begin playing videos at specific start times from the search results. Most videos are accompanied by a brochure with additional content and resources.

DO-IT Video Library

  • Our Technology for Equal Access: Sensory Impairments
    Students with sensory impairments talk about the assistive technology they use in educational settings.
  • Technology Advancements and Disability Identity
    Participants of DO-IT programs discuss emerging technology that can enhance the human body and mind.
  • Students with Disabilities at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´: Building Teams for Success
    Students with disabilities, faculty, and staff at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ talk about reasonable accommodations and equal access to education.
  • There are multiple strategies that can be used to teach about accessibility in computing courses. Exposing students to this information can help them create more accessible products throughout their careers.
  • This video highlights participants in DO-IT programs such as AccessComputing, who share information about the technology they use to access school, work, and the community.
  • Blocks-based programming environments are not accessible to children who are blind or visually impaired, excluding them from experiences that can lead to careers in STEM fields. Blocks4All makes programming accessible on a touchscreen tablet computer.
  • Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D., Director of Accessible Technology Services and founder of DO-IT, offers a lecture to faculty in which she offers 20 tips for how faculty can make their courses more accessible to students with disabilities.
  • Speakers share the benefits of employing individuals with disabilities and steps that can be taken to recruit and retain them.
  • Hadi Rangin is an expert user of screen reader software. In this video, he demonstrates the elements of a well designed web page and how they sound to someone who is blind. Issues discussed include ARIA landmarks, headings, and text content.
  • Take a short tour of the Access Technology Center, Disability Resources of Students, and the D Center on the Seattle campus of the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ in Seattle.
  • Tour the UW facility that helps people with disabilities effectively use technology and developers create accessible web pages, documents, videos and software.
  • Graduate students with disabilities, working with faculty and disability services, can have successful grad school experiences, complete their degrees, and enter rewarding careers.
  • Learn what to consider when creating a video that it is accessible to all viewers, from pre-production techniques to the provision of captioning and audio description.
  • The Job Search and Disclosing your Disability
    This video explores strategies for disclosing disability-related information in the workplace. Interns and employees with disabilities should consider if, when, and how they want to share information about their disability.
  • Learn about the Quorum programming language, which is designed to be accessible to all students, including those who are blind.
  • Hear about contributions people with disabilities make to engineering fields and how learning about universal design and accessibility can help engineers design better products.
  • Learn about the Quorum programming language, which is designed to be accessible to individuals with disabilities, including those who are blind.
  • DO-IT Scholars, who are part of an innovative transition-to-college program, share their perspectives on why it is important to attend college.
  • UW 360-an Emmy Award-winning show that profiles fascinating people, programs and community connections that define the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´.
  • Students with a variety of disabilities share strategies for making instruction more accessible to them.
