How to Use These Materials
The enclosed videotapes, written materials, and handout templates were developed for those providing professional development for administrators and staff in postsecondary student service units. Through their use, learners can become more aware of:
- the rights, responsibilities, potential contributions, and access challenges of students with disabilities
- the rights and responsibilities of postsecondary institutions
- universal design and reasonable accommodations for students who have disabilities
- and campus resources that help programs provide equitable opportunities for all students
These materials are for use in departmental and campus wide presentations to stimulate discussion and action. Presentations can be tailored for meetings of administrators and support staff in specific student service units. Presentations are intended for use in public, private, large, small, two-year, four-year, and technical postsecondary institutions. Some topics are also appropriate for presentations to high school staff. Presentation materials were tested nationwide and refined according to presenter and participant evaluations.
Besides the presentation guidelines, a synthesis of research, implementation and institutionalization strategies, frequently asked questions, and resources are included in these materials. The following paragraphs describe the content of this train-the-trainer book.
Synthesis of Research
The presentation suggestions included in this notebook are based on research in a number of relevant areas. These include reported experiences of students with disabilities, postsecondary administrator and support staff training needs, adult learning, universal design, and systematic change. Read this section to understand the theories and research that support the practices suggested in these materials.
Institutionalization Strategies
Setting up one training session for a campus service unit is not difficult; however, developing strategies to institutionalize training requires more thought and planning. This section provides examples and suggestions that can result in long-term improvements to help assure that students with disabilities have equal access to all campus services.
Presentation Tips
This section provides suggestions for making presentations to administrators and support staff engaging and informative.
Two presentation options for student service administrators and support staff are outlined in this section. Sample scripts are included to minimize the work that might otherwise be required to prepare a presentation. Presenters can modify content to customize presentations for specific audiences. Overhead projection templates are provided for easy duplication and use. Two evaluation instruments are provided for use with participants.
Case studies that can be used in presentations are included in a reproducible format. They complement the videos and presentation handout templates found in the Appendices.
A sample of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and their answers are provided as useful references for presenters. Reviewed before delivering a presentation, the FAQs can help the speaker prepare responses to questions commonly asked by staff and administrators.
A self-paced electronic instructional option is also available for staff and administrators. (See "Resources for Trainers and Administrators" in The Conference Room at /doit/distance-learning-course-serving-students-disabilities.)
A glossary of disability-related terms and a list of resources are included in this section.
An index makes it easy to locate specific content in these materials.
Videos and handout templates are provided for use in presentations and for campus distribution. The handouts and videos included in this notebook can also be viewed online (See the Resources sections of The Conference Room.)
Several video presentations are collected on two videotapes in VHS format:
- Access to the Future: Preparing College Students with Disabilities for Careers. This presentation shows how to make career development services accessible to students with disabilities. (14 minutes).
- Equal Access: Campus Libraries. This presentation shows how libraries can assure access to their resources for students with disabilities (10 minutes).
- Equal Access: Computer Labs. This presentation shows how to make computer labs accessible to students with disabilities (11 minutes).
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Instruction. In this presentation, instructors, tutors, and students report how educational content can be delivered effectively to students with a wide range of characteristics, with respect to age, gender, race/ethnicity, and ability (14 minutes).
- Equal Access: Student Services. This presentation provides an overview of how any campus unit can make its services accessible to students with disabilities (14 minutes).
- Moving On: The Two-Four Step. This video presentation delivers tips to students with disabilities for making a successful transition from two- to four-year postsecondary institutions (11 minutes).
- Real Connections: Making Distance Learning Accessible to Everyone. This presentation provides strategies for making the materials and methods used in distance learning courses accessible to individuals with disabilities (12 minutes).
- Working Together: Computers and People with Learning Disabilities. In this presentation, students and workers with learning disabilities demonstrate assistive technology and share strategies to enhance their use of computer technology to promote their academic and career success (12 minutes).
- Working Together: Computers and People with Mobility Impairments. In this video presentation, people with mobility impairments demonstrate computer technology that allows individuals who cannot operate a standard keyboard and mouse to access all functions of computer hardware and software (14 minutes).
- Working Together: Computers and People with Sensory Impairments. In this video people with visual and hearing impairments demonstrate computer technology for school and work and show the power of technology to promote learning and career success for people with sensory impairments (11 minutes).
- Working Together: People with Disabilities and Computer Technology. In this video, people with disabilities provide an overview of assistive technology and computer applications with instructional content delivered by a narrator (14 minutes).
- World Wide Access: Accessible Web Design. This presentation shows how to make web pages and other electronic resources accessible to people with disabilities (11 minutes).
These videos can also be viewed online at /doit/programs/accesscollege/student-services-conference-room/resources/resources-student-services-staff. If you would like to have downloadable versions to play from your computer, send a request to
Reproducible handout templates are inserted in the back pocket of the binder. Handouts include
- Access to the Future: Preparing College Students with Disabilities for Careers
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Advising
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Career Services
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Computer Labs
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Distance Learning
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Financial Aid Offices
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Housing and Residential Life
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Instruction
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Libraries
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Recruitment and Undergraduate Admissions
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Registration
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Student Organizations
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Student Services
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Tutoring and Learning Centers
- Real Connections: Making Distance Learning Courses Accessible to Everyone
Permission is granted to reproduce any of these materials for noncommercial, educational purposes provided credit is given to the source. Much of the content is duplicated in other publications, training materials, and web pages published by DO-IT at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´; most can be found within the comprehensive website at
The videos, the handout templates, and the most current text of this notebook can be accessed from The Conference Room. From there, select "Resources for Student Services Staff."