
Introduction to Adaptive Technology
Introduction to adaptive technology for computer users with visual impairments.
Location: ATL Lab, UW, Seattle; Time: 2pm - 4pm
For information or to register contact Dan Comden at (206) 685-4144; e-mail

April 25, 1995
College of Engineering Education Fair
For high school juniors and seniors interested in math and engineering.
Location: HUB Ballroom, UW, Seattle;
Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Call (206) 543-0340 for details.

April 26-29, 1995
Pacific Northwest Technology Conference & Expo
Showcase for developments in computer and adaptive technology for persons with special needs.
Location: ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Convention Center, Seattle
For information call WTA Access Center (206) 526-1240.

April 28 & 29, 1995
Health Sciences Open House -- "Discover Your Health"
Health exhibits to fascinate and inform visitors.
Location: ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, Seattle
Phone Marilyn Hayes, (206) 543-3620, for information.

May 6, 1995
Preparing for the Transition to College
Workshop for students with disabilities, teachers and parents to learn about strategies and resources for preparation.
Location: ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´, Seattle
Time: 9am - 4pm
For information contact DO-IT at  (206) 685-DOIT (685-3648); e-mail

May 10, 1995
Neuroscience Workshop
A morning plenary session followed by a pizza and pop lunch and afternoon workshops where participants can read friends' brainwaves or follow pulsating blood through cranial vessels.
Location: Seattle Sheraton Hotel;
Time: 9:00am - 2:30pm
For information contact with attention Karen O'Brien in Subject Line, or (206) 621-9000.

May 17-19, 1995
President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities
For anyone interested in promoting employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Location: Convention Center, Portland, Oregon
For information call (202) 376-6200; TDD (202) 376-6205.

May 18, 1995
Teleconference: Creating a World of Opportunity
Use of adaptive hardware/software for people with disabilities.
For information contact DO-IT (206) 685-DOIT (685-3648); e-mail

June 9-14, 1995
Brings together people who use, develop and deliver rehabilitation and assistive technologies.
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
For more information, contact RESNA, (703)524-6686.

June 14-17, 1995
Postsecondary Learning Disability Training Institute
Service providers of college students with learning disabilities explore legal issues, learning strategies, support for employment and building awareness.
Location: University of Connecticut
For more information, contact the Conneticut Postsecondary Disability Technical Assistance Center, University of CT, 249 Glenbrook Road, U-64, Storrs, CT 06269-2064; (203)486-0163; FAX (203)486-5037.

July 19-22, 1995
Association on Higher Education and Disability, 18th International Conference
For disabled student services staff at postsecondary institutions.
Location: San Jose, California
For more information, contact Ward Newmeyer, AHEAD U95, Office of the Chancellor, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1500; (510)643-5116.

August 2-4, 1995
CSUN's "Virtual Reality and Persons with Disabilities"
International conference about virtual reality & people with disabilities.
Location: San Francisco, California
For more information, contact Center on Disabilities (818) 885-2578.