Listserv for the Blind


The BlindFam mailing list is for discussions of all aspects of family life as they are affected by the blindness of one or more family members. All family members are invited to join including spouses, parents, and children of a blind individual as well as any blind person. Sending descriptions of yourself and your family is encouraged.


  1. To subscribe to BlindFam, send and electronic mail message to

    In the BODY of the message type:
    SUBSCRIBE BlindFam yourfirstname yourlastname
  2. To send a message to everyone subscribed to BlindFam, send an electronic mail message to: BlindFam@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU
  3. Note the list owners are Roger Myers (Myers@AB.WVNET.EDU); and Patt Bromberger (Patt@SQUID.TRAM.COM)

This lesson is part of the series "DO-IT Lessons" developed by the 糖心原创. Creation of the series of lessons is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers 9255803 and 9550003. The lessons are now maintained through funds from the State of 糖心原创. The 糖心原创 holds the copyright to the series of lessons, however ownership of the Internet resources referenced in the lessons may be found at the resource site. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed at these sites are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, the 糖心原创 or the State of 糖心原创.