How to Use These Materials

The purpose of the materials in this binder is to help science, mathematics, technology, and special education educators effectively teach students with disabilities. The goal is for all students to be fully included in courses and programs and, as a result, experience success in STEM academic and career options.

Part I includes an overview of key issues, how to make physical adaptations to classrooms and labs for general access and safety, information on assistive technology, how to design accessible electronic resources, sample Student Abilities Profiles, and resources. Part II includes materials to deliver training to preservice and inservice teachers at all academic levels.

Part I: Making Instruction Accessible

Access Issues and Strategies

This section covers issues related to access to education for individuals with disabilities, including legal and attitudinal issues and general teaching strategies. It shares principles of universal design and suggestions for making educational activities accessible to all students, including those who have disabilities.

Access to Technology

This section covers the three areas that must be addressed in order to provide full access to computing resources—computer lab access, provision of adaptive technology, and universal design of electronic resources.


This section covers resources relevant to technology, science, and mathematics instruction. Additional information can be found at DO-IT's AccessSTEM website. An electronic copy of this binder is available at /doit/making-math-science-and-technology-instruction-accessible-students-disabilities.

Part II: Teaching Preservice and Inservice Teachers

Presentation Tips

This section provides suggestions for making engaging and informative presentations to educators, administrators, and staff.


This section outlines several presentation options:

  • 20-30 minute presentations to introduce participants to accessibility issues and give them a conceptual understanding of assistive technology and how it helps people with disabilities access the Internet.
  • 45-minute presentation on creating accessible websites, includes tips and best practices.
  • 1-hour presentation on increasing the accessibility of science and math classrooms by utilizing universal design techniques.
  • 2-hour presentation with a focus on computer lab access, assistive technology, and accessible web page design provides participants with tools to begin making the school's or department's computer lab and web pages accessible to everyone.
  • Full-day session that offers science, mathematics, and special education teachers the opportunity to explore how science and math classes can be made accessible to students with disabilities.

For each presentation option, a sample script is included to minimize the preparation that might otherwise be required. The presenter may use the script verbatim or extract ideas to customize a presentation.

The videos included in this notebook can be used in specific presentations or broadcast on public television. Handout and overhead projection templates are provided in the Presentation Tools section for easy duplication and use.

A web-based resource option is also available for faculty and administrators. To access these resources, visit the Faculty Room.

Presentation Tools

This section includes ready-to-use tools for presenters.

Final Evaluation Tools

One of two evaluations can be selected for use with participants at the end of the session.

Projected Visual Templates

Templates that can be developed into presentation slides are included for use in the presentations. Many templates are included to optimize custom presentations. In addition, slides are freely online at /doit/making-math-science-and-technology-instruction-accessible-students-disabilities.


Reproducible, camera-ready handouts for presentations are included in the plastic pouch in the back of this binder and are also available freely online at /doit/resources/informational-briefs.


Videos referenced throughout this handbook are collected on eight DVDs (located in the back of this binder) and are also freely available online at Their titles follow.

Photo of professor drawing on an overhead projector.
  • How DO-IT Does It. Successful practices employed by DO-IT programs to increase the success of young people with college and careers. (34 minutes)
  • Opening Doors: Mentoring on the Internet. Mentors help students with disabilities achieve success in college studies and careers. (14 minutes)

Permission is granted to reproduce any of these materials for noncommercial, educational purposes as long as the source is acknowledged. Much of the content is duplicated in other publications, training materials, and web pages published by the DO-IT Center; most can be found within the comprehensive website.