Disability Awareness/Identity

What is "intersectionality" in the context of working with students who have disabilities?

"Intersectionality" refers to the fact that individuals have multiple identities, with respect to gender, race, ethnicity, age, marital status, socioeconomic status, disability, etc. Those working with individuals with disabilities should recognize that the interaction of these identities influences a person's experiences, perspectives, and other aspects of their life.

What is ableism?

Ableism is a pervasive system of discrimination that privileges people without disabilities and disadvantages people with disabilities. Like other forms of oppression for marginalized groups, ableism can occur in interactions between individuals, in institutions, between individuals and organizations, within social systems, and as part of social norms, expectations, and policies. Ableist thinking suggests that there is a "normal" way to live life, where certain abilities are essential to inclusion and happiness.

What are different models of disability?

Researchers, practitioners, and people with disabilities have expressed many different perspectives, often called models, about what it means to have a disability. An embraced model of disability can influence what people consider to be the causes of the marginalization of people with disabilities in societies; within different historical periods, these beliefs have impacted the creation and implementation of legislation, policies, and practices. Although terminology and definitions vary and can change over time, below are short descriptions of some overarching models of disability.

How can STEM academic departments be more accessible to and inclusive of faculty with disabilities?

As institutions seek to leverage the benefits of diversity, application pools for faculty positions have become increasingly diverse, inclusive of faculty with disabilities who bring unique and valuable perspectives and talents to the workplace. However, the inaccessible design of the employment application process, as well as many campus facilities, software tools, services, and online resources, continue to erect barriers to some applicants and employees with disabilities, including those who are also members of other marginalized groups.

How do I include deaf students in informal learning conversations?

Unfortunately, the designs of some informal learning conversations and other activities do not allow individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to fully participate. There are several strategies your program can follow to avoid this situation. Begin by making sure your promotional materials and correspondence with potential participants explain how individuals can request accommodations, including a sign language interpreter and real-time captioning.

Women Faculty with Dis/ability Task Force: A Promising Practice for Faculty Equity

The North Dakota State University (NDSU) NSF team/project recognized that their diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts attended too little to the unique experiences and perspectives of faculty experiencing dis/ability. In particular, the project team wanted to promote a campus commitment to address workplace and campus climate issues with respect to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) women faculty members with dis/ability. But where to begin?

California Academy of Sciences: A Promising Practice in Planning for Visitors who are Neurodiverse

 has an aquarium, planetarium, rainforest, and natural history museum and is a powerful voice for biodiversity research and exploration, environmental education, and sustainability across the globe. One of their core values is a commitment to diversity and equity. Outlined on their website their commitment reads:

What are tips for creating accessible social media posts?

People of all ages, interests, and abilities use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms to share content and engage in conversations. Millions of social media participants have disabilities, including those that impact their ability to see, hear, and access a standard keyboard and mouse. Many use assistive technologies such as screen readers to read aloud content on the screen and alternate keyboards that emulate the computer keyboard but not the mouse.
