DO-IT Yourself

Nikki Stauber, DO-IT Staff

You asked for it, soon you'll be getting it. In response to the need for a short, easy to deliver, and effective disability awareness presentation, DO-IT has created a DO-IT-yourself package for post-secondary faculty, staff and student groups--"Working Together: Faculty and Students with Disabilities Presentation Materials." The materials include an open-captioned nine minute videotape; two sample scripts; handouts; and overhead transparencies.

According to director , DO-IT "created the videotape with a lot of input and feedback from faculty members and students who have disabilities. Their input enabled us to create an effective package that addresses issues that will help faculty and students with disabilities effectively work together." The package includes all of the materials necessary for a person to deliver a 20 minute introductory presentation, regardless of past experience working with students who have disabilities. Guidelines are also provided for hosting a more comprehensive presentation intended to stimulate departmental discussion and action toward the creation of an educational environment in which all students can learn and express ideas.

The package is particularly appropriate for individuals and departments in science, engineering, mathematics and technology fields; disability services; student affairs and academic counseling. Funding provided by NEC Foundation of America, US West Communications, the National Science Foundation, and the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ made the creation and distribution of these materials possible. Copies are available at cost. For more information, contact DO-IT, (206)685-DOIT (685-3648) V/TTY or e-mail