Universal Design

Boston Public Schools Access Technology Center: A Promising Practice of Universal Design

The Boston Public School system is known for its commitment to incorporating technology and universal design into its public institutions and classrooms. In 2001 the (ATC) moved into the Boston Public Schools' Office of Instructional Technology (OIT) to expand technology access and training opportunities for teachers.

Phoenix Reading Project at Sugar-Salem High School: A Promising Practice in Using Scan/Read Software

In the Phoenix Reading Project, Jerry Powell, a special education teacher at in Sugar City, Idaho, is using scan/read technology to help his students successfully complete reading assignments and exams in their core academic classes. Students with a variety of disabilities that include learning disabilities, health impairments, hearing impairments, autism spectrum disorders, and developmental disabilities have had increased access to textbooks and other printed material because of the hardware and software Mr.

Classroom Performance System: A Promising Practice in Engaging All Students

Mary Moore, a third grade teacher at in Richland, WA, is using technology to actively engage all of the students in her diverse classroom. She has students with a wide range of characteristics with respect to hearing abilities, health, learning, and English language proficiency. For some students, these differences qualify as disabilities; for others, English is their second language.

Garfield-Palouse High School: A Promising Practice in Creating an Inclusive High School Science Lab

George Landle is a science teacher at in Palouse, ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. Having a student who uses a wheelchair made him aware of difficulties experienced by students with mobility impairments as they attempt to access standard science lab stations. The stations in his lab were all built at a height that required students to sit on stools or stand to use them.

IT + AT: A Promising Practice in Creating a Technology-Rich Experience for All Students

Like most school districts across the country, Blue Valley USD 229 strives to integrate technology into its schools and classrooms. Every summer, the information technology (IT) department worked hard to update computer systems, while the assistive technology (AT) department created programs to allow all students to access the technology that is being integrated into the classes.
