
Are postsecondary institutions required to purchase adaptive software for a specific course if only one student needs it?

Any course an institution offers must be accessible to qualified students with disabilities. A student with a disability may require specialized adaptive hardware or software to access the electronic information and to fully participate in the computer assignments for a course. Work with the student, disabled student services staff, and an adaptive technology specialist, if available on your campus, to determine the access issues and the appropriate assistive technology solutions.

How can our career services office work with employers to ensure program access to students with disabilities?

Many employers are aware of the (ADA) and are interested in employing students with disabilities. Career counselors, cooperative education staff, and internship coordinators can work with employers to make successful placements for students with disabilities. The following suggestions may assist you in working with employers as you place students with disabilities:

How can student services offices make campus events accessible to participants with disabilities?

Student services organizations often host presentations, career fairs/exhibits, and interviews between students and employers. These activities should be designed so that they are accessible to all students, including students with disabilities. Provide them in a wheelchair-accessible location with accessible restrooms nearby.

How do I respond to a library patron who asks for Braille copies of reference materials?

The (ADA) requires that you respond reasonably to disability-related requests. Although you should provide access to the content the patron requests (in this case Braille), it may be acceptable to provide the materials in a comparable format, such as in audiotaped or electronic formats. Discuss options with the patron.
