How To Use These Materials
The enclosed videos, written materials, and handout templates were developed for those providing professional development to help faculty and administrators in postsecondary institutions become more aware of:
- the rights, responsibilities, potential contributions, and needs of students with disabilities
- the rights and responsibilities of postsecondary institutions
- reasonable accommodations and instructional strategies for working with students who have disabilities
- campus resources that help provide equitable educational opportunities for all students
These materials are for use in departmental and campus-wide presentations to stimulate discussion and action. Each presentation option can be tailored for meetings of administrators, departmental chairs, advisors, faculty, teaching assistants, and support staff. The presentations are intended for use in public and private; large and small; and two-year, four-year, and technical postsecondary institutions. Presentation lengths vary from 20 minutes to several days. The materials were tested nationwide and refined based on faculty and staff evaluations.
In addition to the presentations themselves, a synthesis of research, implementation and institutionalization strategies, presentation tips, frequently asked questions, and resources are included. The following paragraphs describe the content of this handbook.
Synthesis of Research
The content included in this handbook is based on research in a number of relevant areas. These include experiences of students with disabilities, reported postsecondary faculty training needs, adult learning, learning styles, types of learning, universal design of instruction, and systemic change. This section describes the underlying theory and research that supports the practices suggested in these materials.
Institutionalization Strategies
Setting up one training session for a department is not difficult; however, developing strategies to institutionalize faculty and administrator training requires more thought and planning. This section provides suggestions that can result in long-term improvements on your campus. Implementing institutionalization strategies will help ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to your academic programs and resources.
Presentation Tips
This section provides suggestions for making engaging and informative presentations to faculty, administrators, and staff. You will also find case studies to use in your presentations.
Several presentation options are outlined in this section:
- 20-30 minute overview to introduce participants to basic legal issues, accommodation strategies, and resources specific to their campus;
- 1-2 hour presentation with a special focus on providing accommodations to students with a variety of disabilities and introducing participants to legal issues and campus resources; and
- 10 tailored workshops for in-depth training on topics of special interest to faculty and administrators.
For each presentation option, a sample script is included to minimize the preparation that might otherwise be required. The presenter may use the script verbatim or extract ideas to customize a presentation.
The videos included in this notebook can be used in specific presentations or broadcast on public television. Handout and overhead projection templates are provided in the Presentation Tools section for easy duplication and use.
A web-based instructional option is also available for faculty and administrators. To access web-based instruction, visit The Faculty Room. A distance learning course that can be delivered via email to faculty and administrators on your campus can be found in The Faculty Room at /doit/distance-learning-course-academic-accommodations-students-disabilities.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) and their answers provide a useful reference for presenters. They represent a small sample of the articles available in the searchable Knowledge Base at /doit/programs/accesscollege/faculty-room/overview. If reviewed before delivering a presentation, the FAQs can help the presenter prepare responses to questions commonly asked by faculty and administrators.
A glossary of disability-related terms, a list of resources, and references are included.
Presentation Tools
The presenter will find ready-to-use presentation tools included in this section.
Overhead Projection Templates
Templates that can be developed into presentation slides are included for use in the presentations. There are many templates included to optimize custom presentations. In addition, slides are provided on The Faculty Room website. -
Reproducible, camera-ready handouts for presentations are inserted in the plastic pouch in the back of the binder. -
Final Evaluation Tools
One of two evaluations can be selected for use with participants at the end of the session. They are found on pages 188-190 of this notebook. -
Videos referenced throughout this handbook are collected on eight DVDs (located in the back of this binder) and are also freely available online at
Their titles follow.COLLEGE 1
- Working Together: Faculty and Students with Disabilities. Successful students with disabilities tell about techniques and accommodations that contributed to their success, emphasizing the importance of the faculty-student relationship. (9 minutes)
- Building the Team: Faculty, Staff, and Students Working Together. Learn how to create an inclusive postsecondary learning environment. (16 minutes)
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Instruction. Learn to make instruction in a classroom or tutoring center accessible to all students. (13 minutes)
- Equal Access: Student Services. Learn how to apply universal design principles to make postsecondary student services accessible to all students. (15 minutes)
- Invisible Disabilities and Postsecondary Education. Learn strategies to help students with learning disabilities, attention deficits, and other invisible disabilities achieve success in college. (19 minutes)
- Self-Examination: How Accessible Is Your Campus? Learn issues to address to make a postsecondary institution welcoming and accessible to students with disabilities. (10 minutes)
- Equal Access: Campus Libraries. How to apply universal design principles to make libraries accessible to all visitors. (10 minutes)
- Working Together: People with Disabilities and Computer Technology. Individuals with disabilities demonstrate adaptive technology for people with mobility impairments, blindness, low vision, hearing or speech impairments, and learning disabilities. (13 minutes)
- Working Together: Computers and People with Mobility Impairments. People with mobility impairments demonstrate computer access technology. (14 minutes)
- Working Together: Computers and People with Sensory Impairments. People with visual and hearing impairments demonstrate computer technology for school and work. (10 minutes)
- Working Together: Computers and People with Learning Disabilities. Students and workers with learning disabilities demonstrate computer- based tools and strategies. (12 minutes)
- Computer Access: In Our Own Words. Students with disabilities demonstrate adaptive technology and computer applications. (10 minutes)
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Computer Labs. Learn how computer labs can be designed to be accessible to students with disabilities. (11 minutes)
- World Wide Access: Accessible Web Design. People with disabilities describe roadblocks they encounter and examples of accessible web design. (11 minutes)
- Real Connections: Making Distance Learning Accessible to Everyone. Learn issues to consider when designing courses to fully include students with disabilities. (12 minutes)
- Access to Technology in the Workplace: In Our Own Words. Employees show how to make technology accessible. (13 minutes)
- Camp: Beyond Summer. Learn how to add Internet experiences to summer camp programs for children and youth with disabilities. (10 minutes)
- Working Together: Science Teachers and Students with Disabilities. Successful science students with disabilities suggest ways to make science activities accessible. (13 minutes)
- Equal Access: Science and Students with Sensory Impairments. Students and employees with sensory impairments share strategies for success. (14 minutes)
- The Winning Equation: Access + Attitude = Success in Math and Science. Science and math teachers share strategies for making these subjects accessible to students with disabilities. (15 minutes)
- STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. Students and faculty highlight STEM programs offered to a diverse student body at the UW. (10 minutes)
- Taking Charge 1: Three Stories of Success and Self-Determination. Successful young people with disabilities share strategies for living self-determined lives. (17 minutes)
- Taking Charge 2: Two Stories of Success and Self-Determination. Teens with disabilities share how they are learning to live self-determined lives. (15 minutes)
- Taking Charge 3: Five Stories of Success and Self-Determination. This video combines the five stories presented in Taking Charge 1 & 2 videos. (27 minutes)
- Part of Me, Not All of Me. Teens with disabilities share their interests, activities, and other aspects of their lives showing that their disabilities do not define who they are. (6 minutes)
- How DO-IT Does It. Successful practices employed by DO-IT programs to increase the success of young people with disabilities in college and careers. (34 minutes)
- Opening Doors: Mentoring on the Internet. Mentors help students with disabilities achieve success in college studies and careers. (14 minutes)
Permission is granted to reproduce any of these materials for noncommercial, educational purposes as long as the source is acknowledged. Much of the content is duplicated in other publications, training materials, and webpages published by the DO-IT Center; most can be found within the comprehensive website at