My Week Helping at Camp


During the week of July 10-18, Sheryl, Rodney and I were at Courage Camp. I helped at a technology learning program which was like the DO-IT program at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. We used some of the same lessons and subjects as Scholars use in Seattle. Fourteen kids attended the camp. As well as learning how to use the Internet, one day they toured St. Cloud State University.

My main job was to get information out to the campers and to keep Scholars and Mentors at DO-IT informed as to what was going on. It was also important that I keep a line of communication up between Scholars and DO-IT Courage Campers. I helped in the computer lab and tried to answer questions and give ideas on disability issues.

I found the camp interesting, being it was my first time acting like a Mentor. The thing that was most interesting was the progress of the kids on their lessons and the innovative ideas they came up with from their lessons.

It also helped me see what I'll be doing when I become a DO-IT Ambassador. It was a win-win situation. I am already planning for next year if they need me again. I really enjoyed my job knowing that the kids went home with a better outlook on life as far as careers and college go.