Phase II Workshops

Phase II Scholars return to the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ campus for their second Summer Study. They meet the Phase I Scholars as those Scholars participate in their first Summer Study, learn about college life and career preparation, and participate in a one-week workshop with postsecondary instructors. The following articles summarize some of the experiences of the 2000 Phase II Scholars.

Life is a Game

by Phase II Scholars Danielle, Roy, JW, Wolfgang, and Stuart, and DO-IT Intern David

Hardly anybody thinks of life as a game, but rather like a road that we absolutely have to go down, regardless of whether we want to or not. However, we found out that life IS a game during our morning workshops during Summer Study 2000. At least, it is a game played on a computer with colored squares on a grid. It was challenging for us because we had to figure out Java programming and converse with the computer in terms it understood (which led us to the conclusion that it doesn't understand us when we curse it!). The original game had its own rules and after we got the hang of it, we turned around and made up all sorts of different rules, like making the squares do cool, unique things. The diversity of the ideas that we were able to come up with was astounding. All we needed in the beginning was a little push in the right direction, and we were on our way. Our PowerPoint presentation and demonstrations signaled the end of long mornings in Sieg Hall, and the end of Summer Study 2000.

Virtual Reality Workshop

by Phase II Scholars David, Buffy, Tynesha, Pat, Ryan, Brandon and Mi Mi

At first, the prospect of doing a project within a week's time was not enticing.

We saw some of the specialized tools of the trade. We saw some spinning chambers, along with some additional computer equipment. We moved on to an almost soundproof room. It seemed like we needed an interpreter to understand what anyone was saying. We gained a new respect for learning signs and signals. It was like a whole new language. We looked at a book that included 3-D pictures through which we could explore different worlds. We went to the Virtual Retina Display, and looked at some promising and developing prototypes of research. The first item was a set of glasses which had lasers that allowed people with visual impairments to see. That was interesting in itself. But the third item was even more interesting. This research that would allow surgeries, and the millimeter-sized cameras that are deployed inside the body, to be as minimal as possible.

Thursday was the day that we did our actual project. We stared in the camera's face for about 30-60 minutes. It was very pleasing to see their faces in the camera shows, looking like aliens. We had technical difficulties with the computer and processing snapshots of people and video film. Some were cutting out people's bodies, putting a black background on the other surface, and cutting off the heads for some other shapes. Time was running out, so we went to the room with a large television set, and did some speaking of voices with the heads and other characters that were available to us. We produced a video that we showed at Summer Study closing ceremonies.