New Publication Offers Tips for Accessible Online Campus Services

Increasing numbers of postsecondary institutions are offering campus services partially or totally online, including student services such as academic advising, tutoring centers, and career services; services for faculty such as human resources and teaching and learning centers; and services that serve the needs of the entire campus community such as libraries and museums. Today’s technology offers seemingly unlimited options to choose from for offering services. However, as technology is selected and online offerings are developed, it is important for campus leaders to take into account that potential users have a wide variety of characteristics, including those related to gender; race, ethnicity, and culture; socioeconomic status; age; religious beliefs; technical skills; and physical, sensory, learning, and communication abilities.
Although well intentioned, few student service personnel have an adequate level of awareness and skills regarding how to design online services that are accessible to all potential users, including those with disabilities. DO-IT director Sheryl Burgstahler has created a new publication, 20 Tips for Offering Accessible Online Campus Services, which shares tips for general teaching practices, information on accessible resources and technology, and accessible meeting advice. It provides a place to start as well as pointers to more comprehensive resources regarding the design of accessible online services. Some of the advice was based off of Dr. Burgstahler's earlier publication, 20 Tips for Teaching an Accessible Online Course​.
Learn more on creating accessible online teaching and resources at the web pages below: