Introduction: Energy Transformation Sheet

Disability Type

Low Vision

Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.

Consider the position, lighting, and seating needs of the student during presentations or when using text, manipulatives, transparencies or other projected images.

Give clear verbal descriptions of visual aids including video and printed content used throughout your presentation.

Use a scanner to create an electronic version of images, charts, or maps, and display them in a larger format on a computer monitor, or use an LCD projector.

Consider having the student work with a partner and providing extra assistance if this activity presents significant challenges.


Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.

Give clear verbal descriptions of visual aids including video and printed content used throughout your presentation.

Use tactile accommodations of graphic materials:

  • Tools for creating raised-line drawings can be found at the .
  • One method for drawing tactile lines on a map or diagram is to go over the lines with a pattern tracing wheel; to do this effectively, put something soft under the drawing or map first.
  • Raised-line drawings can be created with fabric paint, a glue gun, or other commercially available materials, such as .
  • Additional information is available at .

Consider making shapes for flow charts or room layouts from tagboard or foam core for the student to manipulate.

Embossed graph paper is available from the . Additional high- and low-tech ideas for creating graphs are available from the .

Consider having the student work with a partner and providing extra assistance if this activity presents significant challenges.

Hearing Impairments

Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.

Provide a sign language interpreter, real-time captioning, and/or an FM system.

Allow flexible seating to provide a clear view of a sign language interpreter, lip reading, visual aids, and demonstrations.

Learning Disabilities

Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.

Give clear verbal descriptions of visual aids including video and printed content used throughout your presentation.

Mobility Impairments

Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.

Health Impairments

Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.

Psychosocial Impairments

Request and encourage student input on how to best accommodate the student's learning needs.