
What statement can I put on my syllabus for students with disabilities?

It is helpful to include a statement on the class syllabus inviting students who have disabilities to discuss academic needs. An example of such a statement is "If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact me as soon as possible."

For more information, consult Working Together: Faculty and Students with Disabilities.

How can I help a two-year college student transition to a four-year school?

Fewer students with disabilities attend postsecondary institutions, and of those who do, fewer attend four-year institutions and eventually earn bachelors degrees than their nondisabled peers. A study conducted by the found that two years after high school, 63% of the students with disabilities had enrolled in some form of postsecondary education, compared to 72% of the students without disabilities.

What challenges do students with disabilities face as they transition from two-year to four-year colleges?

Students with disabilities report special challenges in making a successful transition from two- to four-year schools. One hundred nineteen students with disabilities from nineteen two-year colleges in ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ participated in a survey conducted by DO-IT. Their top concerns about transferring to a four-year institution were in the following categories:

How can I get started in making my distance learning course accessible to all students?

Be proactive in making distance learning courses accessible. Don't wait until students with a disabilities enroll to address accessibility issues; consider them from the start. Applying universal design principles benefits people both with and without disabilities. Begin by thinking about the wide range of abilities and disabilities potential students might have with respect to sight, hearing, mobility, and learning styles and abilities.

What are some of the barriers students with disabilities face in distance learning courses?

Thousands of specialized hardware and software products available today allow individuals with a wide range of abilities and disabilities to productively use computing and networking technologies (, 2002). However, assistive technology alone does not remove all access barriers. Described below are examples of access challenges faced by students and instructors in typical distance learning courses.

Emerging Leaders Program: A Promising Practice in Placing College Students with Disabilities in Challenging Internships

is a program that partners with corporate sponsors to provide summer internships for college students with disabilities. Leadership development skills are emphasized in these positions and both students and businesses gain from the experience. Students are placed in a corporate context and are allowed to show their dedication and motivation in the business environment while the employers involved are able to welcome diverse individuals into their workplace.

How can postsecondary institutions determine whether a student is "otherwise qualified" for science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics curricula?

At the postsecondary educational level, a qualified student with a disability is a student with a disability who meets the academic and technical standards required for participation in the class, program, or activity. The standards for a student with a disability are the same as those for all students entering the program. However, a student with a disability may request and receive reasonable accommodations to demonstrate that they meet those standards.

How can technology help students with disabilities in their social development?

Online mentoring can help students with disabilities with their social development and goals in education and careers. Some youth with disabilities are not accepted by their peers and experience isolation as a result. They have few friends or little contact with other students with disabilities and thus have limited access to positive role models with disabilities.
