DO-IT Videotapes and Publications

Laura Levitin-Wilson, DO-IT operations manager

As part of their Summer Study experiences, DO-IT Scholars contribute to the design and content of videotapes and publications. In this way they share with others what they are learning about using technology to communicate with others and access academic resources, succeeding in college, and participating in work-based learning experiences. They are also often the "stars" of videotape presentations created by DO-IT. DO-IT distributes its materials to those who wish to undertake similar activities or enhance existing school, post-secondary, and employment programs. DO-IT's videotapes and handouts are great for others to use in presentations at schools, meetings, and conferences. For all materials, permission is given to duplicate them for non-commercial purposes as long as the source is acknowledged. All DO-IT videos are open captioned and audio description versions are available.

Below is a list of our low-cost videotapes and comprehensive training materials. To order them, mark the products you wish to order and send these pages with a check to:
Box 354842
Seattle, WA 98195-4842


See DO-IT Videotape and Training Materials Order Form for current pricing info.

Comprehensive Training Materials

See DO-IT Videotape and Training Materials Order Form for current pricing info.