Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Life is a succession of lessons, which must be lived to be understood.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson —
Table of Contents
- Overview of this Book
- History and Current Trends Regarding People with Disabilities
- The Role of Technology in Creating this Book
- What You'll Find in this Book
- How to Use this Book
- How to Download or Purchase this Book and Complementary Videos
PART I: Creating an Electronic Mentoring Community
Chapter One: An Introduction to E-mentoring and E-communities
- Peer, Near-Peer, and Mentor Support
- Computer-Mediated Communication
- E-Mentoring Communities
- DO-IT's E-Mentoring Community
- Joining an Existing Online Mentoring Program
Chapter Two: Steps to Creating an E-mentoring Community
- Establish clear goals for the program.
- Decide what technology to use.
- Establish a discussion group structure.
- Select an administrator for the e-mentoring community, and make other staff and volunteer assignments as needed.
- Develop guidelines for protégés concerning appropriate and safe Internet communications.
- Establish roles and develop guidelines, orientation, and training for mentors.
- Standardize procedures for recruiting and screening mentor applicants.
- Determine how to recruit protégés.
- Provide guidance to parents.
- Establish a system whereby new mentors and protégés are introduced to community members.
- Provide ongoing supervision of and support to mentors.
- Monitor and manage online discussions.
- Share resources.
- Employ strategies that promote personal development.
- Publicly share the value and content of communications in the e-mentoring community and the contributions of the mentors.
- Monitor the workings of the e-mentoring community as it evolves. Adjust procedures and forms accordingly.
- Have fun!
Chapter Three: Orientation and Training for Mentors
- Mentor Tip: Orientation
- Mentor Tip: Discussion Lists/Forums
- Mentor Tip: Mentoring Guidelines
- Mentor Tip: Communication of Emotions
- Mentor Tip: Positive Reinforcement
- Mentor Tip: Listening Skills
- Mentor Tip: Questions for Protégés
- Mentor Tip: Disabilities
- Mentor Tip: Guiding Teens
- Mentor Tip: Conversation Starters
- Mentor Tip: "Dos" when Mentoring Teens
- Mentor Tip: "Don'ts" when Mentoring Teens
Chapter Four: Introduction to Mentoring for Success and Self-Determination
- E-Community Activity: Welcome to Online Mentoring
- E-Community Activity: Guidelines for Protégés
- E-Community Activity: Safety on the Internet
- E-Community Activity: Jessie and Learning Strategies
- E-Community Activity: Jessie and Disability Benefits
- E-Community Activity: Randy and Proving Yourself
- E-Community Activity: Randy and Taking on Challenges
- E-Community Activity: Advice from Randy
- E-Community Activity: Todd and an Awkward Moment
- E-Community Activity: Todd, Family, and Friends
- E-Community Activity: Jessie, Randy, Todd, and Success Strategies
- E-Community Activity: Jessie, Randy, Todd, and Awkward Situations
- Mentor Tip: Success
- E-Community Activity: Emulating Characteristics of Successful People
- E-Community Activity: Achieving Success
- Mentor Tip: Self-Determination
- E-Community Activity: Defining Self-Determination
- E-Community Activity: Characteristics of Self-Determined People
- E-Community Activity: Steps Toward Self-Determination
- Mentor Tip: Commitment to Learning
- Mentor Tip: Positive Values
- Mentor Tip: Social Competencies
- Mentor Tip: Positive Identity
- Mentor Tip: Self-Development
- Mentor Tip: Problem Solving
- E-Community Activity: Advice from Teens
- E-Community Activity: Success Stories on the Web
- E-Community Activity: Affirming Success
PART II: Supporting Teens in an E-Mentoring Community
Chapter Five: Define Success for Yourself
- Mentor Tip: Steps to Success
- Mentor Tip: Definition of Success
- E-Community Activity: Learning from Successful Experiences
- E-Community Activity: Finding Your Goals for Success
- E-Community Activity: Learning from Teens with Disabilities
- E-Community Activity: Learning from Role Models
- E-Community Activity: Discovering Academic Success Factors
- E-Community Activity: Selecting Your Best Teacher
- E-Community Activity: Defining Success
- Mentor Tip: Keeping a Positive Attitude
- E-Community Activity: Building a Positive Attitude
- E-Community Activity: Finding Humor
- E-Community Activity: Affirming Success
Chapter Six: Set Personal, Academic, and Career Goals. Keep Your Expectations High
- Mentor Tip: Goals
- Mentor Tip: Goal Setting
- E-Community Activity: Setting Goals
- Mentor Tip: Promoting High Expectations
- Mentor Tip: Getting Help with Setting Goals
- E-Community Activity: Getting Help to Maintain High Expectations
- E-Community Activity: Matching Academic Interests with Careers
- Mentor Tip: People with Disabilities and STEM
- E-Community Activity: Pursuing STEM
- E-Community Activity: Considering College Options
- E-Community Activity: Making Plans
- E-Community Activity: Affirming Success
Chapter Seven: Understand Your Abilities and Disabilities; Play to Your Strengths
