Spring Transition Events-ÌÇÐÄÔ´´
Spring is a busy time for high school seniors, as many are planning their transition to college or a career. Events are held to assist students with these significant life changes. Even though the majority of event attendees are seniors, it is a good idea for sophomores to attend and begin planning early!
The second annual Postsecondary Transition Fair, hosted by Highline School District, was held at the Occupational Skills Center in SeaTac, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. Attendees rotated through different sessions that provided information to prepare students for their transition after high school.
DO-IT staff delivered a presentation discussing the differences between high school and college. They emphasized the laws that apply in postsecondary education. Some students were surprised to learn that Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 guarantee access for individuals with disabilities, but do not necessarily guarantee success. Staff stressed the importance of students' self-determination and self-advocacy during the transition from high school to college.
DO-IT staff also presented to students and parents at the Snohomish County Transition Fair at Everett Community College in ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. The interactive session focused on the transition from high school to college. A former DO-IT Scholar shared her college transition experience. Following the presentation, the Scholar was on hand to share resources and answer questions at the DO-IT booth.
These outreach activities were funded by the National Science Foundation as a part of the AccessSTEM project. For more information on the transition to college for students with disabilities, consult the following video and publication:
- College: You Can DO-IT!
www.washington.edu/doit/videos/index.php?vid=5 - Preparing for College: An Online Tutorial