- Mentor Tip: Disability Acceptance
- E-Community Activity: Accepting Disability
- Mentor Tip: Labels
- E-Community Activity: Trying New Things
- E-Community Activity: Identifying Your Likes and Dislikes
- Mentor Tip: Incorrect Assumptions
- E-Community Activity: Dealing with Incorrect Assumptions
- E-Community Activity: Describing Your Disability
- E-Community Activity: Dealing with Rude People
- E-Community Activity: Thinking about Language
- E-Community Activity: Responding to Labels
- E-Community Activity: Building on Strengths
- E-Community Activity: Redefining Limitations as Strengths
- E-Community Activity: Exploring Learning Strengths and Challenges
- E-Community Activity: Taking Inventory of Your Learning Style
- E-Community Activity: Finding Careers That Use Your Skills
- E-Community Activity: Matching Skills with Careers
- E-Community Activity: Identifying Your Career Interests and Work Style
- E-Community Activity: Healthy Self-Esteem
- E-Community Activity: Valuing Yourself
- E-Community Activity: Learning to Value Yourself
- E-Community Activity: Affirming Self-Value
- E-Community Activity: Affirming Success
Chapter Eight: Develop Strategies to Reach Your Goals
- Mentor Tip: Self-Advocacy
- Mentor Tip: Goals
- Mentor Tip: Short- and Long-Term Goals
- E-Community Activity: Making Informed Decisions
- Mentor Tip: Rights and Responsibilities
- E-Community Activity: Knowing Your Rights and Responsibilities in College
- E-Community Activity: Securing Accommodations in College
- E-Community Activity: Developing Study Habits
- E-Community Activity: Creating Win-Win Solutions
- E-Community Activity: Changing Advocacy Roles
- E-Community Activity: Self-Advocating
- E-Community Activity: Self-Advocating with Teachers
- E-Community Activity: Disclosing Your Disability in College
- E-Community Activity: Disclosing Your Disability to an Employer
- E-Community Activity: Advising a Friend about Disability Disclosure
- E-Community Activity: Being Assertive
- E-Community Activity: Securing Job Accommodations
- E-Community Activity: Asking for Accommodations at Work
- E-Community Activity: Standing Up for Convictions and Beliefs
- E-Community Activity: Learning from Mistakes
- E-Community Activity: Affirming Success
Chapter Nine: Use Technology as an Empowering Tool
- E-Community Activity: Surveying Accessible Technology
- Mentor Tip: Promoting Technology
- Mentor Tip: Technology Access
- Mentor Tip: Technology and Success in School
- E-Community Activity: Becoming Digital-Age Literate
- E-Community Activity: Using Technology with Young Children
- E-Community Activity: Using Technology for Success in School
- E-Community Activity: Using Technology to Complete Homework
- E-Community Activity: Using Technology in Science and Engineering
- E-Community Activity: Surfing the Web to Prepare for College
- E-Community Activity: Using Technology in Your Career
- E-Community Activity: Using Technology in Careers
- E-Community Activity: Surfing the Web to Prepare for a Career
- E-Community Activity: Using Technology to Enhance Your Social Life
- E-Community Activity: Affirming Success with Technology
Chapter Ten: Work Hard; Persevere; Be flexible
- Mentor Tip: Actions to Achieve Goals
- E-Community Activity: Working Hard
- E-Community Activity: Coping with Stress
- E-Community Activity: Being Flexible
- E-Community Activity: Taking Risks
- E-Community Activity: Taking Action
- E-Community Activity: Learning from Experiences
- E-Community Activity: Learning from Work Experiences
- E-Community Activity: Understanding the Value of Work Experiences
- E-Community Activity: Being Resilient
- E-Community Activity: Affirming Success
Chapter Eleven: Develop a Support Network. Look to Family, Friends, and Teachers
- Mentor Tip: Teen Support
- Mentor Tip: Supportive Environment
- Mentor Tip: Self-Determination Support
- Mentor Tip: Teen Relationships with Adults
- E-Community Activity: Developing Relationships with Adults
- E-Community Activity: Working with Adults
- E-Community Activity: Participating in Activities
- E-Community Activity: Being a Good Friend
- Mentor Tip: Friendships
- E-Community Activity: Developing Friendships
- E-Community Activity: Locating a Career OneStop
- E-Community Activity: Finding Resources and Support
PART III: Where to Go from HereÌý
Chapter Twelve: Share Your Story
- E-Community Activity: Share Your Views on Success
- E-Community Activity: Share Your Views on Goals
- E-Community Activity: Share Your Views on Abilities
- E-Community Activity: Share Your Views on Strategies
- E-Community Activity: Share Your Views on Technology
- E-Community Activity: Share Your Views on Working Hard
- E-Community Activity: Share Your Views on Support Network
Chapter Thirteen: Sample Documents
- Sample Mentor Guidelines
- Sample Protégé Guidelines
- Sample Mentor Application
- Sample Parent/Guardian Consent
Chapter Fourteen: Resources and Bibliography
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Permission is granted to copy these materials for non-commercial purposes provided the source is acknowledged.